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  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:杨海丽主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:7564002921
  • 页数:290 页
标签:词语 主编

目录 1

abandon 1

abase 2

absorb 4

abash 4

accompany 5

abyss 5

acquaintance 6

acquiesce 7

admiration 9

adore 10

adolescent 10

aesthetic 11

adorn 11

affect 12

affection 13

affront 14

affliction 14

amaze 15

agony 15

ambition 16

ambitious 17

angel 18

amorous 18

announce 19

animation 19

animate 19

appreciate 20

anonymous 20

appreciative 21

ardour 22

arrogant 23

attempt 24

astrology 24

attract 25

bashful 27

ballet 27

bachelor 27

bait 27

beam 28

bear 30

bearing 31

breathtaking 32

bruise 33

brilliance 33

captivate 34

bury 34

chase 35

ceremony 35

chaste 36

cheat 37

chatter 37

classic 39

cider 39

choir 39

chum 39

composer 40

comedy 40

conqueror 41

conceal 41

content 43

constellation 43

corridor 44

creek 45

credulous 45

curse 46

cue 46

dainty 47

decorate 48

decline 48

delicious 50

delicacy 50

decorative 50

desecrate 51

describe 51

desire 52

destine 53

despise 53

desolate 53

destiny 54

die 55

disgrace 56

dignity 56

disillusion 57

dress 58

disrobe 58

eclat 59

easygoing 59

dwell 59

elope 60

elegant 60

eminent 61

embellish 61

emotion 63

enchant 64

enjoy 65

encounter 65

entertain 66

epic 67

evade 68

everlasting 69

eye-catcher 70

fantastic 71

fabulous 71

eye-opener 71

faultless 72

fealty 73

felicity 74

female 75

flash 76

fete 76

feminine 76

flow 77

flush 78

follow 79

foliage 79

follower 80

fragrance 81

gallant 82

gaiety 82

frill 82

gallery 83

gaze 84

gleam 85

glamorous 85

glitter 86

harmony 88

harmonious 88

gracious 88

gurgle 88

hate 89

hearty 90

vein (] 91

hug 91

idealize 92

ideal 92

ignore 93

ideally 93

illuminate 94

illustration 95

imagination 97

imaginative 98

immortal 99

imagine 99

inspiration 100

imposing 100

jealousy 101

jewel 102

laugh 103

lean 104

laurel 104

leer 105

like 106

lovely 107

limpid 107

lover 108

loving 109

maiden 110

lyric 110

madness 110

mean 111

majestic 111

mandolin 111

masterpiece 111

mellow 112

mystery 113

melody 113

myth 114

naked 115

noble 116

nymph 117

notice 117

oath 118

oasis 118

occurrence 119

old 120

outspoken 121

outline 121

passion 122

pat 124

personality 125

perfection 125

perfume 125

pleasant 127

pleasure 129

pledge 131

plentiful 133

poem 134

polish 135

porch 136

pomp 136

portray 137

predict 138

present 139

prohibit 141

pursuit 142

purity 142

radiant 143

ramble 144

rare 145

rapture 145

recondition 146

reck 146

regret 147

recreation 147

regal 147

relative 148

rehearse 148

reliance 149

release 149

renowned 150

replace 151

reproach 152

retrain 153

respect 153

romance 155

riveting 155

roam 155

rove 156

sacred 157

ruffle 157

rural 157

salute 158

sage 158

saloon 158

satire 159

scene 160

savoury 160

scandal 160

scent 162

sculpture 163

scorn 163

secret 164

seemly 165

secular 165

sensation 166

shadow 167

sincere 168

sin 168

soppy 169

snofari 169

soap-operatic 169

solitary 169

sorrow 170

stainless 171

souvenir 171

spa 171

stoop 172

steadfast 172

streak 173

straddle 173

stray 173

striking 174

stroll 176

surge 178

suave 178

sublime 178

surreal 179

surmount 179

temperament 180

tarry 180

temporary 181

temperance 181

thrill 183

terrace 183

theatrical 183

tranquil 184

tinge 184

tragic 184

transient 185

tribulation 186

trend 186

trick 187

twilight 188

tropic 188

turf 188

twig 188

ugly 189

unfortunate 190

verdant 191

veil 191

virgin 192

vernal 192

vivacious 193

Virtuoso 193

wedding 193

wed-in 195

whim 195

woo 196

wound 196

wither 196

Xanadu 197

virtue 197

yawl 198

yacht 198

xylophone 198

a flash in the pan 199

a blessing in disguise 199

a bed of roses 199

a nine days'wonder 200

a man of the world 200

a large amount of 200

Adam's apple 201

act as 201

a piece of cake 201

according to one's own lights 201

angry with(at) 202

alpha and omega 202

adjust to 202

afraid of 202

as easy as ABC 203

as a rule 203

answer for 203

apart from 203

at the beck and call of someone 204

at present 204

as it is 204

as soon as 204

as well as 204

at the mercy of 205

at the expense of 205

at the cost of 205

back and forth 206

attribute to 206

at the risk of 206

attend on 206

be big on 207

be beside oneself 207

base on 207

be large for 208

be in two minds 208

be dressed to kill 208

be taken aback 209

be past praying for 209

be left in the cold 209

(one's)better half 210

bet one's bottom dollar 210

behind the times 210

bend on(upon) 210

boast of/about 211

blind date 211

beyond description 211

black and white 211

break with 212

break up 212

bound for 212

bound up with 212

burst into 213

build on(the)sand 213

bring back 213

brush aside 213

by name 214

by good luck 214

burst out 214

by accident 214

call off 215

by virtue of 215

by the name of 215

care about 216

cannot but 216

call on/upon 216

call up 216

cast aside 217

cash in 217

care for 217

carry away 217

cast pearls before swine 218

cast down 218

cast back 218

charm...up 219

catch sb.'s eye 219

catch on 219

catch one's breath 219

chime in 220

cheer up 220

chat up with 220

come back 221

colour up 221

close to 221

close down 221

come into fashion 222

come in 222

come between 222

come by 222

come round/around 223

come over 223

come off 223

come out 223

concerned about/over/for 224

compare to 224

come through 224

come up 224

crazy about 225

cool one's heels 225

confide in 225

content with 225

cut out 226

cup of tea 226

crocodile tears 226

cry wolf 226

date back to 227

dance attendance on someone 227

cut the knots 227

cut up 227

despair of 228

descend on/upon 228

dedicate to 228

descend from 228

dip into 229

die of 229

devote to 229

die away 229

dream away 230

draw on 230

do in 230

drag someone through the mire 230

drink to 231

drink in 231

dream up 231

dress up 231

dump on 232

dry up 232

drive away 232

drop in 232

face the music 233

envjous of 233

enjoy oneself 233

entitle to 233

fall for 234

fall back on/upon 234

face to face 234

fall about 234

famous for 235

fall out 235

fall in love(with) 235

fall in with 235

fend for oneself 236

feel cheap 236

feast one's eyes on 236

fish out 237

find out 237

fight against 237

fight back 237

foot the bill 238

fool around 238

fond of 238

for example/instance 239

for all the world 239

for a time 239

for all 239

get a crush on someone 240

for my part 240

for good 240

give away 241

get the air 241

get on with 241

get over 241

go around/round 242

go ape 242

giVe mouth to 242

give out 242

go through the mill 243

go through fire and water 243

go back on 243

go for 243

go with 244

go to great length 244

go to pieces 244

hang up 245

handle with kid gloves 245

golden boy 245

hand down 245

have a thin skin 246

have a bee in one's bonnet 246

happy-go-lucky 246

have a ball 246

have one's eyes for 247

have on 247

have an affair with 247

head up 248

have other fish to fry 248

have one's moments 248

hit it off 249

high on the hog 249

hear of 249

idle away 250

hold off 250

hit the panic button 250

hold in 250

in common(with) 251

in cement 251

ill at ease 251

in memory of 252

in honour of 252

in dribs and drabs 252

in the dark 253

in that 253

in stock 253

in store 253

in the same boat 254

in the meantime 254

in the limelight 254

jump at 255

jealous of 255

indifferent to 255

jazz up 255

keen on 256

keep bach 256

keep back 256

keep company with 256

keep one's head down 257

keep oneself to oneself 257

kill the fatted calf 258

kind of 258

(a)land of milk and honey 258

land of Nod 258

laugh off 259

lay out 259

let one's hair down 259

like a house on fire 260

live on 260

live up to 260

lie in 260

look for a needle in a haystack 261

look down upon 261

look forward to 261

live with 261

make a fool of 262

make a big deal out of 262

make a noise in the world 262

lose heart 262

make advances to 263

make believe 263

make a point of 263

make one's heart bleed 264

make one's mark 264

make no bones about 264

make up 265

meet one's Waterloo 265

name after 266

more nice than wise 266

neglectful of 266

mix up 266

not born yesterday 267

no longer 267

not...for love or money 267

next to 267

object to 268

nothing but 268

occur to sb 268

not much of a 268

olive branch 269

old flame 269

on a diet 269

off and on 269

on condition that 270

on board 270

on one's own 270

on behalf of 270

on the increase 271

on the eve of 271

(put)on the map 271

on the bend 271

once in a while 272

only too 272

on the quiet 272

participate in 273

Pandora's box 273

pass by 273

out of date 273

Dick at 274

pass up 274

pick up 274

pass for 274

play on 275

pile up 275

play off 275

pile on the agony 275

plead with 276

pop the question 276

play the field 276

promised land 277

provide for 277

prevail upon/on 277

put one's pride in one's pocket 278

rain cats and dogs 278

put on 278

ring a bell 279

remind of 279

ring the knell of 279

regardless of 279

scrape (up) an acquaintance with 280

run up 280

scornful of 280

run after 280

set one's mind on/to 281

see through 281

seventh heaven 281

see off 281

sitting pretty 282

sour grapes 282

shake the dust off one's feet 282

swan song 283

take kindly to 283

stir up a nest of hornets 283

take up 284

take to 284

the apple of one's eye 284

take place 284

the salt of the earth 285

the skeleton in the cupboard 285

till the cows come home 286

tip/turn/tilt the scale(s) 286

throw caution to the winds 286

tower of ivory 287

turn one's back on 287

to one's liking 287

ups and downs 288

weigh on one's mind 288

turn the tables 288

with a bang 289

with a good grace 289

white lie 289

yield to 290

zip up 290
