![中国银行业监督管理委员会2013年报 英文版](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/98/s686eacb.jpg)
![中国银行业监督管理委员会2013年报 英文版](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/98/s686eacb.jpg)
中国银行业监督管理委员会2013年报 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:中国银行业监督管理委员会办公厅著
- 出 版 社:北京:中信出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787508647470
- 页数:174 页
Part One Economic & Banking Developments 1
Macroeconomic and financial environment 2
Latest development of China's banking sector 6
Part Two Banking Reform and Development 11
Reform and transformation of the banking sector 12
Latest developments in the opening-up of the banking sector 21
Financial innovation 24
Part Three Supporting Economic Restructuring,Transformation and Upgrading 31
Tapping the idle capital while making good use of incremental capital 32
Supporting key areas and industries 35
Promoting green credit and addressing overcapacity 37
Financial services for Micro and Small Enterprises(MSEs) 40
Financial services in rural areas 42
Thematic Column 1:CBRC continued to expand the"Three Major Projects" to support agro-related services 43
The development of consumer finance 45
China(Shanghai)Pilot Free Trade Zone and development of the banking sector 48
Supporting enterprises to"go global" 51
Balanced regional development 52
Part Four Prudential Supervision 57
Macro-prudential supervision 58
Corporate governance and internal controls 61
Capital regulation 62
Thematic Column 2:Chinese-version Basel Ill passed international assessment 64
Credit risk supervision 64
Liquidity risk supervision 71
Operational risk supervision 74
IT risk supervision 76
Market risk supervision 77
Country risk supervision 77
Reputational risk supervision 78
Part Five Banking Consumer Protection and Education 81
Development of the banking consumer protection regulatory framework 82
Efforts made by banking institutions to fulfill their responsibilities 83
Financial knowledge publicity 85
Strengthening public education 87
Strengthening research on banking consumer protection 89
Part Six Improvement of Regulatory Framework and Supervisory Capability 91
Supervisory thinking 92
Improving legal framework 95
Supervisory approaches 96
Supervisory cooperation and coordination 103
Organizational development 105
Part Seven Strengthening Transparency and Market Discipline 115
Enhancing information disclosure 116
Improving transparency of the banking sector 117
Strengthening market discipline 117
Part Eight Social Responsibility 121
Promoting institutional development and supervisory guidance 122
Securing quality financial services during public holidays 122
Supporting disaster relief and post-disaster reconstruction 123
Supporting charity and poverty-stricken areas 124
Enhancing labor development and caring for employees'growth 124
Part Nine Outlook 127
Economic and financial outlook 128
Supervisory focuses in 2014 128
Mid-to long-term plan and outlook of banking supervision 133
Part Ten Appendixes 137
Appendix 1:Responsibility description of the CBRC departments and local offices 138
Appendix 2:Financial management activities of the CBRC 144
Appendix 3:Rules and regulatory documents issued in 2013 145
Appendix 4:MOUs and EOLs with overseas regulators 147
Appendix 5:Significant regulatory and supervisory events in 2013 150
Appendix 6:Terminology 159
Part Eleven Statistics 163
Appendix 1:Total assets of banking institutions(2003—2013) 164
Appendix 2:Total liabilities of banking institutions(2003—2013) 165
Appendix 3:Total owner's equity of banking institutions(2003—2013) 166
Appendix 4:Total deposits and loans of banking institutions(2003—2013) 167
Appendix 5:Profit after tax of banking institutions(2007—2013) 167
Appendix 6:Returns of banking institutions(2007—2013) 168
Appendix 7:NPLs of banking institutions(2010—2013) 168
Appendix 8:Liquidity ratio of banking institutions(2007—2013) 168
Appendix 9:NPLs,asset impairment provisions and provisioning coverage ratio of commercial banks(2007—2013) 169
Appendix 10:NPLs of commercial banks(2013) 169
Appendix 11:Distribution of NPLs of commercial banks by industry(2013) 170
Appendix 12:Distribution of NPLs of commercial banks by region(2013) 171
Appendix 13:CAR of commercial banks(2010—2013) 172
Appendix 14:CBRC on-site examinations(2003—2013) 172
Appendix 15:Number of legal entities and staff of banking institutions(As of end-2013) 173
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