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冷观世界风云  刘洪潮自选集
冷观世界风云  刘洪潮自选集

冷观世界风云 刘洪潮自选集PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:刘洪潮著
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京广播学院出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:7810853651
  • 页数:245 页
《冷观世界风云 刘洪潮自选集》目录

目录 1

国际政论 Comments on World Affairs 1

美国为什么“牛”? Why Is the United States So“Tough”? 1

俄国为什么“软”? Why Is Russia So“Weak”? 3

欧盟为什么“散”? Why Is the European Union“Loosely Organized”? 5

世纪之交看单极与多极之争 The Conflicts Between the Uni-polar and Multi-polar in the Turn of the Century 8

“9·11事件”与国际局势的演变 “9·11”and Changes in International situation 26

怎样看中美关系 How To Understand Sino-US Relations? 41

印巴缘何没开打 What Kept India and Pakistan from Fighting Each Othes? 71

美国为何执意打伊倒萨 Why Was the United States So Determined to Attack Iraq and Overthrow Saddam Hussein? 76

美国“倒萨”的三步棋 Three Steps in US Strateegies of Overthrowing Saddam Hussein 81

萨达姆不会同意流亡 Saddam Hussein Would Not Accept Exile 84

美国强大的另一面 The Other Side of U.S.Power 86

美国的“支持者”析 “Supporters”of the United States 90

透视伊拉克战后的乱局和怪象 Turbulences and Strange Phenomenon in Post-Iraq War Period 93

绯闻警示录 Alarms of Sexual Scandals 103

“科尔栽了”的警示 The Alarm of the Step-down of Helmut Kohl 114

话说“公投” Understanding“Public Poll”in Taiwan 117

泰国的平民总理川·立派 “Populace”Prime Minister of Thailand- -Chuan Leekpai 123

国际人物 World Political Figures 123

“非洲贤人”尼雷尔 “African Virtuous Man”Julius K.Nyerere 126

普京的魅力 Charm of Vladimir Putin 130

他把一切献给了国家——记巴解执委会主席阿拉法特 He Has Contributed All To the Country——PLO Leader Yasser Arafat 134

沙龙,毁誉参半的以色列强人 Ariel Sharon——Israeli Tough Man of Both Praise and Censure 136

刮目相看瓦希德 Looking at Abdurrahman Wahid with New Eyes 139

功成身退的萨马兰奇 Juan Antonio Samaranchs Retirement after Great Successes 144

安南成功的秘诀 Secrets for Kofi Annans Success 147

穆沙拉夫,一个善于审时度势的人 Perrez Musharraf,A Politician Good at Judging the Situation 150

卡尔扎伊,一个有胆有识的政治家 Hamid Karzai,A Politician with Courage and Insight 152

奋斗不息的瓦杰帕伊 Atal Bihari Vajpayee,A Politician Who Struggles with No Stop 155

锲而不舍的金大中 Kim Dae Jung,A Politician Who Pursued Perseveringly 158

他下台后干得很漂亮——记美国前总统卡特的退休生活 Job Well Done——After James Carter Finished Presidency 170

老布什潇洒度晚年 George Bushs Easy Life after Retirement 181

重大国际事件纪实 Recods of Important World Affairs 187

中东巨星陨落——埃及总统萨达特遇刺身亡 The Falling of Star in Middle East——the Assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat 187

萨哈林夜空惨剧——韩国KE007客机被苏导弹击落 Tragedy in Night Sky——South Korea KE007 Airplane Was Hit Down by USSR Missile 209

美国“世纪大审判”——克林顿绯闻案曝光之后 Great Trial in the New Century——after Bill Clintons Sexual Scandal Was Disclosed 222
