Textbook of histology and embryologyPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:高英茂主编
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7030165802
- 页数:583 页
Chapter 1 Histology and Its Methods of Study 1
Preparation of Tissues for Microscopic Examination 1
Microscopy 3
Cell and Tissue Culture 9
Histochemistry and Cytochemistry 10
Detection Methods Using HighAffinity Interactions Between Molecules 13
Problems in the Interpretation of Tissue Sections 18
Chapter 2 Epithelial Tissue 20
General Biology of Epithelial Tissues 20
Types of Epithelia 20
Glands 26
Specializations of the Cell Surface 34
Chapter 3 Connective Tissue Proper 44
Loose Connective Tissue 44
Dense Connective Tissue 64
Reticular Tissue 65
Mucous Tissue 67
Adipose Tissue 67
Chapter 4 Cartilage and Bone 71
Cartilage 71
Bone 75
Histogenesis of Bone 81
Chapter 5 Blood and Hematopoiesis 89
Plasma 90
Blood Cells 90
Hematopoiesis 102
Chapter 6 Muscle Tissue 116
Skeletal Muscle 116
Cardiac Muscle 128
Smooth Muscle 130
Chapter 7 Nerve Tissue 134
Neurons 134
Synapse 140
Glial Cells 143
Nerve Fibers and Nerves 146
Nerve Endings 149
Neuronal Plasticity and Neural Stem Cells 155
Chapter 8 The Nervous System 157
Cerebral Cortex 157
Cerebellar Cortex 160
Spinal Cord 163
Ganglia 164
Meninges 165
Blood-Brain Barrier 166
Choroid Plexus and Cerebrospinal Fluid 167
Chapter 9 The Circulatory System 168
Capillaries 168
Structural Features of Blood Vessels 171
Arteries 173
Veins 177
Microvasculature 178
Heart 181
Lymphatic Vascular System 184
Chapter 10 The Immune System 186
Basic Concepts 187
Thymus 194
Lymph Nodes 198
Spleen 202
Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tissue 207
Tonsils 210
Chapter 11 Skin and Skin Appendages 211
Epidermis 211
Dermis 215
Subcutaneous Tissue(Hypodermis) 216
Skin Appendages 216
Chapter 12 The Endochrine System 222
General aspects of endocrine system 222
Thyroid 222
Parathyroid Glands 225
Adrenal Glands 228
Hypophysis 234
Pineal Gland 242
Chapter 13 The Digestive Tract 244
General Structure of the Digestive Tract 244
Oral Cavity 245
Esophagus 251
Stomach 251
Small Intestine 259
Large Intestine 267
Cell Renewal in the Gastrointestinal Tract 268
Appendix 268
Cancer of the Digestive Tract 269
Chapter 14 The Digestive Glands 271
Salivary Gland 271
Pancreas 274
Liver 277
Gallbladder 288
Chapter 15 The Respiratory System 290
Respiratory Epithelium 290
Nasal Cavity 292
Larynx 294
Trachea and Primary Bronchus 294
Lungs 295
Pulmonary Lymphatic Vessels 308
Chapter 16 Eye and Ear 310
Eye 310
Ear 325
Chapter 17 The Urinary System 331
Kidneys 331
Ureters 348
Urinary Bladder 349
Chapter 18 The Male Reproductive System 351
Testes 351
Genital Ducts 362
Accessory Genital Glands 364
Penis 366
Chapter 19 The Female Reproductive System 368
Ovaries 368
Oviducts 377
Uterus 379
Vagina 384
Mammary Glands 385
Chapter 20 Introduction to Embryology 388
Historical Background 388
Embryology 388
Special Fields in Embryology 389
Embryology in Contemporary Society 390
Fundamental Concepts in Development 392
Methods Used In The Study Of Embryonic Development 399
Chapter 21 General Embryology 407
Gametogenesis and Ovulation 407
Fertilization 413
Cleavage and Formation of the Blastula 418
Implantation 419
Formation and Evolution of Decidua 422
Development and Evolution of Chorionic Villi 424
Development of Germ Layers 425
Differentiation of Three Germ Layers 428
Placenta and Fetal Membranes 439
Twins,Multiple Births,Conjoined Twins 449
Estimation of age and methods of measuring embryos 451
Chapter 22 Development of the Head,Neck,and Limbs 455
Early Organization of the Head and Neck Region 455
Evolution of the Branchial Arches,Branchial Clefts,and Pharyngeal Pouches 456
Development of the Tongue 459
Development of the Thyroid Gland 460
Development of the Salivary Glands 460
Formation of the Face,Jaws and Nasal Chambers 461
Development of the Palate 464
Development of Teeth 465
Limb Development 468
Common Malformations of the Face,Neck,and Limbs 471
Chapter 23 Development of the Digestive and Respiratory Systems 474
Development of Digestive System 474
Development of the Respiratory System 483
Chapter 24 Development of the Urogenital System 488
Development of the Urinary System 488
The Development of the Reproductive System 495
Chapter 25 Development of the Circulatory System 506
Establishment of the Primordial Cardiovascular System 506
Development of the Heart 506
Derivatives of the Aortic Arches 516
Fetal Blood Circulation and Changes in the Circulation after Birth 518
Congenital Defects of the Cardiovascular System 520
Chapter 26 Development of the Nervous System 526
Development of Neural Tube and Neural Crest and Differentiation of Neuroepithelium 526
Development of Spinal Cord 530
Development of Brain 532
Development of Ganglion and Peripheral Nerve 538
Development of Hypophysis 539
Common Malformations of Nervous System 541
Chapter 27 Development of Eye and Ear 542
Development of Eye 542
Development of Ear 549
Chapter 28 Development of the Integumentary System 555
Development of Skin 555
Sebaceous Glands 556
Sweat Glands 556
Hair 556
Mammary Glands 557
Congenital Anomalies 557
English-Chinese Index 559
Chinese-English Index 572
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