轻松英语会话 联想4000词PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:赵修臣主编
- 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
- 出版年份:2004
- ISBN:7561125305
- 页数:505 页
社交篇(一) 2
1 We haven't introduced ourselves 2
2 Thank you for the tip 4
3 The pleasure was all mine 6
4 Thank you for everything 8
5 It's my pleasure 10
6Ican manage it 12
7 Don't mention it 14
8 Good-bye and take care 16
9Ididn't mean to 18
10 Forgive me 20
11 Let's make up 22
12 OK 24
社交类词汇(一) 26
社交篇(二) 38
13Ibeg your pardon? 38
14 It's a small world! 40
15I can't place you 42
16 How did he strike you? 44
17 You'll get used to it 46
18 Nice to meet you 48
19 Yes, I am 50
20 Just between you and me 52
21 We went to the sarne school 54
22 Can you make it? 56
23 You made my day! 58
24 What's in your mind? 60
25 It isn't much 62
26 This is a little sth.for you,. 64
27 May I have your name, please? 66
28 He has a big mouth. 68
29I'm pushing 65. 70
30 I'm positive. 72
31 Penod! 74
32 Don't be shy. 76
33 not on the same wavelength. 78
34 I'll keep my eyes open for you. 80
35 It's a good thing... 82
社交类词汇(二). 84
交通篇 92
36 He got a DUI conviction. 92
37 It won't happen again. 94
38 I witnessed a traffic accident. 96
39 What seems to be the problem? 98
40 That's the way it is. 100
41 One ticket, please. 102
42 Mind backing up a little? 104
43 It happens all the time. 106
44 Please wear your seat belt. 108
45Iwas tied up in traffic. 110
46 I assure you. 112
47 Step on it! 114
48 I have a plane to meet at two. 116
49 This is my luggage. 118
50 You will lose a steady customer! 120
51 departs every hour on the hour. 122
52 Where canIcheck my coat? 124
53 That was close! 126
交通类词汇 128
工作篇 138
54 What kind of starting pay...? 138
55Iwas wondering about 140
56Ihave butterflies in my stomach 142
57 What do you do foraliving? 144
58 I work two jobs 146
59 Is the money good? 148
60Imean what I say 150
61 They paid me time and a half 152
62Ibet you can 154
63Iget the message 156
64 I have to tighten my belt 158
65 Can I have a day off? 160
66 I don't understand 162
67 build a fire under someone 164
68 Don't let me down 166
69 You deserve it 168
70 Tom's brain child 170
71 Sure thing 172
工作类词汇 174
商业与金融篇 186
72 Don't chicken out 186
73 I'm sorry but I misplaced it 188
74 I wasn't bom yesterday 190
75 I need your John Hancock 192
76 So far, so good 194
77 You've got a point there 196
商业与金融类词汇 198
电话篇 206
78 Is this Mr.Wang's of office? 206
79 Am I interrupting anything? 208
80 Could you speak up, please? 210
81 Let's keep in touch 212
82 I'm trying to reach...,but 214
83 Your call did not go through 216
84 120 Emergency.May I help you? 218
85 I'm holding for Mr.Adams 220
86 My phone is out of order 222
87 Please leave...at the tone 224
88 There is a call for you 226
电话类词汇 228
时间与安排篇 232
89 I have a previous engagement 232
90 Time is money 234
91 Excuse my appearance 236
92 Don't stand me up 238
93 I mean 240
94 How time flies! 242
95 reschedule our appointment 244
96 Can you be more specific? 246
时间与安排类词汇 248
购物篇 258
97 Thanksgiving Day falls on Thur 258
98 That's ridiculous 260
99 I'll be right with you 262
100 I can't afford it 264
101 First come,frst served 266
购物类词汇 268
旅店篇 278
102 I'd like to book a room 278
103 Put it on my hotel bill, please 280
104 Give me a wake-up call at 7 282
旅店类词汇 284
照相与冲洗篇 286
105 Can you videotape me, please? 286
106 It doesn't do you justice 288
107 Could you shoot a picture for me? 290
108 I want this picture blown up 292
照相与冲洗类词汇 294
旅游篇 296
109 Did you have fun? 296
110 I envy you 298
111 Can I get some directions? 300
112 Icame by the city streets 302
113 Did I pass Wanshou Road? 304
114 Make a right at the Iight 306
115 You got me 308
116 Let's go see the fall colors 310
117 How do you like living in...? 312
118 Do's and don'ts 314
旅游类词汇 316
休闲与娱乐篇 324
119 We have a lot in common 324
120 What a game! 326
121 You needarest 328
122Imissed delivery this moming 330
123 CanIrenew them by phone? 332
124 He is a car buff 334
125 That sounds like a good idea 336
126 I can't tell 338
127 I See 340
128 There you go 342
休闲与娱乐类词汇 344
体育篇 350
129 It's up to you 350
130 Do you often work out? 352
体育类词汇 354
饮食篇 360
131 Let's talk over dinner 360
132 Suit yourself 362
133 What makes you say so? 364
134Ican't resist the temptation 366
135 Forget it! 368
136 Don'ttake it for granted 370
137 Excuse me 372
138 Never mind 374
139Ithought you might like to 376
饮食类词汇 378
生活习语篇 390
140 Two heads are better than one 390
141 Can't see the woods for the trees 392
142 Can't hold a candle to someone 394
143 let the cat out of the bag 396
生活习语类词汇 398
家庭与生活习俗篇 406
144 You can't complain 406
145 Have you got that? 408
146 My name is John 410
147I'm Chinese 412
148 Can't it wait? 414
149Ifelt sick at heart 416
150 No sweat 418
151 It's up to date 420
152 Don't be a litterbug 422
家庭与生活习俗类词汇 424
服饰与形象篇 430
153 Clothes make the man 430
154 Just a trim, please 432
155 How doIlook? 434
服饰与形象类词汇 436
情绪与情感篇 442
156 You're pulling my 442
157 Look on the bright side 444
158 It couldn't be worse 446
159 I'm sick and tired of it 448
160 I'm afraid not 450
161 Don't go to pieces! 452
162 You said it 454
163 Take care 456
情绪与情感类词汇 458
恋爱与婚姻篇 472
164 You're going too far 472
165 You've made a good choice 474
恋爱与婚姻类词汇 476
法律篇 482
166 The man has to face the music? 482
167 He got hooked on gambling 484
168 What's going on? 486
法律类词汇 488
就医篇 494
169 Are you free tomorrow? 494
170 What's the matter with you? 496
171 It's a deal 498
就医类词汇 500
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