- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李承节等主编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国林业出版社
- 出版年份:1997
- ISBN:7503818921
- 页数:203 页
类目名称 Name of classification 1
编辑说明 Editor explanation 1
分类目录 Clissified catalog 1
正文 Text 1
前言 Introduction 1
沙棘有关的方针、政策及领导指示 Policy and leader's instructions for Seabuckthorn 1
沙棘的综合治性论述 Comprehensive exposition of Seabuckthorn 6
沙棘简要概述 Brief introduction of Seabuckthorn 18
沙棘的一般性问题 General problems of Seabuckthorn 32
科研及管理 Science research and management 32
沙棘情报 Informations of Seabuckthorn 45
沙棘经济 Economy of Seabuckthorn 81
沙棘基础科学 Foundational science fo Seabuckthorn 97
生物学特性 Biological characteristic 97
分类学 Taxology 147
种质资源及地理分布 Germaplasm resource and geographicl distribution 167
细胞学与遗传学 Gytology and genetics 178
补遗 Addendum 179
个人作者索引 Personal authors index 184
作者索引 Authors index 184
团体作者索引 Corporate authors index 199
俄文作者索引 Russian authors index 201
日文作者索引 Japanese authors index 203
英文作者索引 English authors index 203
生理学 Physiology 204
生态学 Ecology 247
微生物学 Microbiology 296
动物学 Zoology 312
沙棘育种与造林学 Breeding and silviculture of Seabuckthorn 313
育种与良种敏育 Breeding and reproduction of improved variety 313
良种选育与栽培管理 Seed selection of improved variety and cultivation management 327
播种育苗 Grow seedlings with sowing 358
扦插育苗 Grow seedlings with cuttage 371
其他育苗及引种试验 Other grow seedlings and tests of introducing fine variety 406
育苗管理技术 Managerial techniques of grow seedlings 426
造林技术 Forestation technique 434
混交造林 Mixed forestation 442
播种造林 Sowing forestation 456
其他造林 Other forestation 458
沙棘资源管理及果实采收与加工 Resource management of Seabuckthorn and picking and processing of its fruit 466
资源管理 Resource management 466
资源调查 Investigation of resource 484
资源规划与设计 Programme and disign of resource 510
资源建设 Resource construction 521
资源保护 Protection of resource 561
病虫害及其防治 Diseases and insect pests and its prevention and control 561
果实采收与加工 Picking and processing of fruit 583
人工采收 Atrificial picking 585
机械采收 Artificial picking 586
果实加工 Fruit processing 587
沙棘资源的开发与利用 Exploitation and utilization of Seabuckthorn resource 600
一般论述 General exposition 600
资源及产品开发 Exploitations of resources and products 625
开发的建议与设想 Suggestion and tentative ideas of explotiation 646
果实及油的分析 Analysis of fruit and oil 675
油的提取及加工工艺 Extraction of oil and its processing technology 751
果实和油在医疗保健方面的应用 Use of fruit and oil on medical treatments and health protections 766
果实在饮料方面的应用 Use of fruit of beverages 914
果实在食品及化工方面的应用 Use of fruit on foodstuffes and Chemical industries 937
果渣的综合利用 Comprehensive utilizations of fruit waste 957
产品标准 Product standardization 960
其他 Other 965
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