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荧屏艺谭  高鑫自选集
荧屏艺谭  高鑫自选集

荧屏艺谭 高鑫自选集PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:高鑫著
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京广播学院出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:781085383X
  • 页数:245 页
《荧屏艺谭 高鑫自选集》目录

序 Preface 1

电视剧艺术 Teleplay Art 1

电视剧思维方式的探索 Exploring the Ways of Thinking of TV Play 1

目录 1

在历史的交叉点上表现美——现代电视剧的审美观念 Embodying Beauty at the Historical Crossroads 12

电视剧艺术观念的嬗变与演递 Development and Evolvement of the Perception of TV Play 15

电视剧美学三题 Three Aesthetic Topics of TV Play 22

试论电视剧的文学性 On the Literary Features of TV Play 31

电视剧的地域特色 The Local Features of TV Play 44

电视剧的观念创新与理论建设 Ideological Innovation and Theoretical Construction of TV Play 51

通俗剧:大众文化文本 Popular TV Play:A Text of Popular Culture 85

电视文学艺术 Television Literature Art 99

电视文学的崛起 The Rise of Television Literature 99

构筑电视文学的系统工程——《文学与欣赏》的开拓品格 Constructing System Engineering of Television Literature 104

电视诗文的文学意蕴 The Literary Meaning of TV Poem 114

电视专题片的美学思考——《地方台30分钟》述评 Aesthetic Thinking on Television Feature 120

电视纪实艺术 Television Recording Art 120

“电视纪录片”与“电视专题片”界说 Distinction between Television Documentary and Television Feature 129

纪实美的回归 Aesthetics of Reality 134

“纪实型”专题节目创作思辩 On Production of Documentary Programs 139

中国电视纪录片创作理念的演递及其论争——为“中国纪录片20周年论坛”而作 The Evolution and Controversy of the Production Idea of China Television Doc-umentary 146

电视艺术论 Television Art 156

试论电视艺术的语言系统 On Linguistic System of Television Art 156

电视艺术的创新与电视化 Innovation and Visualization of Television Art 167

现代高科技与现代艺术观念 Modern Technologies and Conception of Modern Arts 176

电视艺术美学·序 Preface of Aesthetics of TV Art 180

电视文化论 Television Culture 189

中国电视文化生态环境刍议 Discussion of Environment of China TV Culture 189

中国电视文化理念的嬗变和趋向 Evolvement and Trends of the Values of China TV Culture 200

管窥未来中国电视文化 A Glimpse of China TV Culture 212

电视文化身份的多维度审视 A Multi-dimentional Look into TV Culture Indentity 232
