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新编英语语法教程  教师用书
新编英语语法教程  教师用书

新编英语语法教程 教师用书PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:章振邦主编;张月祥编
  • 出 版 社:北京/西安:世界图书出版公司
  • 出版年份:2000
  • ISBN:7810467220
  • 页数:483 页
《新编英语语法教程 教师用书》目录

第一部分 《新编英语语法教程》的体系特征 1

第二部分 英文讲授提纲 33

Introduction:Grammatical Hierarchy 35

0.1 Morphemes 35

0.2 Words 36

0.3 Phrases 36

0.4 Clauses 38

0.5 Sentences 39

Lecture 1 Sentence Structure 40

1.1 Clause elements 40

1.2 Basic clause types and their transforma-tion and expansion 41

Lecture 2 Subject-verb Concord(Ⅰ) 43

2.1 Guiding principles 43

2.2 Problems of concord with nouns ending in-s 44

2.3 Problems of concord with collective nouns as subject 46

Lecture 3 Subject-verb Concord(Ⅱ) 48

3.1 Problems of concord with a coordinate subject 48

3.2 Problems of concord with expressions of quantity as subject 49

3.3 Other problems of subject-verb concord 51

Lecture 4 Noun and Noun Phrase 54

4.1 Classification of nouns 54

4.2 Number forms of nouns 55

4.3 Partitives 57

Lecture 5 Genitive Noun 60

5.1 Formation,meanings and uses of genitive nouns 60

5.2 Independent genitive and double genitive 64

Lecture 6 Determiners(Ⅰ) 67

6.1 Collocations between determiners and nouns 67

6.2 Collocations between determiners 69

6.3 A comparative study of some determiner usage 71

Lecture 7 Determiners(Ⅱ)—Articles 75

7.1 Generic and specific reference 75

7.2 Article usage 78

Lecture 8 Pronouns(Ⅰ) 80

8.1 Pronoun concord in number 80

8.2 Pronoun concord in gender 82

8.3 Pronoun concord in person 85

Lecture 9 Pronouns(Ⅱ) 88

9.1 Choice of pronoun case forms 88

9.2 Possessive pronouns,reflexive pronouns and generic use of personal pronouns 92

9.3 Pronoun reference 98

Lecture 10 Verb and Verb Phrase 101

10.1 Classification of verbs(Ⅰ) 101

10.2 Classification of verbs(Ⅱ) 106

10.3 A survey of tense,aspect,voice and mood 108

Lecture 11 Tense and Aspect(Ⅰ) 114

11.1 Uses of simple present 114

11.2 Uses of simple past 116

11.3 Uses of present progressive 118

11.4 Uses of past progressive 120

Lecture 12 Tense and Aspect(Ⅱ) 123

12.1 Uses of present perfective(progressive) 123

12.2 Uses of past perfective(progressive) 125

12.3 More on the use of perfective aspect 127

Lecture 13 Means of Expressing Future Time 129

13.1 Constructions denoting future time 129

13.2 Means of expressing past future 133

Lecture 14 Passive Voice(Ⅰ) 136

14.1 Active sentence and passive sentence 136

14.2 Passive voice of phrasal verbs 138

14.3 Passive voice of non-finite verbs 139

Lecture 15 Passive Voice(Ⅱ) 142

15.1 Uses of passive sentences 142

15.2 Passive constructions and passive meanings 145

16.1 BE-subjunctive 149

Lecture 16 Subjunctive Mood 149

16.2 WERE-subjunctive 151

Lecture 17 Auxiliaries(Ⅰ) 153

17.1 Modals and modal meanings 154

17.2 Epistemic and non-epistemic use of modals 166

Lecture 18 Auxiliaries(Ⅱ) 169

18.1 Semi-auxiliaries 169

18.2 Contracted forms of auxiliaries 171

Lecture 19 Infinitive(Ⅰ) 175

19.1 Forms of the infinitive 175

19.2 Some few notes on the use of the infini-tive sign 179

20.1 Adjective+infinitive 184

Lecture 20 Infinitive(Ⅱ) 184

20.2 Noun(phrase)+infinitive 186

20.3 Verb+infinitive 188

Lecture 21 -ing Participle 192

21.1 Collocation of-ing participle with verbs 192

21.2 Verbs followed either by infinitive or bying participle 194

Lecture 22 -ed Participle 198

22.1 -ed participle as premodifier 198

22.2 -ed participle as complement 199

22.3 Some few notes on dangling participles 201

23.1 Classification of adjectives 203

Lecture 23 Adjective and Adjective Phrase 203

23.2 Adjectives and participles 205

23.3 Adjective(phrase)as modifier in noun phrases 207

23.4 Adjective phrases as complement 209

Lecture 24 Adverb and Adverb Phrase 212

24.1 Chief uses of adverbs and adverb phrases 212

24.2 Adverbs with or without-ly 215

Lecture 25 Comparison and Comparative Constru-ctions 218

25.1 Comparison of adjectives and adverbs 218

25.2 Comparative constructions 219

25.3 Contrast between comparative constructions 223

26.1 Collocation of prepositions with adjec- tives,verbs and nouns 225

Lecture 26 Preposition and Prepositional Phrase 225

26.2 Complex prepositions 226

26.3 Transformational relations between preposi-tional phrases and subordinate clauses 228

Lecture 27 Statement,Question,Command,Exc-lamation 229

27.1 Statements 229

27.2 Questions 231

27.3 Commands and exclamations 237

Lecture 28 Existential Sentence 242

28.1 Structural properties of existential sen-tences 242

28.2 Non-finite existential clauses 244

29.1 Empty it and anticipatory it 246

Lecture 29 It Patterns 246

29.2 It as introductory word of cleft sentences 247

Lecture 30 Coordination 250

30.1 Types of coordinate constructions 250

30.2 Coordinators semantically considered 252

Lecture 31 Subordination(Ⅰ) 255

31.1 Coordination and subordination 255

31.2 Subordinate clauses(finite) 258

31.3 Some few notes on adverbial clauses 259

32.1 Infinitive clauses 266

Lecture 32 Subordination(Ⅱ) 266

32.2 -ing participle clauses 268

32.3 -ed participle clauses 270

32.4 Verbless clauses 272

32.5 Absolute constructions 273

Lecture 33 Relative Clause 275

33.1 Restrictive and non-restrictive relative clauses 275

33.2 Choice of relative words 276

33.3 Clauses introduced by preposition+relative pronoun 280

33.4 Double relative clauses and embedded relative clauses 281

34.1 Conditionals—Type Ⅰ 283

Lecture 34 Conditional Sentence 283

34.2 Conditionals—Type Ⅱ 284

34.3 Conditionals——Type Ⅲ 286

34.4 Conditionals—Type Ⅳ 287

Lecture 35 Direct and Indirect Speech 288

35.1 Indirect statements 288

35.2 Indirect questions 291

35.3 Indirect commands and exclamations 292

35.4 Mixed types of indirect speech 293

36.1 Modification in noun phrases 294

Lecture 36 Modification 294

36.2 Appositives 296

36.3 Adverbials 298

Lecture 37 Substitution 302

37.1 Nominal substitution 302

37.2 Verbal substitution 305

37.3 Clausal substitution 307

Lecture 38 Ellipsis 309

38.1 Ellipsis in coordinate constructions 309

38 2 Ellipsis in complex sentences 312

39.1 Postponement 315

Lecture 39 Postponement,Fronting and Inversion 315

39.2 Fronting and inversion 317

Lecture 40 From Sentence to Text 320

40.1 Sentence and text 320

40.2 Textual connectors 322

40.3 Text building—sentence,sentence group,text 325

40.4 Topic sentence(group)vs supporting sentence(group) 327

第三部分 练习参考答案 329

Ex.1A 331

1B 332

1C 333

Ex.2A 335

2B 336

Ex.3A 336

3B 337

3C 338

Ex.4A 338

4B 338

4C 339

4D 340

4E 340

5B 341

Ex.5A 341

5C 342

5D 343

Ex.6A 344

6B 344

6C 345

6D 345

6E 346

Ex.7A 347

7B 347

6F 347

7C 348

7D 349

Ex.8A 350

8B 350

Ex.9A 351

9B 351

9C 352

9D 353

Ex.10A 354

10B 355

Ex.11A 356

10C 356

11B 357

11C 358

11D 358

11E 359

11F 360

11G 361

Ex.12A 362

12B 363

12C 363

12D 364

12E 365

12F 366

12G 366

Ex.13A 366

13B 368

13C 369

13D 370

Ex.14A 371

14B 372

14C 373

14E 374

14D 374

14F 375

Ex.15A 375

15B 376

15C 377

15D 378

Ex.16A 379

16B 380

16C 381

17B 382

Ex.17A 382

17C 383

17D 384

17E 385

Ex.18A 385

18B 387

18C 387

18D 388

Ex.19A 389

19C 390

19D 390

19B 390

Ex.20A 391

20B 392

20C 393

20D 394

20E 395

Ex.21A 396

21B 397

21C 398

21D 399

21E 400

21F 401

Ex.22A 402

22B 403

22C 403

22D 404

Ex.23A 405

23B 406

23C 406

23D 407

23E 407

23F 408

Ex.24A 409

24B 410

24C 411

24D 411

Ex.25A 412

25B 413

25C 413

25D 414

25E 414

25F 415

Ex.26A 416

25G 416

26B 417

26C 418

26D 419

26E 420

26F 421

26G 421

26H 423

Ex.27A 424

27B 424

27C 425

27E 427

27D 427

Ex.28A 428

28B 429

28C 429

Ex.29A 431

29B 432

29C 432

29D 433

Ex.30A 433

30C 435

30B 435

Ex.31A 436

31B 437

31C 438

31D 438

31E 439

Ex.32A 440

32B 441

32C 442

32D 443

32E 444

32F 446

32G 446

32H 448

32I 449

Ex.33A 451

33B 452

33C 453

33D 453

Ex.34A 453

34B 454

34C 455

34D 456

34E 456

34F 456

34G 457

34H 458

Ex.35A 459

35B 461

35C 462

35D 463

35E 464

35F 465

35G 466

Ex.36A 466

36B 467

36C 469

36D 471

36E 472

Ex.37A 472

37B 472

37C 473

Ex.38A 474

37D 474

38B 475

38C 476

Ex.39A 477

39B 479

39C 481

Ex.40A 482

40B 482

40D 482

40E 483

40F 483
