

- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:吴仰儒,李延喜主编
- 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787561156223
- 页数:373 页
Corporate Financial Policies Research Based Upon Managerial Overconfidence:A Review&XIAO Fenglei,LUAN Qingwei,LI Yanxi 1
Does Voluntary Disclosure Transfer Signals?&CHEN Xinsheng,TAN Youchao 10
On Conceptual Changes and Standard Consistency of Enterprise Internal Control in China's Transition Economy&ZHANG Xianzhi 15
Optimal Consumption and Portfolio Choice for Long-Horizon Investors with Nontradable Labor Income When Asset Returns Are Predictable&TSAI Hui-Ju,WU Yangru 28
Permanent and Transitory Factors in Intertemporal Asset Pricing&RONALD J.Balvers,HU Ou,HUANG Dayong 50
Reliability of Banks'Fair Value Reporting of Mortgage Backed Securities&CHENG Kang,CONG Yu,HSU Wen-hsin 59
A Research on the Predictability of Credit Risk of the Chinese Listed Companies Based on the KMV Model&WEN Liang 72
A Study of Chinese Municipal Bond Rating&LUAN Xuejian 76
Accounting Treatment Discussion of Risk Aversion for Enterprises'Foreign Currency Claims and Liabilities&XU Lijun 82
An Empirical Analysis of the Mixed Portfolio Insurance Strategy&ZHOU Sheng,SHI Benshan 86
An Empirical Study on Audit Opinions Shopping of the Listed Companies in the Reversing Loss Year&HANG Xiaobo,YANG Bingyan,WANG Xin 91
An Empirical Study on Factors of China's Stock Market Volatility in Different Market State&WEN Liang 95
An Empirical Study on the Influence of China's Capital Market by Macro-economic Factors&YU Mei,WANG Ti 101
A Study between Financial Governance and Value Creation——In Case of Chinese Manufacture List Companies&LIU Yanwen,JI Xianling 106
Analysis on the Expansion of Chinese Real Estate Public Companies and Their Financial Strategy&LI Xiang,KANG Yuhong 110
Analysis on the Performance of Listed Corporations in Travelling Industry under the Background of Financial Crisis&WU Changyu,FENG Li 116
Bank Size,Ownership Structure and Credit Availability of Small Enterprises:Review on Oversea Researches&QIN Jie,ZHONG Tianli 120
Chinese Commercial Banks Transformed by Information Technology&WANG Zhao,MA Junwei 128
Commercial Bank Evaluation Performance Study&XUE Xue,LIU Yanping 133
Communication and Culture ofChina Listed Company Financial Indicators Evaluation&SONG Jiashun 137
Deposit Insurance、Financial Stability and Moral Hazard&WANG Jinping,WANG Zhaogang,XU Mingsheng 141
Detecting Long-range Correlations of Trading Volume and Volatility of Shanghai Stock Market Using High Frequency Data&YUAN Ying,ZHUANG Xintian,LIU Zhe 148
Different Accounting Treatment of Business Combination and Their Economic Consequences&JIANG Yafu,LIU Chun 153
Efficiency Analysis on Equity Finance of Listed Companies in China by DEA Approach&CHEN Xianjin 158
Empirical Study on New Accounting Criterion Influence to Assets Impairment&GUO Yanping 162
Empirical Study on the Capability of Chinese Commercial Bank Branches&SUN Yiqing,JI Shaobo 170
Empirical Study on the Self-restraint Mechanism of Dual Listing——Evidence from China's AH Dual-1isted Companies&LI Li,YUAN Dejiang,LIU Jiaming 186
Financial Management Information Application Research for Service Outsourcing Enterprise&FAN Xin 193
How Financial Institutions do Risk Management&ZHENG Peng,LONG Jing,GAO Bicong 197
Information Transmission between Large and Small Stocks:Evidence from China&ZHU Tianxing,CHEN Yan,LI Qian,CAO Tingting 201
Issues on ARCH Models and Its Applications&LI Wenjing,KONG Xinxing 206
Liquidity Stress Testing for Commercial Banks——An Empirical Study Based on Clustering Analysis&LIU Yan,GONG Changliang 210
Literature Review of Chinese Government Investment Research&SUN Xiufeng,ZHANG Manfei 215
Opinions on Constructing ERM System for Domestic Commercial Banks&DONG Rufang,WANG Zhihong 220
Optimization Model of Asset-Liability Based on Absolute Dispersion Risk&XU Wen,YANG Zhongyuan, 225
Optimization of Loan Investment Portfolio Utility Maximization Based on the Yield of VAR&YIN Xiaoting,FU Ying,LIU Yanping 230
Optimization Study on Bank Audit Supervisory System&PAN Yangyang,PAN Qingyang 234
Option Game Analysis of Reducing the Scale under Uncertain Competition&SHI Shanchong,FAN Jia,WANG Shumin,GENG Hemin,WU Junling 238
Ownership Concentration,Managerial Ownership and Information Disclosure Quality&ZHANG Yuemei,LIU Wei 242
Analysis on the Enterprise Resource and Management Integration Based on Strategic Restructuring&WANG Jianhua,NIU Feng 247
Pricing Catastrophe Mortality Bonds under Stochastic Dependence&SHANG Qin,QIN Xuezhi 252
Research on Liquidity Risk Measurement and Trade Strategy Based on 50ETF&WANG Jing,GUO Xiaoxi 256
Research on Risk Control of the Investment Banking of Chinese Commercial Banks&BAN Yunhao,YANG Zhixuan 261
Research on Risk Source and Control of Real Estate Credit&WANG Ke 267
Research on the Evaluation Model of Financial Governance Based on Improved TOPSIS&LIU Yanwen,DAI Minxia 271
Research on the Financial Internal Control of Listed Companies&FAN Xin 276
Research on Volatility of SSE Real Estate Index Based on GARCH Model&KONG Xinxing,LI Wenjing 281
Research Review of Pyramidal Structure and Capital Structure&ZHOU Ying,FANG Suoqin 285
Residual Profit of Corporate Controlling Interest:Invasion to Interest or Performance Optimization&LIU Yuanyuan,ZHAO Shikuo,LUO Yangyang 289
Selecting an Optimal Investment Portfolio for Family Investors:Evidence from China&QI Yongsheng 299
Stock Price Volatility,Regional Difference and Earnings Management——An Empirical Research for Chinese Listed Firms&LONG Jing,FU Linlin,GUO Li 303
The Analysis of the Impact of Capital Regulatory Regime Change Trend on the Chinese Banking Industry&TIAN Miao 308
The Comprehensive Evaluation Model of Economy Based on the Scientific Concept of Development and Empirical Research on Liaoning Province&YAO Hong,JIN Xue,LI Na,YANG Jing 314
The Discussion on Managers'Compensation of State-owned Enterprises&WANG Na 320
The Establishment of Housing Loan Customer's Requirements Evaluation Index System Based on G1&ZHAO Zhihong,CHI Guotai,LI Gang 325
The reason banks promise to pay par on demand&XIAO Cai Lin 331
The Research on Investor Sentiment and Investment Behavior of Listed Companies&ZHANG Qiluan,LI Yanxi,CHEN Yan,WANG Xiaojie 335
The Risk Analysis on International Factoring Business&LEE Li 340
The Risk Management of China's Securities Investment Fund Industry&YANG Chunmei 345
Credit Rating Changes and CEO Incentives&KANG Qiang,LIU Qiao 350
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