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  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:陈良旋编著
  • 出 版 社:郑州:河南人民出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:7215009173
  • 页数:364 页

Contents 1

目录 1

第一章 商业书信的不同风格和特殊格式(The Different Style and the Special Forms of Business Letters) 1

信头(The Heading) 4

信内地址(The Inside Address) 5

称呼(The Salutation) 7

信文(The Body of the Letter) 9

结束语(The Complimentary Close) 10

第二章 建立贸易关系书信(Letters of Establishing Business Relations) 18

Model 1 从商务参赞处(外国驻我国)获得信息建立贸易关系(Establishing Business Relations Through Commercial Counsellor s Office) 19

Model 2 同意建立贸易关系(Agreeing to Establish Business Relations) 21

Model 3 经介绍建立贸易关系(Establishing Business Relations by Introduction) 22

Model 4 回复信(A Letter in Reply) 23

Notes 23

Reference Expressions 27

Exercises 30

询盘(Inquiries) 34

第三章 询盘信与报盘信(Letters of Inquiries and Offers) 34

Model 1 索取价格单和样品(Asking for Pricelist and Samples) 37

Model 2 关于工艺品的询盘信(An Inquiry for Art and Craft) 38

Model 3 关于收录机的一份询盘传真(A Fax Inquiry for Tape Recorder) 39

Notes 40

Reference Expressions 49

报盘与报价(Offers and Quotations) 52

Model 4 关于工艺品的报盘信(An Offer for Art and Craft) 55

Model 5 虚盘报价信(Making a Non-firm Offer) 56

Model 6 实盘报价信(Making a Firm Offer) 57

Model 7 因缺货无法寄样(Failing to Send Samples for Short of Supply) 58

还盘(Counter-offer) 59

Model 8 要求修改报盘(Asking for Amendment to an Offer) 61

Model 9 拒绝还盘(Declining a Counter-offer) 62

Notes 63

Reference Expressions 68

Exercises 73

第四章 订货与确认信件(Letters of Order and Confirmation) 80

寄函订货(2)(Order by Letters) 83

Model 1 寄函订货(1)(Order by Letters) 83

Model 2 确认订货(Order Confirmed) 84

Model 3 续订(Repeat Order) 85

Model 4 取消订货(Cancelling an Order) 86

Model 5 寄送销售确认书(Sending Sales Confirmation) 87

Model 6 寄还销售确认书(Returning Sales Confirmation) 88

Notes 88

Reference Expressions 93

Exercises 97

第五章 关于资信调查(On Credit Information) 102

Model 1 要求填写信用申请书(Asking Customers to Fill in the Credit-application) 104

Model 2 查询信用情况(Asking for Credit Standing) 105

Model 3 信用良好的报告(Favourable References on Credit Standing) 106

Model 4 资信不良的报告(Unfavourable References on Credit Standing) 107

Notes 107

Reference Expressions 109

第六章 关于形式发票(On Proforma Invoice) 111

Model 1 索取形式发票(Requesting Proforma Invoice) 112

Model 2 寄送形式发票(Sending Proforma Invoice) 113

Notes 114

Exercises 116

第七章 关于代理(On Agencies) 122

Model l 申请代理(Applying for Agency) 125

Model 2 关于指定代理商(On Appointing an Agency) 126

Model 3 一个肯定的回复(A Favourable Reply) 127

Model 4 关于代理协议条款(On Terms of the Agency Agreement) 128

Notes 129

Exercises 134

第八章 信用证(Letter of Credit) 138

催证(Rushing Establishment of L/C) 140

Model 1 催开信用证(Urging Establishment of L/C) 141

Model 2 回复信(A Letter in Reply) 142

Notes 143

Exercises 147

改证(Amendments to L/C) 155

Model 3 要求修改信用证(Requesting L/C Amendment) 156

Model 4 要求修改信用证(Requesting Amendment to L/C) 157

Model 5 允许修改信用证(Granting Amendment to L/C) 158

Model 6 指示银行改证(Instruction to the Bank for Amendment to L/C) 159

Notes 159

Exercises 164

展证(Extension of L/C) 168

Model 7 要求延展信用证(Requesting Extension of L/C) 170

Model 8 同意延展信用证(Granting Extension of L/C) 171

Notes 171

Reference Expressions 174

Exercises 177

第九章 装运与交货(On Shipments and Deliveries) 181

Model 1 装运通知(Shipping Advice) 183

Model 2 对装运要求的回复(In Reply to Shipping Instructions) 184

Model 3 关于所订货物的交货问题(On Delivery of Goods Ordered) 185

Model 4 关于货物短少给发货人的通知(Advice on Shortage to Consignor) 186

Model 5 发货人的回复(Reply from the Consignor) 187

Model 6 询问货运情况(Inquiring Shipping Service) 188

Notes 188

Reference Expressions 196

Exercises 199

第十章 保险(Insurance) 205

Model 1 询问保险情况(Inquiring Insurance Information) 208

Model 2 对询问的回复(Replying to the Inquiring) 209

Model 3 有关No.NP0303订单的保额(Insurance Amount of Order No.NP0303) 210

Notes 211

Model 4 承保(Underwriting) 217

Model 5 保险批单(Endorsement to Insurance Policy) 218

Model 6 理赔(Settlement of Claim) 218

Model 7 拒赔(Repudiation of Claim) 219

Model 8 追偿(Recovery of Loss) 220

Notes 221

Reference Expressions 224

Exercises 226

书写投诉信(Writing Letters of Complaint) 232

第十一章 投诉与调整(Complaint and Adjustment) 232

Model 1 对延误自行车交货的投诉(Complaint—Delay in Delivery of Bicycles) 234

Model 2 对质量、花色品种不符的投拆(Complaint of Dis crepancy on Quality and Colour) 235

回复投诉信(Answering Complaints) 236

Model 3 对延误自行车交货的投诉的答复(Reply to Complaint—Delay in Delivery of Bicycles) 241

Model 4 因产品质量低劣要求退换(Asking for a Replacement Due to Inferior Quality) 242

Model 5 同意退换并派代表检查(Acceptance to a Replacement and Sending Representatives to Inspect) 243

Model 6 送错货物(Wrong Goods Sent) 244

Model 7 对送错货物的回复(Reply—Wrong Goods Sent) 245

Notes 246

Reference Expressions 252

Exercises 255

第十二章 索赔与理赔(Claims and Settlement) 260

Model 1 因短重索赔(A Claim for Shortweight) 263

Model 2 理赔(Settlement of a Claim) 264

Model 3 关于受损医疗器械的索赔(A Claim on Damaged Medical Instruments) 265

Model 4 拒赔(Refusing the Claim) 266

Notes 267

Reference Expressions 273

Exercises 276

第十三章 外贸单证样本(Specimens of Documents in International Trade) 281

1.Sales Contract 售货合同 281

2.Sales Confirmation 售货确认书 286

3.Commercial Invoice 商业发票 289

4.Certificate of Origin 产地证明书 301

5.Packing List 装箱单 303

6.Weight Memo 重量单 305

7.Bill of Lading 提单 307

8.Insurance Policy(Certificate)保险单(凭证) 314

9.Draft(Bill of Exchange)汇票 318

10.Letter of Credit 信用证 322

11.Exclusive Sales Agreement 独家销售协议书 341

12.Sole Agency Agreement 独家代理协议书 344

13.Agreement on Compensation Trade  补偿贸易协议书 349

附录一 有关世界贸易组织及其多边贸易协议的缩略语 352

附录二 世界贸易组织成员和观察员名单 357
