- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:谭会萍主编;RayeNg,苗芳副主编;白日霞,田森主审
- 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:9787561165263
- 页数:326 页
Part Ⅰ Research Qualification Cultivation 3
Chapter One Developing Business Personality 3
Ⅰ.Changing roles and responsibilities of business schools 4
Ⅱ.Students' responsibilities in professional development 7
Ⅲ.The business personality 8
Ⅳ.Creative activities to develop your business personality 10
Ⅴ.Conclusions 11
References 12
Chapter Two Problem-Solving Methodology 14
Ⅰ.Personal/cultural differences 15
Ⅱ.Universal approach 16
1.Problem solving scenario 17
2.Seeking out and defining the problem:5 whys 17
3.Identifying alternative solutions 19
4.Evaluation and choosing the appropriate alternative 21
5.Implementation 22
6.Monitor and control outcomes 24
Ⅲ.Barriers to problem-solving 24
1.Heuristics 24
2.Procrastination 25
3.Dissonance reduction 25
4.Decision confirmation 26
5.Defensive avoidance 26
6.Incrementalizing 27
7.Conservative information analysis 27
8.Groupthink 27
9.Time and cost constraints 28
Ⅳ.Utilization of exercises 28
1.Five-square configuration 28
2.Nine dots 28
3.Exercise solutions 29
References 30
Chapter Three Efficient Learning Style 33
Ⅰ.Leaning styles 34
1.Visual learning 34
2.Auditory learning 35
3.Kinesthetic(Experience)learning 35
Ⅱ.Study preparation 36
1.My method of study 36
2.Additional methods of studying 38
Ⅲ.Presentation in English 40
1.How to format and present a presentation 40
2.How to prepare a presentation 43
Ⅳ.Practicing English 44
1.Speak English with your friends 44
2.Watch the entire show or movie in English 45
3.Make friends with any English speaking students on campus 45
4.Practice writing and reading comprehension on line 45
Ⅴ.How to prepare for life abroad 46
1.Cultural differences 46
2.How to succeed in America 48
Ⅵ.Certified Global Business Professional(CGBP)exam 49
1.What is CGBP 49
2.The benefits of CGBP 50
References 50
Part Ⅱ Research Technique Approach 53
Chapter Four Business Graph Analysis 53
Ⅰ.Why make a graph analysis 54
Ⅱ.Types of graphs 54
1.A bar graph 55
2.A pie graph 55
3.A curve graph 57
4.A table 58
Ⅲ.How to create and analyze graphs 59
1.Designing graphs 59
2.Choosing the types of graphs 61
3.Analyzing graphs 67
Ⅳ.Examples of graph analysis 72
Ⅴ.Graph analysis assignment 84
1.Individual assignment 84
2.Group assignment 85
References 87
Chapter Five Searching Internet Resources 91
Ⅰ.Why search internet resources 92
1.Expanding opportunities to tap a vast reservoir of knowledge and expertise online 92
2.Allowing greater flexibility in learning hours and location 92
3.Making students'collaborative work dramatically easier 92
4.Providing students a self guided learning tool 93
Ⅱ.How to use OpenCourseWare 93
1.What is OpenCourseWare? 93
2.The ways to access open courseware 94
Ⅲ.How to use distance learning modules 97
1.Browse modules by international economic organization 98
2.Browse modules by other organization 110
Ⅳ.How to use textbook publishers' resources 117
1.McGraw-Hill 117
2.Cengage 122
Ⅴ.How to use video depositories 125
1.Browse video depositories by university 126
2.Browse video depositories by international economic organization 130
3.Browse video depositories by media corporation 134
References 137
Chapter Six Academic Research and Writing 139
Ⅰ.What is academic research and writing? 140
1.Academic research helps the search for knowledge 140
2.Academic research follows a certain structural process 140
3.The key academic genre is the research article 141
Ⅱ.What to do in academic research and writing? 141
1.Do an academic research 141
2.Writing an academic paper 142
Ⅲ.The examples of academic research and writing 145
1.Example of research paper one 145
2.Example of research paper two 154
Ⅳ.Academic research and writing assignment 162
References 167
Appendix 1:Assessment Form of Headline News Report 168
Appendix 2:Example of a Headline News Report 169
Chapter Seven Presentation Skills and Methods 174
Ⅰ.Why make presentation 175
Ⅱ.How to prepare a presentation 175
1.Find out your topic 175
2.Know your subject and collect your materials 176
3.Know your audience 176
4.Write the draft 177
5.Rehearse the talk 177
6.Predict questions 178
Ⅲ.The structure of a presentation 178
1.The opening/intrduction(what you are going to tell them) 178
2.The body(tell them) 178
3.The summary(what you've told them) 180
4.The closing 180
5.Question and answer sessions 180
6.Tips for perfecting the presentation 181
Ⅳ.How to make PowerPoint effective 183
1.Tips for the PowerPoint content 183
2.Tips for the PowerPoint format 183
3.Tips for making multimedia presentations 185
Ⅴ.How to deliver a presentation 185
1.Go there early and check everything 185
2.Etiquette of giving presentation 186
3.Speak clearly and loudly with authority 186
4.Maintain sincere eye contact 186
5.Be relax 187
6.Mind your body language 187
7.Sense of humot 187
References 187
Part Ⅲ Research in Business Cycle 191
Chapter Eight Export Marketing Planning 191
Ⅰ.What is an export marketing plan 192
Ⅱ.How to develop and format an export marketing plan 192
1.Executive summary 192
2.Situation analysis 192
3.Marketing strategy 194
4.Financial projection 195
5.Implementation controls 195
Ⅲ.Sample marketing plan:PM Produce export marketing plan 196
1.Executive summary 196
2.Situation analysis 196
3.Marketing strategies 198
4.Financials 200
5.Controls 200
Ⅳ.Export marketing plan assignment 201
1.Creating export marketing mini-cases 201
2.A written work of export marketing plan 202
Appendix 1 Mini-cases Evaluation Form 203
Appendix 2 Oral Presentation Evaluation Form 204
Appendix 3 IEEE Format 205
Appendix 4 Assessment Scale for marketing Plan 211
Appendix 5 Marketing Plan Criteria 212
References 213
Chapter Nine Analysis of Multinational Corporations 215
Ⅰ.What is a multinational corporation 216
Ⅱ.Who are top multinational corporations in the world 217
1.Fortune Global 500 217
2.Forbes Global 2000 217
3.Financial Times Global 500 218
Ⅲ.Why analyze multinational corporations 219
1.MNCs are leading forces of the global economy 219
2.MNCs are huge economic entities in the world 219
3.MNCs have been expanding abroad rapidly 220
4.MNCs have been promoting economic globalization 221
5.MNCs have been accelerating internationalization of production 221
6.MNCs have been boosting international trade 221
7.MNCs have been pushing international capital flow 221
8.MNCs have been prompting the spread of knowledge globally 222
Ⅳ.How to analyze multinational corporations 222
1.Starting from basic information about MNCs 222
2.SWOT analysis of the corporation 225
3.Strategy analysis of the corporation 228
4.The corporation and China 232
Ⅴ.Multinational corporations analysis assignment 232
Appendix Industry List By Fortune Global 500 241
References 242
Chapter Ten Import and Export Transactions 245
Ⅰ.Why do import and export transactions 246
Ⅱ.The preparation of import and export transactions 246
1.Doing marketing research 246
2.Preparing a marketing report 247
3.Conducting business negotiation 248
Ⅲ.Understanding sales contract and letter of credit 249
1.Sales contract/confirmation 249
2.Letter of credit 250
Ⅳ.Preparing the documents 251
1.Commercial invoice 251
2.Bill of lading 252
3.Insurance policy/certificate 253
4.Draft/Bill of exchange 253
5.Packing list 254
6.Certificate of origin 254
Ⅴ.Assignment for import and export transactions 255
1.Transaction operators 255
2.Transaction terms 255
3.Transaction procedures 255
4.Transaction assessment 256
Appendix 1 Sales confirmation template 257
Appendix 2 A Sales Contra 259
Appendix 3 An L/C Application 260
Appendix 4 Letter of credit 261
Appendix 5 A Commercial Invoice 263
Appendix 6 A Bill of Lading 264
Appendix 7 An Insurance Policy 265
Appendix 8 A Packing List&Weight Note 266
Appendix 9 A Bill of Exchange 267
Appendix 10 A Certificate of Origin 268
References 269
Chapter Eleven Business Financial Analysis 270
Ⅰ.Why do business financial analysis? 271
Ⅱ.Financial ratios in business financial analysis 271
Ⅲ.Financial analysis of Haier group 272
1.Measuring overall profitability 273
2.Assessing operating management:decomposing 275
3.Evaluating investment management:decomposing asset turnover 278
4.Evaluating financing management:analyzing financial leverage 281
5.Assessing sustainable growth rate 285
6.Summary 286
Ⅵ.Financial analysis assignment 287
1.Choosing a target company 288
2.Describing business strategy 288
3.Analyzing financial ratio 288
4.Providing conclusion/recommendation 288
5.Delivering class presentation 288
6.Grading 289
Appendix 1 Haiet Group Consolidated Balance Sheet(?) 290
Appendix 2 Haier Group Consolidated Income Statement(?) 292
References 293
Chapter Twelve Foreign Exchange Trading 294
Ⅰ.What is“foreign exchange trading” 295
Ⅱ.Why make forex trading 295
Ⅲ.Introduction to the forex market 296
Ⅳ.How to trade forex 299
1.Where to find a trading platform 299
2.How to forecast exchange rates 299
3.Detailed guide on forex trading 308
Ⅴ.Assignment of the forex trading practice 311
1.A written work of trading plan 311
2.A written work of trading report 311
3.Oral presentation 311
Ⅵ.The criteria of assessment 312
1.Overall assessment 312
2.Assessment scale for written work 312
3.Assessment scale for oral presentation 312
4.Assessment of trading performance 312
5.Assessment of attendance and participation 313
Appendix 1 Forex Trading Plan Template 313
Appendix 2 Example of Forex Trading Plan 314
Appendix 3 Forex Trading Report Template 316
Appendix 4 Example of Fundamental Analysis 317
Appendix 5 Example of Technical Analysis 318
Appendix 6 Grading Policy 319
Appendix 7 Assessment Scale for Written Work 320
Appendix 8 Oral Presentation Marking Sheet 321
Appendix 9 Assessment Scale for Trading Performance 322
References 322
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