古典文学里程碑 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)菲利普·盖斯凯尔
- 出 版 社:武汉:武汉大学出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:9787307050044
- 页数:227 页
Introduction 1
Ⅰ The Homeric age 12
1 The spread of civilisation:the past in the present-from neolithic tribalism to the first cities-the Minoans 14
2 The Greeks:the Mycenaeans-Dark-Age Greece-the Greek language-the Greek alphabet-Bronze-Age society and culture-Mycenaean religion 19
3 Homer and epic poetry:the background-the Iliad-the Odyssey-Hesiod 25
Ⅱ Greece in the fifth century BC 43
4 From Archaic to early-Classical Greece:Athens-Sparta-the Persian Wars-women,resident foreigners,and slaves-colonisation 45
5 Religion,the arts,education,and books:religious beliefs and practices-architecture-painting-sculpture-music-education,literacy,and books 52
6 Lyric poetry:Pindar and his predecessors:the lyric-Sappho and Anacreon-Pindar 57
7 Sophocles and Athenian drama:tragedy-the three tragedians-Aeschylus-Sophocles-Euripides-Aristophanes and comedy 65
8 Herodotus and Greek history:Greek historians-Herodotus and the Persian Wars-Thucydides and the Peloponnesian War-Xenophon and the Persian Expedition 82
9 Plato and philosophy:the pre-Socratics-Socrates-Plato-Aristotle 100
Interchapter:the Hellenistic age Alexander's empire and its successors-language and society-the visual arts-literature-history-philosophy and science-scholarship and libraries 115
Ⅲ Late-Republican and early-Imperial Rome 121
10 The expansion of Rome:from city-state to superstate-the Latin language-Roman names 123
11 Republic and Empire:conquest abroad,strife at home-politics and society-religion 129
12 Maintaining the state:economics and technology-the Roman army 134
13 The arts:painting,sculpture,and architecture-drama:Plautus,Terence,Seneca-education,books,and libraries 138
14 Cicero:rhetoric and philosophy-the legacy of Greece:rhetoric,philosophy-Cicero-Seneca 144
15 Virgil:from pastoral to epic-Theocritus and pastoral poetry-Virgil-the Eclogues-the Georgics-the Aeneid-Virgil's reputation and influence 154
16 Horace:epigram,lyric,and satire-Catullus-Horace-Juvenal 167
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