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基础英语教程  2
基础英语教程  2

基础英语教程 2PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:晏奎,王永梅主编;韦静,段芸,朱晓烽,左嘉,但巍,黄敏,罗家琼,蒋宇红,MARTHAPATTON编
  • 出 版 社:重庆:重庆大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2014
  • ISBN:9787562480709
  • 页数:243 页
图书介绍:本册为《基础英语教程》第二册,选文以科技、人文、生活、英美文化、世界文明为主,材料新颖、内容健康、语言地道、启发性强。本册共12个单元,每个单元由四大部分组成:阅读理解(含Pre?reading Tasks、Text、Notes to the Text、Comprehension Tasks)、语言能力(含词法、句法)、技能训练、拓展练习(含Further Work、Learning to Learn、Self Assessment)。通过本册的学习和训练,力求使学生在知识、技能、文化、情感、策略五个方面获得进步和提高。
《基础英语教程 2》目录

Unit 1 1

Pre-reading Tasks 1

Text:Alienation and the Internet 1

Linguistic Competence 5

Skill Development 9

Supplementary Reading:Technology Rewrites the Book 12

Further Work 16

Learning to Learn:Analyze Compound Words 16

Self-Assessment 17

Unit 2 18

Pre-reading Tasks 18

Text:Do You Speak Body Language? 18

Linguistic Competence 22

Skill Development 27

Supplementary Reading:The"Eyes"Have It:The Fundamentals of Eye Contact 30

Further Work 32

Learning to Learn:Using Mime and Gesture 33

Self-Assessment 33

Unit 3 34

Pre-reading Tasks 34

Text:Liverpool 34

Linguistic Competence 41

Skill Development 45

Supplementary Reading:Canterbury 48

Further Work 51

Learning to Learn:Repeating 52

Self-Assessment 52

Unit 4 54

Pre-reading Tasks 54

Text:A Clean,Well-Lighted Place 54

Linguistic Competence 60

Skill Development 65

Supplementary Reading:Ernest Hemingway:Author,Adventurer,Gambler 66

Further Work 70

Learning to Learn:Practicing Naturalistically 70

Self-Assessment 71

Unit 5 72

Pre-reading Tasks 72

Text:The Caravan 72

Linguistic Competence 77

Skill Development 83

Supplementary Reading:The Homeless 86

Further Work 89

Learning to Leam:Using Laughter 90

Self-Assessment 91

Unit 6 92

Pre-reading Tasks 92

Text:Rome'S Pantheon:A Grand Survivor in a Timeless City 93

Linguistic Competence 99

Skill Development 104

Supplementary Reading:The Greek Theatre 107

Further Work 111

Learning to Learn:Using Resources for Receiving and Sending Messages 112

Self-Assessment 112

Unit 7 114

Pre-reading Tasks 114

Text:The Battle against Beauty and Truth 114

Linguistic Competence 119

Skill Development 125

Supplementary Reading:For the Pennsylvania Dutch,a Long Tradition Fades 127

Further Work 130

Learning to Learn:Selecting the Topic 131

Self-Assessment 132

Unit 8 133

Pre-reading Tasks 133

Text:The Design of Your Life 133

Linguistic Competence 138

Skill Development 144

Supplementary Reading:Design——the Next Frontier 147

Further Work 151

Learning to Learn:Translating 152

Self-Assessment 153

Unit 9 155

Pre-reading Tasks 155

Text:Using a Discipline System to Promote Learning 155

Linguistic Competence 160

Skill Development 166

Supplementary Reading:Teacher and Students Scale the Heights 169

Further Work 172

Learning to Leam:Paying Attention 173

Self-Assessment 174

Unit 10 175

Pre-reading Tasks 175

Text:The Bloody Crossroads of Grammar and Politics 175

Linguistic Competence 183

Skill Development 190

Supplementary Reading:People Who Become Words 192

Further Work 196

Learning to Learn:Adjusting or Approximating the Message 198

Self-Assessment 199

Unit 11 200

Pre-reading Tasks 200

Text:Laughing Out Loud 200

Linguistic Competence 205

Skill Development 213

Supplementary Reading:Land Pollution 215

Further Work 218

Learning to Learn:Switching to Chinese 219

Self-Assessment 219

Unit 12 220

Pre-reading Tasks 220

Text:Reconsidering King Lear 220

Linguistic Competence 226

Skill Development 233

Supplementary Reading:Dense Mina and the Rise of Scottish Detective Fiction 236

Further Work 240

Learning to Learn:Getting Help 242

Self-Assessment 242
