北京猿人80周年纪念 第14届垂杨介与她的邻居们国际学术研讨会PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:高星,李隆助主编
- 出 版 社:北京:海洋出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787502785635
- 页数:198 页
Session Ⅰ Chairpersons:Nikolay DROZDOV and Michael JOCHIM 3
Yung-jo LEE and Jong-yoon WOO(Institute of Korean Prehistory Korea)Suyanggae:Why so Important(Ⅲ)-with Focus on Handaxe 3
GAO Xing(Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology,CAS)On Some Theoretical Approaches to Paleolithic Research in China 有关中国旧石器时代文化特点的理论探讨 12
LI Feng1,2,CHEN Fu-you1,GAO Xing1,LIU De-cheng1,WANG Hui3 and ZHANG Dong-ju4(1Laboratory of Human Evolution,Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleanthropology,CAS,2 Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,3 Gansu Provincial Institute of Archaeology,4 Lanzhou University Research School of Arid Environ-ment & Climate Change,China)A Report of Investigation and Excavation at Shuiluo and Qingshui River Valley in Gansu Province in 2009 甘肃省2009年水洛河、清水河流域旧石器调查和发掘 24
WANG Wei(Natural History Museum of Guangxi,China)Mid-Pleistocene Bifacial Tools at Fengshudao Site in West Bose Basin,South China 36
Asok DATTA(Department of Archaeology,University of Calcutta,West-Bengal,India)Understanding Environment and Cultural Adaptation in Acheulian,West-Bengal 38
Session Ⅱ Chairpersons:Hyeong-woo LEE and Masao AMBIRU 55
Ran BARKAI and Avi GOPHER(Department of Archaeology,Tel-Aviv University,Israel)Between Acheulian and Mousterian in the Levant:Recent Discoveries from Qesem Cave,Israel 55
JIN Changzhu,LIU Wu,WANG Yuan and ZHANG YingQi(Key Laboratory of Evolution-ary Systematics of Vertebrates,Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology,CAS,Beijing)The Research Progress on Gigantopithecus Faunas and Modern Human Evolution from Chongzuo,Guangxi,South China 71
LI Zhanyang(The Cultural Relics and Archaeology Research Institute of Henan Province,Chi-na)Archaeological Excavation at the Paleolithic Lingjing Site in Xuchang,Henan 灵井“许昌人”遗址研究概述 79
Ki-dong BAE,Chuimin LEE and Semi CHUNG(The Korean Nat'l.Univ of Cultural Herit-age and Hangyang Univ.,Korea)New Handaxes from the Jangnamgyo Site and Implication to the Handaxe Tradition of the Hantan-Imjin River Basin,Korea 88
Marcel OTTE(Université de Liège,Belgium)Long Evolution Processes in Palaeolithic China 97
Session Ⅲ Chairpersons:Lucyna DOMANSKA and WANG Wei 115
Nikolay DROZDOV(Krasnoyarsk state pedagogical university,Laboratory of archeology and paleogeography,Institute of archeology and ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Rus-sian Academy of Science of Middle Siberia,Russia)Setting and ways of the most Ancient Migrations,Middle Siberia 115
Evgeny ARTEMYEV(Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P.Astafiev Krasnoyarsk,Russia)Specialized Household Complexes in Late Paleolithic of Middle Siberia 126
Gi-kil LEE(Dept.of History,Chosun University,Gwangju,Korea)Preliminary Report of Dasan Paleolithic Site in Southwestern Korea 129
Masao AMBIRU(Dept.of Archaeology Faculty of Arts and Letters,Meiji Univ.,Japan)The Paleolithic Cultural Corridor around the Sea of Japan and Obsidian Road 138
CHEN Quan-jia1,ZHAO Hai-long2,FANG Qi and LI You-qian3(1Research Center of Chi-nese Frontier Archaeology of Jilin University,Changchun,China,2Jilin Provincial Institute of Archaeology,Changchun,China)Preliminary Study on Stone Artifacts from Dadong Site in Helong City,Jilin Prov-ince 152
Session Ⅳ Chairpersons:Yung-jo LEE and Changzhu JIN 157
Michael JOCHIM(Dept.of Anthropology,Univ.of California,Santa Barbara,Calif.,USA)Environmental Change and the European Palaeolithic 157
Marcel KORNFELD1 and Mary Lou LARSON2(1Frison Institute,Univ.of Wyoming,Dept.,U.S.A.;2 1000 East University Avenue,Laramie,U.S.A.)An Early North American use of a Rockshelter:Two Moon,Bighorn Range,Wyo-ming 170
Lucyna DOMANSKA and Seweryn RZEPECKI(Institute of Archaeology,University of Lodz,Poland)Acculturation or Co-operation? Two Models of Contacts between the Mesolithic Hunters and Neolithic Farmers 182
Hyeong-woo LEE(Chonbuk University,Korea)The Early PPS Man from China 191
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