- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:薄振杰编
- 出 版 社:济南:山东大学出版社
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:9787560743103
- 页数:249 页
Figures 25
2.1 A cognitive processing model of translation 25
2.2 The Input-Process-Output model of instructional design 29
4.1 Wen Jun's model of TC 61
4.2 PACTE's holistic TC model 64
4.3 The acquisition of TC according to PACTE's dynamic model(2000) 67
4.4 Components of the strategic sub-competence 69
4.5 Relationship between components of no-title passage translation competence in its narrow sense 70
5.1 Theoretical foundation for OCTA 117
5.2 The principal stages of the research process 137
Tables 45
3.1 Objectivist perspective versus constructivist perspective 45
4.1 Illustration of relations between cue words and sentences 73
4.2 Background information of the participants in the experiment of TAPs 87
4.3 Background information of the participants concerning TAPs questionnaires 92
4.4 Background information of TAPs testing materials 93
4.5 Information about the arrangement of TAPs experiments 98
4.6 Basic statistics on translation strategies collected from TAPs(1) 100
4.7 The statistics collected from TAPs questionnaires 101
4.8 Basic statistics on translation strategies collected from TAPs(2) 103
5.1 Comparison of Stages Ⅰ and Ⅱ of teaching translation for undergraduate English majors in China's universities 124
5.2 Content of knowledge transmitted in Stage Ⅰ of teaching translation for undergraduate English majors in China's universities 126
5.3 The main elements of the research design 138
5.4 Background information of the participants for evaluating OCTA's efficacy 146
5.5 Background information of testing materials for evaluating OCTA's efficacy 148
5.6 Background information of the participants of M-1 149
5.7 Basic statistics on translation products from SDUW 152
5.8 Basic statistics on translation products from QFNU 152
5.9 Background information on question answers from SDUW 153
5.10 Background information on question answers from QFNU 153
5.11 Basic statistics on average scores of translation products from SDUM 154
5.12 Basic statistics on average scores of question answers from SDUM 155
5.13 Basic statistics on average scores of translation products from QFNU 155
5.14 Basic statistics on average scores of question answers from QFNU 156
Chapter One Introduction 1
1.1 Lead-in Remarks 1
1.2 The Rationale of the Present Research 4
1.2.1 Background:Status Quo of Translation Teaching in China's Mainland 4
1.2.2 Rationale 8
1.3 Objectives of the Present Research 11
1.3.1 Exploring No-Title Passage Translation Competence 11
1.3.2 Establishing a New Translation Teaching Approach—OCTA 13
1.3.3 Encouraging both TC Studies and Translation Teaching Research 14
1.4 Methodology and Data Collection for the Present Research 15
1.4.1 Methodology for the Present Research 15
1.4.2 Data Collection 16
1.5 Organization of the Present Research 17
Chapter Two Traditional Objectivist Translation Teaching 19
2.1 Introduction 19
2.2 Overview of the Objectivist Theories 20
2.2.1 Origin and Development 20
2.2.2 The Objectivist Learning Theories 22
2.3 Traditional Objectivist Translation Teaching Rethinking 27
2.3.1 The Objectivist Paradigm 28
2.3.2 Strengths and Weaknesses 30
2.4 Summary 33
Chapter Three Newly Pervasive Constructivist Translation Teaching 36
3.1 Introduction 36
3.2 Overview of the Constructivist Theories 37
3.2.1 Origin and Development 37
3.2.2 Social Constructivism versus Cognitive Constructivism 38
3.2.3 The Constructivist Learning Theories 40
3.3 Translation Teaching in Light of the Constructivist Theories 43
3.3.1 The Constructivist Paradigm versus the Objectivist Paradigm 43
3.3.2 Related Constructivist Translation Teaching Research Critique 46
3.4 Summary 54
Chapter Four A Tentative Exploration of No-Title Passage Translation Competence 56
4.1 Introduction 56
4.2 Overview of TC Studies both at Home and Abroad 57
4.2.1 TC Studies Abroad 58
4.2.2 TC Studies at Home 61
4.3 PACTE's Empirical TC Studies Revisited 63
4.3.1 PACTE's Holistic TC Model 64
4.3.2 PACTE's Viewpoints on TC Developing 66
4.4 Exploring No-Title Passage Translation Competence 68
4.4.1 Defining No-Title Passage Translation Competence 68
4.4.2 Exploring No-tide Passage Translation Competence Components 69
4.4.3 An Empirical Study on Strategic Sub-Competence 84
4.5 Summary 107
Chapter Five OCTA:A Newly Proposed Approach to Teaching Translation for Undergraduate English Majors in China's Universities 110
5.1 Introduction 110
5.2 OCTA:A General Description 110
5.2.1 OCTA:Necessity and Possibility 111
5.2.2 OCTA:Feasibility 112
5.2.3 OCTA:A Brief Description 116
5.3 Application of OCTA to Teaching Translation for Undergraduate English Majors in China's Universities 120
5.3.1 Instructional Design 120
5.3.2 Pedagogic Procedures 124
5.3.3 Evaluation Practice 134
5.4 Evaluating Efficacy of the Newly Proposed Approach:OCTA 136
5.4.1 Overview of Orozco's Empirical Study of Measuring TC Acquisition 137
5.4.2 Evaluating Efficacy of OCTA in Light of Orozco's Empirical Study 144
5.5 Summary 158
Chapter Six Conclusion 161
6.1 Introduction 161
6.2 Discussions of the Research Questions 163
6.3 Major Findings 166
6.3.1 Findings on the Exploration of No-title Passage Translation Competence 166
6.3.2 Findings on the Establishment of a New Theoretic Framework of OCTA 168
6.3.3 Findings on the Theoretical Value of the Present Research 170
6.4 Implications of the Present Research 170
6.5 Limitations and Suggestions 171
Appendices 173
Appendix 1 Testing Materials for TAPs 173
Appendix 2 Samples of Observation Notes 177
Appendix 3 Rating Scales for Translation Products 181
Appendix 4 Questionnaires for TAPs Experiment 183
Appendix 5 Translation Product Samples for TAPs 186
Appendix 6 Translation Strategy Indicators 191
Appendix 7 Measuring Instruments for Translation Competence Acquisition by Orozco&Hurtado Albir(2002) 192
Appendix 8 Measuring Instruments for No-title Passage Translation Competence Acquisition 202
Appendix 9 Translation Product Samples of Testing Materials for No-title Passage Translation Competence Acquisition 209
Appendix 10 Internet Links Useful for Translation Teaching and Research 213
Bibliography 218
后记 248
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