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中国生态扶贫战略探究  英文版
中国生态扶贫战略探究  英文版

中国生态扶贫战略探究 英文版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:蔡典雄,查燕等编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
  • 出版年份:2011
  • ISBN:9787030307552
  • 页数:270 页
《中国生态扶贫战略探究 英文版》目录

Part 1 Status of Poverty and Ecosystems in China 1

Chapter 1 Poverty in China 3

1.1 Definition of Poverty Line in China 3

1.2 Poverty Alleviation in China 8

1.3 Poverty-stricken County Designated by State(PCDS) 21

References 24

Chapter 2 Ecosystems of China 26

2.1 Major Types of Ecosystem 26

2.2 Ecological Zones 31

References 37

Chapter 3 Assessment of the State of Knowledge on the Supply of Ecosystem Services in China 39

3.1 Provisioning Services 39

3.2 Regulating Services 53

3.3 Supporting Services 60

3.4 Cultural Services 65

References 69

Part 2 Decision-making and Drivers of Change for Ecosystems and Poverty in China 75

Chapter 4 Indirect Drivers Impacting on Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation 77

4.1 Population Change 77

4.2 Economic Growth 81

4.3 Land-use Change 86

4.4 Agricultural Development 91

4.5 Energy Sector Development 92

4.6 Development of Science&Technology and Education 95

References 98

Chapter 5 Decision-making directly concerning ESPA 100

5.1 Maior Government Policies 100

5.2 Land Management 105

5.3 Water Management 122

5.4 Payment for Environmental Services 133

References 138

Chapter 6 Review of economic valuation of ecosystem services in China 141

6.1 Introduction 141

6.2 Constitution of Ecosystem Service Function Values 142

6.3 Classifications of Ecosystem Service Functional Values 143

6.4 Evaluation Methods of Ecosystem Values 144

6.5 Progress of Ecosystem Valuation in China 150

6.6 Practice of China's Ecological Poverty Alleviation 151

6.7 Prospects of System Service Value Assessment Studying 153

References 155

Part 3 Direct Drivers of Ecosystem Change and Poverty 159

Chapter 7 Potential impacts of climate change on terrestrial ecosystem services in China 161

7.1 Introduction 161

7.2 Climate models and Projections of Regional Climate Change in China 162

7.3 Potential Impacts on Terrestrial Ecosystems 164

7.4 Crop Production 176

7.5 Summary 181

References 181


8.1 Introduction 186

8.2 Water Environment 188

8.3 Atmosphere 195

8.4 Forests and Grassland 198

References 203

Chapter 9 Potential Impact of Invasive Alien Species on Ecosystem Services and Poverty Reduction in China 208

9.1 Introduction 208

9.2 Ias status and Trends in China 210

9.3 Impacts of IAS on Ecosystem Services 214

9.4 Effects of IAS on Poverty Reduction 217

9.5 Effects of Climate Change on IAS 220

9.6 Knowledge Gaps and Recommendations in Research Aspects 221

References 224

Part 4 Ningxia Case Study 229

Chapter 10 Ningxia Case Study 231

10.1 Status of Ecological Environment and Economic Development in Ningxia 233

10.2 Major Problems of Ecological Construction for Poverty Reduction 243

10.3 Important Measures of Ecological Construction for Poverty Reduction and the Achievements in Ningxia 246

10.4 Important Measures of Ecological Construction for Poverty Reduction in the Forthcoming Years 261

References 270
