- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)克罗尔,(荷)德格鲁特编
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:7560085296
- 页数:588 页
Ⅰ.Acquisition 3
Introduction to Part Ⅰ:Acquisition&Nick C.Ellis 3
1.The Learning of Foreign Language Vocabulary&Annette M.B.de Groot and Janet G.van Hell 9
2.Early Bilingual Acquisition:Focus on Morphosyntax and the Separate Development Hypothesis&Annick De Houwer 30
3.A Unified Model of Language Acquisition&Brian Mac Whinney 49
4.Phonology and Bilingualism&Núria Sebastián-Gallès and Laura Bosch 68
5.What Does the Critical Period Really Mean?&Robert DeKeyser and Jenifer Larson-Hall 88
6.Interpreting Age Effects in Second Language Acquisition&David Birdsong 109
7.Processing Constraints on L1 Transfer&Manfred Pienemann,Bruno Di Biase,Satomi Kawaguchi,and Gisela H?kansson 128
8.Models of Monolingual and Bilingual Language Acquisition&Jaap M.J.Murre 154
Ⅱ.Comprehension 173
Introduction to Part Ⅱ:Comprehension&Natasha Tokowicz and Charles A.Perfetti 173
9.Bilingual Visual Word Recognition and Lexical Access&Ton Dijkstra 179
10.Computational Models of Bilingual Comprehension&Micbael S.C.Tbomas and Walter J.B.van Heuven 202
11.The Representation of Cognate and Noncognate Words in Bilingual Memory:Can Cognate Status Be Characterized as a Special Kind of Morphological Relation?&Rosa Sánchez-Casas and JoséE.Garciá-Albea 226
12.Bilingual Semantic and Conceptual Representation&Wendy S.Francis 251
13.Ambiguities and Anomalies:What Can Eye Movements and Event-Related Potentials Reveal About Second Language Sentence Processing?&Cheryl Frenck-Mestre 268
Ⅲ.Production and Control 285
Introduction to Part Ⅲ Production and Control&Herbert Schriefers 285
14.Selection Processes in Monolingual and Bilingual Lexical Access&Wido La Heij 289
15.Lexical Access in Bilingual Production&Albert Costa 308
16.Supporting a Differential Access Hypothesis:Code Switching and Other Contact Data&Carol Myers-Scotton 326
17.Language Selection in Bilinguals:Mechanisms and Processes&Renata F.I.Meuter 349
18.Automaticity in Bilingualism and Second Language Learning&Norman Segalowitz and Jan Hulstijn 371
19.Being and Becoming Bilingual:Individual Differences and Consequences for Language Production&Erica B.Michael and Tamar H.Gollan 389
Ⅳ.Aspects and Implications of Bilingualism 411
Introduction to Part Ⅳ:Aspects and Implications of Bilingualism&Michel Paradis 411
20.Consequences of Bilingualism for Cognitive Development&Ellen Bialystok 417
21.Bilingualism and Thought&Aneta Pavlenko 433
22.Simultaneous Interpreting:A Cognitive Perspective&Ingrid K.Christoffels and Annette M.B.de Groot 454
23.Clearing the Cobwebs From the Study of the Bilingual Brain:Converging Evidence From Laterality and Electrophysiological Research&Rachel Hull and Jyotsna Vaid 480
24.What Can Functional Neuroimaging Tell Us About the Bilingual Brain?&Jubin Abutalebi,Stefano F.Cappa,and Daniela Perani 497
25.The Neurocognition of Recovery Patterns in Bilingual Aphasics&David W.Green 516
26.Models of Bilingual Representation and Processing:Looking Back and to the Future&Judith F.Kroll and Natasha Tokowicz 531
Author Index 555
Subject Index 575
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