多丽丝·莱辛小说中的女性话语建构 规训与抵抗PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:邱枫著
- 出 版 社:天津:南开大学出版社
- 出版年份:2015
- ISBN:9787310049295
- 页数:164 页
Introduction 1
Chapter One Children of Violence as Female Bildungsroman 12
I.Dialogism of Binary Oppositions in Children of Violence 14
A.Dialogism of Body and Mind 17
B.Dialogism of Individual and Collective 20
Ⅱ.Children of Violence as Embodied Female Bildungsroman 22
A.Female Bildung in Children of Violence 23
B.Circular Structure of Children of Violence 26
C.Embodied Female Experience as Alternative Discourse 29
Chapter Two From Places to Spaces:Female Body as Female Writing 32
Ⅰ.Exile of Body and Space 34
A.Female Body as Other 34
B.Space as a Woman 36
Ⅱ.Places as Enclosures 37
Ⅲ.Body as a Textual Space 41
A.Power/Inscription on Body and Resistance/Rewriting of Body 43
B.Female Writing as Women's Space 48
Chapter Three Phallocentric Enclosure of Female Body in Children of Violence 54
Ⅰ.Female Body Enclosed by the "Beauty Myth" 58
A.The Slender Body 58
B.The Charm of Appearance 62
Ⅱ.Female Body Regarded as a Reproductive Organ in A Proper Marriage 67
A.Female Body and Motherhood 67
B.Pregnant Body as a Public Space 71
C.Loss of Female Subjectivity in Motherspace 74
Ⅲ.Female Body as an Object of Desire in Children of Violence 78
A.Map of Female Body 78
B.Timeline of Female Body 81
Ⅳ.Female Body Confined in Symbolic Space of Truth 84
A.Female Body Defined by Language 85
B.Female Body Refined by Knowledge 89
Chapter Four Space of Their Own in Children of Violence 93
Ⅰ.Female Body as Space of Fluidity in Martha Quest and A Proper Marriage 97
A.Lack of Fluidity as Spiritual Wasteland 98
B.The Fluidity of Multiple Selves 99
C.The Fluidity of Boundaries between Two Bodies 102
D.Fluid Boundaries in Coexistence 104
Ⅱ.Menstruating Bodies as Site of Resistance in A Proper Marriage 105
A.Menstruation as Abject 107
B.Menstruation as Blood Sisterhood 113
Ⅲ.Hysteric Bodies Achieving Break-through in The Four-Gated City 115
A.Hysteria as Reaction to the Fragmentation of Modern World 117
B.Hysteria Blurring Borders of Consciousness and Unconscious 118
C.Hysteria as Self-healing 121
Ⅳ.Female Body Reading City as Palimpsest in The Four-Gated City 123
A.The City as Palimpsest 124
B.The House as Palimpsest 126
C.Female Consciousness as Palimpsest 128
D.Female Body as Palimpsest 131
Ⅴ.Female Body as Fl?neuse Walking in the Space of City 133
A.Fl?neur and Fl?neuse 134
B.Fl?neuse Disturbing Dualisms in Space 137
Conclusion 142
引述文献(Works Cited) 145
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