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情声和谐启蒙录  张颂自选集
情声和谐启蒙录  张颂自选集

情声和谐启蒙录 张颂自选集PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:张颂著
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京广播学院出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:7810853864
  • 页数:241 页
《情声和谐启蒙录 张颂自选集》目录

目录 1

自序 Preface 1

谈谈播音的降调问题(1979) Discussion of Phonic Declination 1

浅谈播音中情、声、气的关系(1981) Discussion of the Relation between Sentiment,Tone and Breath 8

研究播音理论是一项紧迫的任务(1982) An Urgent Mission to Study Announcing Theory 16

普通话播音中的几个基本问题——兼评美、澳、苏、英、日的普通话播音(1984) Problems in Putonghua Announcing:Putonghua Announcing in US,Australia,Soviet Union,UK and Japan 23

播音表达规律(1985) Announcing Expression Principles 31

语气(1985) Tonal Mood 44

“播音腔”简论(1989) Brief Discussion on“Announcing Tone” 72

提高播音队伍素质 开拓播音创作天地(1990) To Enhance the Capability of Announcing Professionals,to Expand the Artistic World of Announcing 78

广播电视与语言文字规范化——兼谈克服“口语至上”倾向(1993) TV,Radio and Standardization of Language:Overcoming the Trend of Stressing“Spoken Language” 85

崇敬与悼念——学习齐越著作感言(1993) Reverence and Mourning:Studying Works by Qi Yue 90

语言是精妙的(1994) Ingenious Language 95

《中国播音学·绪论》(1994) Introduction to“Chinese Announcing Theory” 119

深化播音内涵加强语言魅力(1994) Deepening the Connotation of Announcing,Strengthening the Power of Language 123

努力为广播电视事业培养更多更好的播音人才(1996) Educating More and Better Talents for Radio,TV Industries 135

关于传受“模式”的思考——语言传播杂记之一(1997) Thoughts on Communication Models:1st Essay Concerning Verbal Communication 143

坚持规范化 走向多样化——节目主持艺术中的语言态势(1997) Sticking to Standardization While Seeking Diversification:Verbal Expression in the Art of Anchoring Programmes 146

采得百花成蜜后——鲁景超主编《真话实说——名主持人访谈录》前言(1998) Making Honey out of Flowers,preface for“Truthful Discussion:Interview with Famous Anchors”with Lu Jingchao as chief editor 152

关于语言本质的思考——语言传播杂记之十六(2000) Thoughts onthe Essence of Language,16th Essay Concerning Verbal Communication 158

“口语至上”批判(2000) Critique on“Superiority of Spoken Language” 161

话语权力简论(2000) Discussion on the Power of Speech 169

试论新闻播音的创新空间(2000) Discussion on the Creative Space in News Announcing 176

广播电视的网络优势(2000) Network Advantage of Radio and Television 180

捍卫电视新闻的严肃性,拒绝娱乐化!(2000) Defending the Seriousness of Television News,Keeping off Entertainment! 186

论语言传播的三重空间(2000) Three-dimensional Verbal Communication 191

语言启蒙行动宣言(代序)(2001) Declaration of Linguistic Enlightenment 195

话语样式简论(2002) Discussion on Speech Models 202

《朗读美学·绪论》(2002) Preface to“Recitation Aesthetics” 210

电视节目主持人不该演艺化(2003) TV Anchors Shouldn t Become Entertainers 221

话语表达简论(2003) Discussion on Verbal Expression 224

试论中央电视台新闻频道的价值取向(2003) Discussion on Value Criteria of CCTV News Channel 231

附录: Appendix: 237

张颂:谁说播音无学?(2004) Zhangsong:Who Says Announcing Has No Theory? 237
