- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:冯修文,孙然主编
- 出 版 社:上海市:上海交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:9787313072368
- 页数:240 页
Unit 1 Welcome to our company 1
Knowing the place of work 14
Talking about working conditions 14
Describing one's company 14
Being familiar with the job titles in a company 14
Understanding how a company is organized 14
Unit 2 Glad to work with the team 14
Asking for and giving advice 28
Talking about ways of work 28
Teambuilding 28
Airing your opinions and persuading others 28
Unit 3 Why are employees so loyal to the company? 28
Company benefits 41
Career developing 41
Company developing 41
Working environment 41
Unit 4 Wishing you a bright future 41
Talking about recruitment in a company 55
Issuing job offers 55
Dealing with resignation and determination of employmentTalking about training,internal transfers and promotionUnit 5 When are you leaving for the business event? 55
Talking about business travel 68
Arranging travel 68
Talking about hotels 68
Attending business events 68
Unit 6 How to launch our new products? 68
Talking about marketing 82
Talking about types of advertising 82
Discussing branding 82
Unit 7 Why not join in fairs? 82
Planning a trade fair 98
Organizing a trade fair 98
Findingout about a trade fair 98
Unit 8 Let's come down to the price 98
Negotiating prices 113
Driving a bargain 113
Placing an order 113
Unit 9 When can you make the delivery? 113
Making delivery 128
Shipping and Insurance 128
Talking about after-sales services 128
Talking about transportation 128
Unit 10 We can only accept L/C 128
Talking about cash flow and invoicing 143
Talking about terms of payment 143
Unit 11 We have to cancel the order 143
Making complaints 157
Resolving complaints and apologizing 157
Unit 12 How to organize a conference 157
Conference planning 171
Executing a conference 171
Script 171
Keys 232
Bibliography 240
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