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  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(美)罗宾逊(Robinson,D.)著
  • 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7560059473
  • 页数:317 页
图书介绍:道格拉斯·罗宾逊(Douglas Robinson)是当代西方译学界一位相当活跃、也相当有影响的翻译理论家,其研究视野开阔,涉及面广,且少受任何理论流派的约束。罗宾逊著述甚丰,著有《翻译与禁忌》(Translation and Taboo,1996)、《何谓翻译?》(What is Translation? 1997)、《西方翻译理论:从希罗多德到尼采》(Western Translation Theory From Herododus to Nietzsche,1997)、《翻译与帝国》(Translation and Empire, 1997)、《成为一名翻译家》(Becoming a Translator:an accelerated course,1997)、《谁在翻译?——超越理性论译者的主体性》(Who Translates?——translator subjectivities beyond reason, 2001)等近十本与译学理论有关的著作。此外,他还编写过不少词典、教材和文选。目前已绝版的《译者登场》(The Translator’s Turn,1991)是他在翻
标签:译者 登场

Part One Dialogical Bodies 3

Chapter One The Somatics of Translation 3

The Somatics of Language 3

The Idiosomatics of Translation 15

The Ideosomatics of Translation 29

Dualism 38

Instrumentalism 50

Perfectionism 54

Chapter Two The Dialogics of Translation 65

Paradigm Shifts in Translation Theory 65

Martin Luther 69

Goethe and Luther 75

The Entrepreneurial Translator 80

Romantic Redemption 88

Martin Buber 92

Dialogue contra Dualism 101

Dialogue contra Instrumentalism 109

Dialogue contra Perfectionism 117

Part Two Dialogical Turns 127

Chapter Three The Tropics of Translation 127

The Dramatics of Translation 127

Six Master Tropes 133

Metonymy 141

Synecdoche 152

Metaphor 159

Irony 167

Hyperbole 175

Metalepsis 181

Chapter Four The Ethics of Translation 194

Versions 194

Vertical Ethics 197

Introversion and Extroversion 203

Conversion and Advertising 209

Reversion 217

Subversion 223

Perversion 232

Aversion 239

Diversion 249

Conversation 256

Conclusion 259

Notes 261

Works Cited 297

Index 309
