- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Frank Brisard,Jan-Ola Ostman,Jef Verschueren编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787544637374
- 页数:308 页
Introduction&Frank Brisard 1
1.Theories of grammar 2
2.Topics in pragmatics 9
3.Naturalizing grammar 12
Constructional analysis&Kiki Nikiforidou 16
1.Construction grammar and pragmatic analysis 16
2.The pragmatics of grammar 17
3.Extending the scope:Conventional pragmatics and conventional discourse 21
4.Constructions in grammaticalization 26
5.Summary and prospects 28
Control phenomena&Benjamin Lyngfelt 33
1.Introduction 33
2.Complement control-object clauses 35
2.1 Control shift 36
2.2 Other kinds of complement control 37
3.Adjunct control 38
4.Arbitrary control 40
5.Less discussed control patterns 43
5.1 Control in noun phrases and adjective phrases 43
5.2 Indirect control 45
5.3 Some other control relations 46
6.Outlook 47
Definiteness&Ritva Laury 50
1.Definite descriptions and reference 50
2.Definiteness and identifiability 52
3.Choice between types of definite expressions 55
4.Definiteness and grammar 59
5.Definiteness marking 60
6.Development of definiteness 61
7.Conclusion 62
Emergent grammar&Marja-Liisa Helasvuo 66
1.Introduction 66
2.Routinization and the emergence of grammar 67
3.Emergent grammar within linguistics 70
Frame analysis&Branca Telles Ribeiro & Susan M.Hoyle 74
1.Introduction 74
2.Whatare frames? 74
3.Frame and context in interaction 77
4.Frame andfooting 79
5.Framing and nonverbal communication 80
6.Framing in everyday talk 80
7.Framing in play 82
8.Framing and institutional discourse 83
8.1 Framing and education 84
8.2 Framing and medicine 84
9.Perspectives for future research 86
Functional Discourse Grammar:pragmatic aspects&Mike Hannay & Kees Hengeveld 91
1.Introduction 91
2.Outline of the model 91
2.1 FDG and verbal interaction 91
2.2 The architecture of FDG 92
2.3 Levels and layers 94
3.The interpersonal level 95
4.Discourse Acts and the relations between them 96
4.1 Introduction 96
4.2 Rhetorical functions 97
4.3 Illocution 102
5.Subacts and the relations between them 105
5.1 Introduction 105
5.2 Pragmatic functions 106
5.3 Ascription and Reference 111
6.Conclusion 114
Generative semantics&James D.McCawley? 117
1.The history of generative semantics 117
2.Tenets of GS 121
2.1 Against deep structure 121
2.2 Derivational constraints 123
2.3 Context and acceptability 123
2.4 Pragmatics integrated in semantics 123
2.5 The status oflogic 124
2.6 'Transformations' 125
2.7 The'base' 126
3.Pragmatics in GS 126
Iconicity&El?bieta Tabakowska 129
1.Introduction 129
2.History 129
3.Iconicity we live by:The state of the art 133
3.1 Iconicity as interpretation 133
3.2 Principles of iconicity 134
3.3 Types of iconicity 136
3.4 Areas of research 139
4.Perspectives 142
Information structure&Jeanette K.Gundel & ThorsteinFretheim 146
1.Introduction 146
2.What is information structure? 147
2.1 Referential givenness/newness 147
2.2 Relational givenness/newness—Topic-focus structure 148
3.How do languages express information structure? 150
3.1 Information structure and sentence intonation 150
3.2 Information structure and morphosyntax 153
4.The grammar-pragmatics interface 155
Mental spaces&Todd Oakley 161
1.Meanings are not"in"the words themselves 161
2.What are mental spaces? 162
3.Role and value in reference 165
4.Other features of mental spaces theory 166
4.1 Elements,relations,frames 166
4.2 Space builders 167
5. Spaces and the problems of reference,ambiguity,and presupposition 168
5.1 Referential opacity 168
5.2 Pragmatic ambiguity 169
5.3 Presupposition and optimization 169
6.Mental spaces and perspective in conditionals,counterfactuals,and deixis 171
6.1 Conditionals and counterfactuals 171
6.2 Deictic expressions 172
7.Mental spaces and discourse management 174
8.Conclusion 177
Modality&Ferenc Kiefer 179
1.Introduction 179
2.Modality in logic 179
3.Necessity and possibility in linguistics 181
3.1 Epistemic modality 182
3.2 Deontic modality 184
3.3 Some further types of modality 185
3.4 The linguistic tradition 188
4.Evidentials 190
5.A possible synthesis 192
6.Syntactic treatments of modality 194
7.Modality and pragmatics 197
7.1 Two readings of'possible' 197
7.2 The illocutionary meaning of modal verbs 197
7.3 Deontic speech acts 199
7.4 Ability and possibility 200
7.5 Modality and grammaticalization 201
8.Prospects 203
Negation&Matti Miestamo 208
1.Scope of negation 208
2.Markedness of negation 210
3.The expression of negation in the world's languages 214
4.Negative polarity items 219
5.Negation and scalarity 220
6.Metalinguistic negation 221
7.Negative transport 223
8.Negation in diachrony 224
9.The acquisition of negation 226
Prague school&Petr Sgall 230
1.Historical overview 230
2.Main concepts and fields of research 232
3.Prague functionalism and pragmatics 235
Role and Reference Grammar&Robert D.Van Valin,Jr. 239
1.Introduction 239
2.Historical background 239
3.Central concepts 240
3.1 Clause structure 240
3.2 Semantic structure 242
3.3 Focus structure 245
3.4 Grammatical relations and linking 245
4.Some implications of RRG 247
Semantics vs.pragmatics&Ken Turner 250
1.Fregean beginnings 250
2.Fromthenuntilnow 250
3.Current manoeuvres:(Neo-(Post-))Gricean pragmatics 253
3.1 Relevance Theory 254
3.2 The Least Effort Hypothesis 254
3.3 The Q-,I-and M-Principles Hypothesis 255
3.4 Pragmatic intrusion 257
4.Current manoeuvres:(Neo-(Post-))Kaplanean semantics 259
5.Postscript:The logical basis of the semantics-pragmatics interface 263
6.Conclusion 263
Tense and aspect&Robert Ⅰ.Binnick 268
1.The semantics of markers of tense and/or aspect 268
1.1 Tense 268
1.2 Aspect 268
1.3 Aktionsart 269
1.4 Underspecification and the pragmatics of tense and aspect 270
2.Discourse functions in MTA choice 272
2.1 Genre 272
2.2 Focalization 272
2.3 Function 274
3.Discourse coherence in the interpretation of MTAs 274
3.1 Discourse coherence 274
3.2 The linguistic level 275
3.3 The intentionallevel 278
3.4 The attentional level 283
Wordorder&Mirjam Fried 289
1.Syntactic typology 289
2.Pragmatic functions of word order 290
3.Cognitive correlates of theme/rheme notions 293
4.Word order in grammatical descriptions and linguistic theory 294
5.Diachronic perspective 296
6.Concluding remarks 297
Index 301
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