- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:蒋磊主编;巩坚,陈延潼副主编
- 出 版 社:北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787566309464
- 页数:142 页
Project 1 An Overlook of Business Correspondence 1
Module 1 Functions and Tendency of Business Writing 1
Module 2 Basic Categories and Principles of Modem Business Writing 2
Module 3 Structure ofa Business Letter 3
Module 4 Style of a Business Letter 11
Module 5 Ways of Envelope Addressing 17
Module 6 A Brief Introduction to E-mails 19
Module 7 Extending Skills 21
1.Practicing Guide:An Introduction to Trade Documents(贸易单证介绍) 21
2.Simulating Operations:Sales Confirmation(销售确认书) 21
Module 8 Trying Your Hands 23
Project 2 Estabilishing Business Relations 27
Module 1 Channels for Obtaining Information of Potential Partners 27
Module 2 Writing Skills 28
Module 3 Case Remark 28
Module 4 Extending Skills 30
1.Practicing Guide:Commodity Inspection(商品检验) 30
2.Simulating Operations:Commodity Inspection Letters(商品检验信函) 32
Module 5 Trying Your Hands 36
Project 3 Inquiry and Reply 37
Module 1 Classification ofInquiry 37
Module 2 Writing Skills 38
Module 3 Case Remark 38
Module 4 Extending Skills 41
1.Practicing Guide:Commercial Invoice(商业发票) 41
2.Simulating Operations:Proforma Invoice (形式发票) 42
Module 5 Trying Your Hands 44
Project 4 Offers and Counter-offers 47
Module 1 Classification of Offers 47
Module 2 Writing Skills 47
Module 3 Case Remark 48
Module 4 Extending Skills 50
1.Practicing Guide:Sales Contract(销售合同) 50
2.Simulating Operations:Sales Contract (销售合同) 53
Module 5 Trying Your Hands 55
Project 5 Acceptance and Order Fulfillment 59
Module 1 Confirmation of Acceptance 59
Module 2 Writing Skills 61
Module 3 Case Remark 62
Module 4 Extending Skills 65
1.Practicing Guide:Order Writing (订单制作) 65
2.Simulating Operations:Order Writing(订单制作) 65
Module 5 Trying Your Hands 66
Project 6 Payment 69
Module 1 Payment in International Trade 69
Module 2 Letter of Credit 69
Module 3 Writing Skills 70
Module 4 Case Remark 72
Module 5 Extending Skills 75
1.Practicing Guide:Bill of Exchange/Draft(汇票) 75
2.Simulating Operations:Bill of Exchange(汇票) 76
Module 6 Trying Your Hands 79
Project 7 Delivery of Goods 85
Module 1 Packing 85
Module 2 Shipment 86
Module 3 Writing Skills 88
Module 4 Case Remark 89
Module 5 Extending Skills 91
1.Practicing Guide:Transportation Documentation(运输单据) 91
2.Simulating Operations:Packing List (装箱单) 92
Module 6 Trying Your Hands 93
Proiect 8 Insurance and Arbitration 99
Module 1 Marine Transportation Insurance 99
Module 2 Writing Skills on Insurance 102
Module 3 Arbitration and Writing Skills 109
Module 4 Case Remark 110
Module 5 Extending Skills 112
1.Practicing Guide:Insurance Policy (保险单) 112
2.Simulating Operations:Insurance Policy(保险单) 112
Project 9 Complaints,Claims and Settlement 117
Module 1 Complaints and Claims 117
Module 2 Case Remark 118
Module 3 Extending Skills 126
1.Practicing Guide:Shipping Advice (装运通知) 126
Module 4 Trying Your Hands 128
Project 10 Agency and Consignment 131
Module 1 Agents 131
Module 2 Case Remark 132
Module 3 Consignment 134
Module 4 Extending Skills 136
1.Practicing Guide:InvitationforBids andBiding(招标邀请与招标) 136
2.Simulating Operations:Reply—Applying to Submit a Bid(回复——同意投标) 137
Module 5 Trying Your Hands 139
参考文献 142
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