- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王庆奖,黄瑛主编(昆明理工大学外国语言文化学院)
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787030252654
- 页数:191 页
Chapter 1 Concept of Intercultural Communication 1
1.1 The nature of culture 2
1.1.1 Defining culture 2
1.1.2 Culture and its elements 3
1.1.3 Functions of culture 5
1.1.4 Characteristics of culture 6
1.2 Culture and communication 9
1.2.1 Defining communication 10
1.2.2 Culture and language 11
1.2.3 Culture and verbal communication 12
1.2.4 Culture and nonverbal communication 14
1.2.5 Culture differences in communication 18
1.3 Intercultural Communication 20
1.3.1 Defining intercultural communication 21
1.3.2 Elements of intercultural communication 21
1.3.3 Forms of Intercultural Communication 22
1.3.4 Characteristics of intercultural communication 24
1.3.5 Intercultural communication effectiveness 24
Chapter 2 Intercultural Communication Competence 29
2.1 Defining intercultural communication competence 30
2.2 Components of communication competence 31
2.3 Effective and appropriate communication 34
2.3.1 Effectiveness 34
2.3.2 Appropriateness 35
2.4 Problems in intercultural communication 38
2.4.1 Culture shock 38
2.4.2 Stereotypes 38
2.4.3 Ethnocentrism 40
2.4.4 Prejudice 40
2.5 Approaches to improve intercultural communication competence 41
2.5.1 Develop intercultural sensitivity 41
2.5.2 Cultivate a nonjudgmental attitude 42
2.5.3 Improve intercultural communication skills 42
2.5.4 Build a third culture 43
Chapter 3 Cultural Elements in Academic Writing 45
3.1 Thinking Mode 46
3.1.1 Image Thinking vs. Abstract Thinking 47
3.1.2 Spiral Thinking vs. Linear Thinking 49
3.1.3 Synthetic Thinking vs. Analytical Thinking 50
3.2 Pattern of Discourse 51
3.2.1 Discourse Coherence 52
3.2.2 Textual Pattern 53
Chapter 4 Outline of Academic Writings 57
4.1 Defining Academic Writing 58
4.1.1 Academic writing is writing done by scholars for other scholars 58
4.1.2 Academic writing is devoted to topics and questions that are of interest to the academic community 59
4.1.3 Academic writing should present the reader with an informed argument 59
4.2 Types of Academic Writing 59
4.2.1 Different types of Lun Wen 59
4.2.2 Different kinds of academic writing 60
4.2.3 Different forms of essays 62
4.3 Structure of Academic Writing 64
4.3.1 Title page 64
4.3.2 Outline(optional) 64
4.3.3 Abstract 65
4.3.4 Acknowledgements(optional) 65
4.3.5 Table of Contents 65
4.3.6 Text of the paper 65
4.3.7 Notes(optional) 66
4.3.8 Works cited 66
4.3.9 Appendix(optional) 66
4.4 General Academic Wriring 67
4.5 Formal Academic Writing 68
4.6 Social Science and Humanities Academic Writing 69
4.7 Natural Science Academic Writing 70
4.8 How to Write Diploma,Master or PhD Dissertation(Thesis) 71
Chapter 5 Academic Writing 74
5.1 Title,Author and Affiliation 75
5.1.1 Title 75
5.1.2 Author 76
5.1.3 Affiliation 76
5.2 Abstract and Keywords 77
5.2.1 Abstract 77
5.2.2 Keywords 78
5.3 Review of Literature and Introduction 79
5.3.1 Review of Literature 79
5.3.2 Introduction 80
5.4 Methods 81
5.4.1 Papers of Theoretical Nature 81
5.4.2 Papers of Experimental Nature 83
5.5 Results 85
5.5.1 Presentation 86
5.5.2 Analysis 87
5.6 Discussion 87
5.7 Conclusion 89
5.8 References 90
5.9 Abbreviations,Footnotes and Endnotes 94
5.9.1 Abbreviation 94
5.9.2 Footnotes and Endnotes 95
5.10 Appendixes and Acknowledgements 96
Chapter 6 Academic Paper Publication 98
6.1 Classification of Academic Journals 99
6.1.1 Subject areas 99
6.1.2 Classification of Chinese Academic Journals 99
6.2 Academic Paper Publication in China and Abroad 101
6.2.1 Framework 101
6.2.2 Language 101
6.2.3 Format 102
6.3 Knowledge of Target Journals 103
6.4 Manuscript Submission 104
6.4.1 Sending the Manuscript to the Journal 104
6.4.2 Cover Letter 105
6.4.3 Statement of Authorship 106
6.5 Publication Charges 106
6.6 Contacts between Author and Editor 107
6.6.1 Query Letters 108
6.6.2 Cover Letters 108
6.6.3 Other Contacts 109
6.7 Procedures of Academic Paper Publication 109
6.7.1 Manuscript Submission 109
6.7.2 Receipt Acknowledgement 110
6.7.3 Manuscript Review 110
6.7.4 Acceptance and Correction 110
6.7.5 Publication and Reprints 110
Chapter 7 Legal Issues in Academic Writings 113
7.1 Intercultural Communication,Laws and Academic Writing 114
7.1.1 Law and culture 114
7.1.2 Law and intercultural communication 114
7.1.3 Law and academic writing 115
7.2 Intellectual Property Rights(IPR)and Copyrights 116
7.2.1 The IPR 116
7.2.2 The copyrights 116
7.2.3 An Overview and Ideas of IPR and Copyrights 117
7.2.4 Basic Conceptions about Copyrights 119
7.3 Copyrights and Academic Writing 122
7.3.1 Plagiarism 122
7.3.2 Referencing and Quotation 123
7.3.3 Some advice 125
Chapter 8 Preparing,Organizing and Attending an International Academic Conference 127
8.1 Preparatory Works before a Conference 128
8.1.1 Establishing Preparatory Committee 128
8.1.2 A Call for Papers 129
8.1.3 Conference Announcement 129
8.1.4 Conference Program 130
8.1.5 Letters of Invitation 130
8.1.6 Letters of Reply 132
8.2 Preparing to Attend an International Academic Conference 133
8.2.1 Obtaining Conference Information 133
8.2.2 Applying for Financial Support(or Assistance) 133
8.2.3 Letters of inquiry 135
8.2.4 Letters of acceptance and letters of declination 136
8.2.5 Cover Letter 137
8.3 Well-organized Chairing Works during a Conference 138
8.3.1 Delivering a Welcome Speech at the Opening Ceremony 138
8.3.2 Delivering a Closing Speech at the Closing Ceremony 140
8.4 Works after the conference 142
8.4.1 Letters of thanks 142
8.4.2 Conference summary 143
8.5 Various Etiquettes in International Academic Communication 143
8.5.1 Gift-giving Etiquettes in Different Cultures 143
8.5.2 Dining etiquette in different cultures 145
Chapter 9 Presentation at International Academic Conferences 150
9.1 Preparing the presentation 151
9.1.1 Format of making the preparation for the presentation 151
9.1.2 Types of speech delivery 152
9.2 Developing the presentation 154
9.2.1 Beginning the presentation 155
9.2.2 Developing the body section of the presentation 159
9.2.3 Ending the presentation 161
9.3 Delivering the presentation 164
9.3.1 Overcoming stage fright and building up confidence 164
9.3.2 Verbal use 164
9.3.3 Nonverbal language 165
9.3.4 Cultural differences 166
9.3.5 Voice control 166
9.3.6 Amending a slip of the tongue 167
9.4 Asking and answering questions 168
9.4.1 Asking the questions 168
9.4.2 Answering the questions 169
Chapter 10 Experiencing an International Academic Conference 171
10.1 Making effective contact with the organizers or sponsors of an international academic conference 172
10.1.1 Reading carefully the announcement of an international academic conference 172
10.1.2 Writing an abstract of your paper submitted to the conference 174
10.1.3 Waiting for a letter of invitation from the host or organizers of the meeting 175
10.1.4 Writing a letter of acceptance 175
10.1.5 Reading carefully the conference registration 176
10.2 Getting Prepared to Attend an International Academic Conference 177
10.2.1 Improving your English and nonverbal language 177
10.2.2 Having a knowledge of the target culture 177
10.2.3 Getting familiar with multimedia presentation 178
10.2.4 Preparing your name card 178
10.2.5 Getting familiar with the agenda 178
10.2.6 Dressing yourself neatly and properly 181
10.3 Rehearsing an International Academic Conference from Opening Ceremony to Closing Ceremony 181
10.3.1 Opening ceremony 181
10.3.2 Presentation 183
10.3.3 Discussion session 185
10.3.4 Dinner 186
10.3.5 Closing Ceremony 186
References 189
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- 《白纻舞及其歌辞的文化解读》王俊,曹化根著 2019
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