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  • 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:张宏武编著
  • 出 版 社:广州:暨南大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:9787566802132
  • 页数:137 页

Preface 1

Chapter One Understanding Second Language Acquisition 1

1.1 What is second language acquisition? 1

1.2 What are the objectives of SLA research? 2

1.3 Basic terminology in SLA 3

1.3.1 Native and target language 3

1.3.2 Second and foreign language 3

1.3.3 Bilingualism and multilingualism 4

1.3.4 SLA and foreign language learning 4

1.3.5 Input and output 5

1.3.6 Competence and performance 5

1.3.7 Usage and use 6

1.3.8 Comprehension and production 6

1.3.9 Naturalistic and instructed second language acquisition 7

1.4 The external and internal factors in SLA 7

1.4.1 External factors 8

1.4.2 Internal factors 8

Assignment 10

Chapter Two The Study of interlanguage 13

2.1 What is interlanguage? 13

2.2 Characteristics of interlanguage 13

2.3 Major findings in IL studies 15

2.3.1 Systematic changes in grammar 15

2.3.2 Acquisition order and sequence of acquisition 18

2.3.3 L1 influence 20

2.4 Interlanguage pragmatics 23

2.4.1 Second language speech act 23

2.4.2 Production of speech acts: differences between L2 learners and L1 speakers 24

2.4.3 Speech act research paradigm 26

Assignment 30

Chapter Three Linguistic Aspects of SLA 33

3.1 The nature of human language 33

3.1.1 Common characteristics of language 33

3.1.2 Different aspects of language 34

3.2 Early approaches to SLA 37

3.2.1 Contrastive analysis hypothesis (CAH) 37

3.2.2 Error analysis (EA) 39

3.2.3 Monitor Model 42

3.3 Universal grammar (UG) 45

3.3.1 Definition 45

3.3.2 Principles and parameters 46

3.3.3 UGandSLA 47

3.4 Typological universals : Accessibility hierarchy (AH) 49

3.5 Functional approaches 50

3.5.1 Systemic linguistics 51

3.5.2 Functional typology 52

Assignment 54

Chapter Four Psychological Aspects of SLA 57

4.1 Language and the brain 57

4.2 Behaviorists' way of learning 59

4.3 Cognitive perspective of learning 60

4.3.1 Information processing (IP) 61

4.3.2 Connectionists'/emergentists' models 62

4.3.3 Competition model (CM) 63

4.3.4 Bialystok's theory of L2 learning 64

4.3.5 Gass's integrative model of SLA 65

4.4 Individual differences 69

4.4.1 Aptitude 69

4.4.2 Age 69

4.4.3 Motivation 70

4.4.4 Cognitive style 71

4.4.5 Personality 73

4.4.6 Learning strategies 75

Assignment 78

Chapter Five Socio-cultural Aspects of SLA 81

5.1 Microsocial factors 81

5.1.1 Input and interaction 81

5.1.2 Input modification 81

5.1.3 Interactional modifications 84

5.1.4 Feedback 86

5.1.5 Interaction hypothesis 87

5.1.6 Socio-cultural theory 88

5.2 Macrosocial factors 91

5.2.1 Accommodation theory 91

5.2.2 Acculturation model 92

5.2.3 Social identity and investment in L2 learning 93

Assignment 94

Chapter Six Instruction and Second Language Acquisition 94

6.1 Language teaching 97

6.2 Form-focused instruction 98

6.2.1 Focus on form and focus on forms 99

6.2.2 Form-focused instruction 100

6.2.3 Teachability hypothesis 101

6.2.4 Input-based instruction and output-based instruction 101

6.2.5 Consciousness-raising 102

6.2.6 Processing instruction (PI) 103

6.3 Uniqueness of classroom instruction 104

6.4 Explicit and implicit instruction 105

6.5 Tips on teaching of grammar 108

Assignment 109

Chapter Seven Second Language Acquisition Research: Data Collection and Analysis 109

7.1 Data collection 111

7.1.1 Data categorization 111

7.1.2 Linguistic production data elicitation 116

7.1.3 Non-linguistic information elicitation 118

7.2 Data analysis and interpretation 120

Assignment 123

References 125

An English-Chinese Glossary 128
