环太平洋地区政治经济背景下的企业家作用 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)格拉斯曼,(日)涉泽木村,赵曙明主编
- 出 版 社:南京:南京大学出版社
- 出版年份:2016
- ISBN:7305133302
- 页数:255 页
Introduction 1
The Role of Entrepreneurship on the Political Economy in the Pacific Rim&Joel Glassman,Masato Kimura and Shuming Zhao 1
Section One—The Education of Entrepreneurs 3
1.Contemporary Entrepreneurship Education and Training in the United States&John Norton,University of Missouri—Kansas City 3
2.A Study of the Education and Training of Entrepreneurs in China:Challenges and Opportunities&Shuming Zhao and Chunyan Jiang,Nanjing University 32
3.Economic Modernization and Diffusion of Business Education in Early-Modern Japan:Shibusawa Eiichi and Yokohama Senior Commercial School&Ryutaro Yamafuji,Yokohama City University 64
4.The Education and Training of Entrepreneurs in South Korea:How to Improve the Current Courses in Universities?&Park Hyun Chae,Chonnam National University 81
Section Two—Entrepreneurs and Regional Economies 101
5.Japan's Network"Stickiness"Problem,Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Development,and Growth and Competition in Asia&Kathryn Ibata-Arens,DePaul University 101
6.Regional Network Development and Entrepreneurship in Japanese Localities:A Study of Japan's Hirosaki District&Emiko Shinozaki,Hitotsubashi University and Japan Finance Corporation 117
7.High-Performance Work Systems,Corporate Entrepreneurship,and Firm Performance:The Moderating Role of Dysfunctional Competition—An Empirical Study of Firms in Fifteen National High-Tech Development Zones in China&Chunyan Jiang,Nanjing University;Yina Mao,The Chinese University of Hong Kong 149
8.Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development:Korean Perspective&Sangmoon Park,Kangwon National University 178
Section Three—Socio-Economic and Political Forces Shaping Pacific Rim Growth in the 21 st Century 203
9.From the World Trade Organization to the Trans-Pacific Partnership:China's Rise,Globalization,and American Domestic Politics&Hiroki Takeuchi,Southern Methodist University 203
10.The Social Entrepreneur:Tackling the World's Toughest Problems Through Innovation&Sarah Smith Orr,Claremont McKenna College 225
Conclusion&Joel Glassman,Masato Kimura and Shuming Zhao 253
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