- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:马建军主编;蔡晓燕,郑凌娟,庄晴编者
- 出 版 社:武汉:武汉大学出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:7307057050
- 页数:366 页
Section Ⅰ Fiction·Novel 1
A-1:The Adventures of Tom Sanyer,Mark Twain 4
The Author's Life and Career 4
Selected Reading:The Adventures of Tom Sawyer(Chapter 2) 7
A-2:Alice's Adventures in Wonderland,Lewis Carroll 18
The Auther's Life and Career 18
Selected Rdading:Alice's Adventures in Wonderland,(Chapter 7) 21
A-3:Pride and Prejudice,Jane Austen 31
The Auther's Life and Career 31
Selected Reading:Pride and Rrejudice(Vol.1—Chapters 1&22) 34
B-1:Invisible Man,Ralph Ellison 46
The Author's Life and Career 46
Selected Reading:Invisible Man(Chapter 1) 49
B-2:Wuthering Heights,Emily Brontё 59
The Author's Life and Career 59
Selected Reading:Wuthering Heights(Chapter 1) 62
B-3:Great Gatsby,F.Scott Fitzgerald 74
The Author's Life and Career 74
Selected Reading:The Great Gatsby(Chapter 3) 77
Section Ⅱ Fiction·Short Story 95
A-1:The Gift of the Magi,O.Henry 95
The Author's Life and Career 95
Text Reading:The Gift of the Magi 98
A-2:Indian Camp,Ernest Hemingway 108
The Author's Life and Career 108
Text Reading:The Indian Camp 112
A-3:The Story of an Hour,Kate Chopin 119
The Author's Life and Career 119
Text Reading:The Story ofan Hour 121
B-1:The Ramsom ofRed Chief,O. Henry 127
The Author's Life and Career 127
Text Reading:The Ransom ofRed Chief 127
B-2:The Egg,Sherwood Anderson 148
The Author's Life and Career 148
Text Reading:The Egg 150
B-3:The Fly,Katherine Mansfield 167
The Author's Life and Career 167
Text Reading:The Fly 168
Section Ⅲ Poetry 179
A-1:Sonnet 73,William Shakespeare 181
The Author's Life and Career 181
Text Reading:Sonnet 73 183
A-2:A Red,Red Rose,Robert Burns 185
The Author's Life and Career 185
Text Reading:A Red,Red Rose 186
A-3:The Solitary Reaper,William Wordsworth 188
The Author's Life and Career 188
Text Reading:The Solitary Reaper 189
A-4:Break,Break,Break,Alfred Tennyson 192
The Author's Life and Career 192
Text Reading:Break,Break,Break 193
A-5:O Captain,My Captain,Walt Whitman 195
The Author's Life and Career 195
Text Reading:O Captain,My Captain! 196
A-6:Hope Is the Thing with Feathers,Emily Dickinson 198
The Author's Life and Career 198
Text Reading:“Hope”is the thing with feathers 199
A-7:The Lake Isle of Innisfree,William Butler Yeats 201
The Author's Life and Career 201
Text Reading:The Lake Isle of Innisfree 202
A-8:Birches,Robert Lee Frost 203
The Author's Life and Career 203
Text Reading:Birches 205
A-9:The Red Wheelbarrow,Between Walls,William Carlos Williams 209
The Author's Life and Career 209
Text Reading:The Red Wheelbarrow 210
Text Reading:Between Walls 211
A-10:Mirror,Sylvia Plath 213
The Author's Life and Career 213
Text Reading:Mirror 214
A-11:Hawk Roosting,Ted Hughes 215
The Author's Life and Career 215
Text Reading:Hawk Roosting 216
A-12:Novella,Adrienne Rich 218
The Author's Life and Career 218
Text Reading:Novella 219
B-1:Easter Wings,George Herbert 220
The Author's Life and Career 220
Text Reading:Easter Wings 221
B-2:Infant Joy,Infant Sorrow,William Blake 223
The Author's Life and Career 223
Text Reading:Infant Joy 224
Text Reading:Infant Sorrow 225
B-3:On the Grasshopper and the Cricket,John Keats 226
The Author's Life and Career 226
Text Reading:On the Grasshopper and the Cricket 227
B-4:Annabel Lee,Edgar Allan Poe 228
The Author's Life and Career 228
Text Reading:Annabel Lee 230
B-5:Because I Could Not Stop for Death,Emily Dickinson 232
Text Reading:Because I Could Not Stop for Death 232
B-6:When Your Are Old,William Butler Yeats 234
Text Reading:When You Are Old 234
B-7:Helen,Hilda Doolittle 235
The Author's Life and Career 235
Text Reading:Helen 236
B-8:The Road Not Taken,Robert Frost 238
Text Reading:The Road Not Taken 238
B-9:Ars Poetica,Archibald Macleish 239
The Author's Life and Career 239
Text Reading:Ars Poetica 240
B-10:A Blessing,James Wright 242
The Author's Life and Career 242
Text Reading:A Blessing 243
B-11:The Thought-Fox,Ted Hughes 245
Text Reading:The Thought-Fox 245
B-12:There Is a Girl Inside,Lucille Clifton 247
The Author's Life and Career 247
Text Reading:There Is a Girl Inside 248
B-13:I Go Back to May 1937,Sharon Olds 249
The Author's Life and Career 249
Text Reading:I Go Back to May 1937 250
Section Ⅳ Plays 253
Text-1:Waitingfor Godot(Act 1),Samuel Beckett 255
The Author's Life and Career 255
Selected Reading:Waitingfor Godot 259
Text-2:Flight into Danger(Act 1),Arthur Hailey 279
The Author's Life and Career 279
Selected Reading:Flight into Danger 282
Section Ⅴ Myths and Biblical Stories 305
Text-1:The Old Testament 306
Selected Reading:Genesis 312
Text-2:Greco-Roman Myth 321
Selected Reading:Ⅰ.Psyche and Eros 326
Ⅱ.Orpheus 330
Literary Terms 337
References 363
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