轻松英语会话 联想3000词PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王莉,廖志谦主编
- 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
- 出版年份:2004
- ISBN:7561125291
- 页数:418 页
公司篇 2
1 What's your job? 2
2 How are your sales looking? 4
3 The company is laying off people 6
4 Did you find our office all right? 8
5 Do you own any company stock? 10
6 How do you do? 12
7 I work for 14
公司类词汇 16
同事篇 24
8 It's nice meeting you 24
9 Can you cover for me? 26
10 Could you do meafavor? 28
11 Do you really think so? 30
12 The sooner, the better 32
13 How long have you...? 34
14 I didn't mean to 36
同事类词汇 38
会议篇 44
15Is the room ready for...? 44
16 What is on the agenda for today? 46
17 How did the meeting go yesterday? 48
18 Where is that memorandum? 50
19 What would you suggest? 52
20 Let's get to the point 54
21 Let me think... 56
22Ihave to go 58
会议类词汇 60
工作篇 66
23I'm glad to hear that 66
24 Did you hear about...? 68
25 How did you do on...? 70
26Ineed a raise 72
27 What about the bonus in your company? 74
28I'm thinking of a career change 76
29 You work part-time 78
工作类词汇 80
秘书篇 88
30 I'llkeep that in mind 88
31 I'llhave to check my schedule 90
32 Shall we sign the contract? 92
33 I'm very sorry for being late 94
34 Welcome to our factory 96
35 Time to call it a day 98
36Ihave a favor to ask of you 100
37I'II walk you out 102
秘书类词汇 104
电话篇 112
38 This is Mr.Yang speaking 112
39 I'd like to speak to Mr.Wang 114
40 He is out right now 116
41 I can't hear you too well 118
42 Could you takeamessage? 120
43I'd like to place an overseas call 122
44 You have the wrong number 124
45 The number is busy now 126
46 Can you hold on for a minute? 128
47 I'm sorry it took so long 130
48 There may beafault on the line 132
49 I'm calling to 134
电话类词汇 136
邀请篇 144
50 I'lltreat you to dinner 144
51 Maybe some other time 146
52 Would you like to go with me? 148
53 Where do we meet? 150
54 Why don't we go shopping? 152
55 Why don't we see a movie tonight? 154
56 My treat 156
57 Why don't we get together for...? 158
邀请类词汇 160
问候篇 166
58 How are things with you? 166
59 May I introduce myself? 168
60 It's a very good day, isn't it? 170
61 What a coincidence to meet you 172
62 It's been a long time 174
63I'm happy that you can come 176
64 Did you find everything OK? 178
问候类词汇 180
友情篇 186
65 Where do you live? 186
66 Where are you going? 188
67 Would you please do me a favor? 190
68 Thank you very much 192
69 Can I see that? 194
70 May I use the phone? 196
71 You may play with it 198
72 I can't figure out... 200
73 If I were you... 202
友情类词汇 204
情感篇 210
74 What's the matter? 210
75 That's the biggest bunch of boloney ! 212
76 Beats the heck out of me 214
77 Who's the big spender? 216
78 I blew a fuse 218
79 What do you think of this city? 220
80I'm afraidIhave a complaint to make 222
81 I'm sony to hear that 224
82 I don't carry much weight at work 226
83 It gives me great pleasure to hear that 228
84 Get a hold of yourself 230
情感类词汇 232
时间篇 238
85 What's the date today? 238
86 I forgot about the time difference 240
87 Time to hit the road 242
88 It's your tum to... 244
89 It takes...to do sth 246
90 It's time to... 248
91 When are you going to...? 250
时间类词汇 252
旅游篇 258
92 Can you tell me the way? 258
93I'd like to send the letter to Canada 260
94I'd like to bookaroom 262
95 What's your flight number? 264
96 What sights are there worth seeing? 266
97 Is this your first time to go to...? 268
98 I was quite impressed by 270
99 Off the record 272
100 Would it be possible for...? 274
101 Do you have anything to declare? 276
旅游类词汇 278
餐饮篇 284
102 Would you care for coffee or tea? 284
103 Which bar shall we go to? 286
104 It doesn't make any difference 288
105 Do you like some fish and chips? 290
106 Can you cook Chinese food? 292
107 Here are the menus 294
108 What do you like to eat? 296
109 May I have your order? 298
餐饮类词汇 300
购物篇 306
110 I'm going shopping 306
111 Anything I can do for you? 308
112 Can you show me something cheaper? 310
113 I want to buy some souvenirs 312
114 What are you going to buy? 314
115 It cost me an arm and a 316
116 How much will it cost to...? 318
购物类词汇 320
礼仪篇 326
117 She'll never fall for that 326
118 What doIhave to do to make you happy? 328
119 It goes well with your dress 330
120 When is Lantem Festival? 332
121 Don't forget to drop me a line 334
122 Good night 336
123 Here's a little gift for you 338
124 Sorry to bother you,but... 340
125 What sall I wear? 342
126 How do you feel about...? 344
127 Do you happen to...? 346
礼仪类词汇 348
娱乐篇 354
128 I really like the way this party is set up 354
129 You don't like cops-and-robbers 356
130 How do you think about TV? 358
131 Anything important in the news? 360
132 How long mayIkeep books? 362
133 Do you like Picasso' s works? 364
134 Would you spare this dance with me? 366
135 There'll be a concert tomorrow 368
136 What kind of music do you like best? 370
娱乐类词汇 372
休闲篇 378
137 I'm going to the baseball game 378
138 That is a strange museum 380
139 What do you like doing? 382
140 Do you have any pictures of...? 384
141 How would you like it cut? 386
142Ilook nice in the picture 388
143 It's a piece of cake 390
休闲类词汇 392
校园篇 398
144 He should obey the school rules 398
145 How did you do on your exam? 400
146 What are you going to do this weekend? 402
147 Are you going somewhere for...? 404
148 What course are you going to take? 406
149 What worries me is my English 408
150 Do you mind if...? 410
151 How was your summer vacation? 412
校园类词汇 414
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