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  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:刘倩著
  • 出 版 社:济南:山东教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2008
  • ISBN:9787532860760
  • 页数:299 页

Chapter 1 Introduction 1

1 The necessity of distinguishing between ESL and EFL2 1

2 Features of current English teaching in China4 1

3 The purpose and organization of the book7 1

Chapter 2 Language Teaching Approaches and English Teach-ing in China 2

1 The Grammar-Translation Approach10 2

2 The Direct Approach13 2

3 The Audio-lingual Approach15 2

4 The Situational Approach18 2

5 Total Physical Response20 2

6 The Communicative Approach22 2

7 Task-Based Language Teaching25 2

Chapter 3 Guidel ines for EFL Classroom Teaching 3

1 Clarifying the status of English in China28 3

2 Input,intake and output32 3

3 Focusing on both meaning and form37 3

4 Cultural awareness 40 3

5 Integrating skills47 3

6 Class organization50 3

Chapter 4 Teaching Listening 4

1 Causes of listening comprehension difficulty53 4

2 Theories of listening and language comprehension54 4

3 Principles for teaching listening57 4

4 Types of listening activities60 4

5 Developing listening activities62 4

Chapter 5 Teaching Speaking 5

1 Communicative competence72 5

2 The concept of fluency74 5

3 The phases of training speaking75 5

4 Speaking activities78 5

5 Topics for practicing speaking94 5

Chapter 6 Teaching Reading 6

1 The aims of teaching reading98 6

2 The knowledge required for reading comprehension100 6

3 The interactive process of reading101 6

4 Methods of teaching reading103 6

Chapter 7 Teaching Writing 7

1 The role of writing in language learning162 7

2 The aims of teaching writing164 7

3 Approaches to teaching writing170 7

4 Techniques for teaching writing178 7

5 Correcting students'writing221 7

Chapter 8 Teaching Grammar 8

1 The status of grammar in English learning225 8

2 The grammar framework229 8

3 Presenting grammatical items232 8

4 Practising grammar245 8

5 Sentence analysis252 8

6 Error analysis257 8

Chapter 9 Teaching Vocabulary 9

1 The aims of learning vocabulary262 9

2 Issues concerning vocabulary teaching and learning265 9

3 Techniques for presenting word meaning268 9

4 Consolidating vocabulary274 9

5 Vocabulary and extensive reading278 9

Chapter 10 A Few Issues in English Teaching and Learning 10

1 Flexibility in teaching280 10

2 Cooperative learning283 10

3 Rote learning287 10
