- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李成坚主编;陈平,何敏副主编
- 出 版 社:广州:中山大学出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787306049513
- 页数:223 页
第一章 英国诗歌选编 3
导言 3
1 Sonnet 18&byWilliam Shakespeare 5
2 Spring, the Sweet Spring&byThomas Nashe 7
3 Valediction:Forbidding Mourning&byJohn Donne 8
4 On His Blindness&byJohn Milton 11
5 An Essay on Criticism&by Alexander Pope 13
6 Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard&byThomas Gray 15
7 The Tiger&byWilliam Blake 17
8 A Red,Red Rose&byRobert Burns 19
9 I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud&by William Wordsworth 21
10 Ode to West Wind&byPercy Shelley 23
11 The Isles of Greece&by George Byron 28
12 The First Looking into Chapman’s Homer&byJohn Keats 35
13 The Eagle&byAlfred Tennyson 37
14 My Last Duchess&by Robert Browning 38
15 The Dover Beach&byMathew Arnold 42
16 In the Station of Metro&byEzra Pound 45
17 The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock&byT.S.Eliot 46
18 Church Going&byPhilip Larkin 52
19 Hawk Roosting&by Ted Hughes 56
20 Clearances&by Seamus Heaney 58
诗歌术语 59
1.Aestheticism 59
2.Alliteration 59
3.Assonance 59
4.Blank verse 59
5.Byronic 60
6.Dramatic monologue 60
7.Elegy 60
8.Epic 60
9.Heroic couplet 60
10.Iambic pentameter 60
11.Imagism 61
12.Lake poets 61
13.Lyric 61
14.Metaphysical poetry 62
15.Ode 62
16.Rhyme 62
17.Rhythm 63
18.Soliloquy 63
19.Sonnet(Italian sonnet, English sonnet) 63
20.Tone 63
第二章 英国小说选编 67
导言 67
1 Robinson Crusoe&byDaniel Defoe 70
2 Gulliver’s Travels&byJonathan Swift 78
3 Pride and Prejudice&byJane Austin: 83
4 David Copperfield&byCharles Dickens 89
5 Jane Eyre and&byCharlotte Bronte sisters 103
6 Wuthering Heights&byEmily Bronte 108
7 Tess of the D’Urbervilles&byThomas Hardy 111
8 Araby&byJames Joyce 114
9 Mrs.Dalloway&byVirginia Woolf 120
10 Sons and Lovers&byD.H.Lawrence 128
小说术语 154
1.Allegory 154
2.Analepsis 154
3.Antagonist 154
4.Anti-hero(anti-heroine) 154
5.Bildungsroman 154
6.Context 154
7.Dialogue 154
8.Embedded narrative 154
9.First-person narrative 154
10.Focalization 154
11.Intertextuality 155
12.Leitmotif 155
13.Metafiction 155
14.Prolepsis 155
15.Third-person narrative 155
16.Narratology 155
第三章 英国戏剧选编 159
导言 159
1 The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus&byChristopher Marlowe 161
2 Hamlet&by William Shakespeare 167
3 The Merchant of Venice&byWilliam Shakespeare 170
4 Samson Agonistes&byJohn Milton 171
5 The Importance of Being Earnest&byOscar Wilde 175
6 Major Barbara&byGeorge Bernard Shaw 183
7 Riders To the Sea&byJ.M.Synge 188
8 Waiting for Godot&bySamuel Beckett 198
9 Look Back in Anger&byJohn Osborne 205
戏剧术语 221
1.Antagonist 221
2.Character 221
3.Comedy 221
4.Diction 221
5.Drama 222
6.Melodrama 222
7.Music 222
8.Plot 222
9.Protagonist 222
10.Spectacle 223
11.Thought 223
12.Tragedy 223
13.Tragicomedy 223
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