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  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:北京大学全球卫生研究中心主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:世界知识出版社
  • 出版年份:2013
  • ISBN:9787501245147
  • 页数:323 页

中非艾滋病预防和控制合作研究 1

导言 1

一、背景 4

二、中非艾滋病防治现状 6

三、既往中非艾滋病防治合作情况 19

四、全球主要合作伙伴对非洲的支持 20

五、对加强中非艾滋病领域合作的建议 24

致谢 29

附件1 中国生产的艾滋病相关卫生产品的概况 30

附件2 撒哈拉以南非洲国家艾滋病应对效果分析 33

参考文献 34

China-Africa Cooperation on the Prevention and Control of AIDS 36

Acronyms 36

Introduction 38

Ⅰ.Background 43

Ⅱ.Current Status of AIDS Response in China and Africa 46

Ⅲ.Past Experiences of China-Africa Cooperation 65

Ⅳ.Global Partnership in Africa 68

Ⅴ.Suggestions on Strengthening China-Africa Cooperation on AIDS 73

Acknowledgements 81

Annex 1 AIDS Related Health Products from China 82

Annex 2 Effectiveness Analysis on AIDS Response in Sub-Saharan African Countries 87

Reference 90

通过中非卫生合作加强非洲国家生殖健康服务体系 92

一、导言 92

二、背景和理由 93

三、研究策略 107

四、预期成果、指标和活动 109

附录 由GMP/FDA-GMP认可的中国生殖健康医疗产品 113

Strengthening the Reproductive Health Systems in African Countries Through China-Africa Health Cooperation 115

Ⅰ.Introduction 115

Ⅱ.Background and Justification 116

Ⅲ.Research Strategy 140

Ⅳ.Expected Results,Indicators and Activities 143

Appendix China's Reproductive Health Medical Products Recognized by GMP/FDA-GMP 148

中非血吸虫病合作思考与展望 150

一、背景 150

二、中非间血吸虫病控制方面的合作历史 152

三、非洲在血吸虫病控制方面的挑战与需求 154

四、中国在加强中非合作伙伴关系方面的潜在机遇和可能的贡献 160

五、提高可持续性发展和能力建设的合作研究 166

六、试点国家的选择标准 167

七、非洲的试验计划(2015—2020) 167

致谢 169

Analysis and Prospects of China-Africa Collaboration on Schistosomiasis Control 170

Glossary 170

Ⅰ.Background 172

Ⅱ.Cooperation in Schistosomiasis Control Between China and Africa in the Past 175

Ⅲ.Challenges and Needs for Schistosomiasis Control in Africa 178

Ⅳ.China's Potential Opportunities and Possible Contribution in Strengthening Sino-Africa Partnership 186

Ⅴ.Cooperation Research to Improve Sustainability and Capacity Building 197

Ⅵ.Selection Criteria ofPilot Countries 199

Ⅶ.The Proposed Pilot Programme inAfrica(2015-2020) 199

Acknowledgement 201

Annex 1 Criteria of Schistosomiasis Control and Prevention in P.R.China 202

Annex 2 Description ofAssays Used in Schistosomiasis Contr01 203

Annex 3 Schistosomiasis Control Programme Activities in Africa 204

中非疟疾防治合作回顾与前瞻 206

缩写 206

一、背景 207

二、中非间疟疾控制的合作与交流 208

三、非洲疟疾控制方面的需求与挑战 210

四、中国的潜在贡献与发展伙伴关系的机会 212

五、合作研究 214

六、试点国家的选择标准 216

七、候选国家与项目 217

八、预算概要 217

致谢 217

China-Africa Collaboration on Malaria Control and Elimination 218

Abbreviations 218

Ⅰ.Background 219

Ⅱ.Malaria Control and Communication Between China and Africa 222

Ⅲ.The Challenges and Needs for Malaria Control in Africa 224

Ⅳ.China's Potential Contribution and Opportunity to Enhance The Partnership 227

Ⅴ.Collaborative Research 230

Ⅵ.Selection Criteria of Pilot Countries 234

Ⅶ.Candidate Countries and Projects 234

Ⅷ.Proposed Budget 235

Acknowledgement 235

Annex 1 Anti-Malaria Centers in Africa Built by P.R.China During 2007-2009 236

中非免疫规划合作前景分析 238

导言 238

一、中国国家免疫规划的成就 239

二、中国免疫规划的主要经验 242

三、中国不断发展的疫苗研发、生产和全球供应能力 244

四、中国生物制品监管水平和检测能力正在向国际标准发展 246

五、国际组织在推进中国免疫规划方面的贡献 247

六、非洲免疫规划的情况 249

七、中非免疫规划合作的潜在领域 255

八、中非免疫规划合作的潜在挑战 257

九、中非免疫规划合作国家选择标准 259

十、中非免疫规划合作可能的项目形式 259

附件1 中国计划免疫疫苗免疫程序 260

附件2 中国生产可预防28种疾病的48种疫苗一览表 263

附件3 中国产品已达世界卫生组织预认证和五年计划 265

附件4 中国生物技术集团介绍 267

附件5 非洲国家和全球疫苗免疫联盟资助 268

Analysis of Potential Areas for China-Africa Cooperation on Immunization 269

Introduction 269

I.China's National Immunization Program:Achievements And Best Practices 272

Ⅱ.Key Lessons From China's Immunization Program 275

Ⅲ.China's Growing Capacity for Vaccine Research and Development,Production and Global Supply 279

Ⅳ.Regulation and Testing Capability for Biological Products in China Approaching International Standards 281

Ⅴ.Contributions of International Organizations in Advancing China's Immunization programs 283

Ⅵ.Africa's Immunization Landscape 285

Ⅶ.Potential Areas for China-Africa Immunization Cooperation 293

Ⅷ.Potential Challenges Around China-Africa Health Cooperation 297

Ⅸ.Country Selection Criteria for China-Africa Immunization Cooperation 299

Ⅹ.Potential Format for China-Africa Immunization Cooperation 300

Annex 1 China EPI Vaccination Schedule 302

Annex 2 Table of 48 Vaccines Against 28 Diseases Produced in China 306

Annex 3 China's Products With WHO PQ and 5 Year Plan 308

Annex 4 Introduction of China National Biotec Group(CNBG) 310

Annex 5 African Countries and GAVI Support 311

第四届中非卫生合作国际圆桌会议哈博罗内公报 312

Gaborone Communiqué 4th International Roundtable on China-Africa Health Cooperation 315
