1.有关娱乐的成语 2
a)打扑克牌 2
ace up one's sleeve 2
bad deal (hand) good(fair) deal (hand) 3
follow suit 5
force one's hand 5
hold(get)all the cards be in the cards without a card to play 6
lay(put) one's cards on the table 8
play one's cards close to the vest(chest) 9
shuffle reshuffle 10
trump card 11
b)Other Entertainment(其他娱乐) 13
jump on the bandwago 13
merry-go-round 14
musical chairs 15
orchestrate 15
party is over 16
play second fiddle 17
pull out all the stops 18
pull the strings 19
run the show 19
set the stage 20
strings attached 21
2.有关动物的成语 24
make sheep's eyes 24
bone of contention 24
cat-and-mouse game 25
clip one’s wings 26
cool one’s heels 27
hornets’ nest 28
lame duck 29
lick one’s wounds 30
lion’s share 31
maverick 32
pecking order 33
pussyfoot 33
flog(beat)a dead horse 34
rat race 35
rub~the wrong way 36
sitting duck 37
3.有关建筑物、家俱的成语 39
go through the ceiling 39
go through the floor 39
in a〔tight〕corner 40
lobby 41
pull the rug 〔out〕from under 42
roll out the red carpet 43
take a back seat 44
under the table above board 45
4.有关衣着的成语 48
bigwig 48
come apart at the seams 48
fill someone’s shoes 49
fringe 50
hat 51
roll up one’s sleeves in one’s shirt sleeves 52
shoestring 53
skirt 54
tighten one’s belt 54
5.有关自己动手做的成语 57
go against the grain 57
hit the nail on the head 58
paint oneself into a corner 59
paper over 60
patch up patch together paste together 61
tighten the screws 62
6.有关农场的成语 65
beef up 65
brand 66
drop in the bucket 67
have (put) all one’s eggs in one basket 68
mend one’s fences 69
prime the pump 70
pump~into 71
pump up 71
run into a brick wall stonewall 72
sit on ( straddle) the fence 73
chicken scratches 74
7.有关食物、烹饪的成语 77
bite off more than one can chew 77
bread and butter 78
brew 79
cold shoulder 80
food for thought 81
hot potato 81
put (keep) on the back burner 82
simmer 〔down〕 83
sugar-coat 85
warm over 86
8.有关健康、医药的成语 89
booster shot shot in the arm medicine pill 89
come to a head fester sore 90
suffer wounds bind up ( heal) the wounds aggravate the wounds add salt to the wounds 91
9.有关人体的成语 94
a)手臂和手 94
get( have)the upper hand 94
keep at arm’s length 95
knuckle under 95
rule of thumb 96
tight-fisted 97
turn thumbs down 98
twist one’s arm 99
b)脸 101
close shave razor thin by a whisker 101
hardnosed 102
pay lip service 103
raise one’s eyebrows 104
tight-lipped 105
tongue-lashing 105
c)脚 108
dig one’s heels in 108
drag one’s feet 109
in step out of step sidestep 110
put one’s foot down 111
put one’s foot in one’s mouth 112
d)头和身体 114
bow out 114
do an about-face 114
head above water up to one’s neck over one’ s head (depth) 115
take a low profile 117
when one’s back is turned 118
10.有关自然现象的成语 120
a)地面和天空 120
avalanche 120
bonanza 120
bridge the gap 121
in the dark 122
moonlight 123
volcano 124
rain check 125
whirlwind 126
b)冷热 129
break the ice 129
damp down(dampen) throw(dash)cold water on fizzle 130
fan the fire smoulder flare up 131
in hot water lukewarm 133
in the cold 134
play it cool 135
snowball 135
tip of an iceberg 136
c)科学 139
acid test litmus test 139
fallout 140
pick up steam let off steam run out of steam 141
put (keep) the lid on blow (take) the lid off 143
tarnish (polish) the image 144
11.有关植物的成语 147
hard (tough) nut to crack 147
in a nutshell 148
mushroom 149
nip in the bud 150
out of the woods 150
out on a limb 151
slim pickings 152
weed out 153
12.有关运动的成语 155
across-the-board 155
beat around the bush 156
call the shots 157
down to the wire 157
field 〔the〕 questions 158
game isn't over yet 159
in the bag 160
no holds barred 161
on one's (own) home turf 162
pull one's punches 163
score (rack up) points 164
start from scratch 165
dark horse 166
13.有关时间和金钱的成语 169
around the clock 169
time is running out eleventh hour 170
wheeling and dealing 171
14.有关交通的成语 174
a)陆地方面 174
green light 174
light at the end of the tunnel 175
on the track off the track sidetrack 177
pave the way 179
steer clear 180
b)海上方面 182
even keel 182
in the wake of 183
keep afloat 184
lower the boom 184
rock the boat 185
shipshape 186
sink or swim 187
smooth sailing rough sailing 188
15.有关武器、防御的成语 191
come under fire 191
fuse defuse short-fused 192
go off half-cocked 193
last-ditch 194
loophole 195
on target wide of the mark 196
stab~in the back 197
take a shot at 198
top brass 199
16.出自圣经的成语 201
new wine in old bottles 201
gird up ones loins 201
babel 202
be a law unto oneself 203
break bread 204
by(with)the skin of one’s teeth 204
cast pearls before swine 205
clear as crystal 206
eat one’s heart out 207
hide one’s light under a bushel 208
live on (off) the fat of the land 209
parting of the ways 210
promised land 210
put one’s hand to the plough 211
raise Cain 212
set one’s teeth on edge 213
wash one’s hands of 214
索引 216
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