- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:薛水明主编
- 出 版 社:苏州:苏州大学出版社
- 出版年份:2015
- ISBN:9787567211551
- 页数:267 页
Item One A Brief Introduction to the Banking Industry 1
Task One:常用金融专业术语解释 1
1.金融概念 1
2.国际金融概念 1
3.中国的银行体系 1
4.中国的银行业金融机构 2
5.储蓄 2
6.储蓄及理财产品利息 4
7.银行贷款的种类 4
8.存款准备金 7
9.拨备率 9
Task Two: Reading Passages about Banking Industry 9
1. The History of the People's Bank of China (PBC) 9
2. Bank of England 14
3. Central Bank in France 17
4. Money Doctor ( 1 ) 21
5. Money Doctor (2) 26
Item Two Practical Knowledge about Foreign Exchange 33
Task One:外汇的概念及相关知识 33
1.外汇的概念 33
2.各国外汇的英文简称 33
3.主要外汇 34
4.外汇市场的主要参与者 39
Task Two: Reading Passages about Foreign Exchange 40
1. Foreign Exchange 40
2. Foreign Exchange Rate and Foreign Exchange Market 43
3. International Trade 47
4. Visible Trade 51
5. Invisible Trade 54
Item Three Promissory Note, Cheque and Bill of Exchange 58
TaskOne:本票、支票和汇票的区别 58
1.本票 58
2.支票 59
3.汇票 60
4.本票、支票和汇票的相同点与不同点 62
Task Two: Reading Passages about Different Bills 64
1. A Promissory Note—a Legal Agreement 64
2. Bills of Exchange 67
3. Sight and Term Bill of Exchange 72
4. Parties of a Bill 76
5. Uses of a Bill 79
Comprehensive Exercise 84
Item Four A Brief Introduction to Letter of Credit 88
Task One:信用证业务 88
1.信用证业务基本当事人 88
2.假远期信用证 94
3.保险单的种类 94
4.汇票 98
5.出口商填制商业发票 102
6.提单的种类 105
Task Two: Reading Passages about L/C Business 109
1 . Documentary Credit 109
2. The Main Documents Involved in the Foreign Trade 113
3. Bills of Lading 117
4. Insurance Documents 122
5. The Invoice and Other Documents 125
Item Five Collection 130
Task One:托收支付方式的业务程序 130
1.托收方式的操作过程 130
2.托收的种类 131
3.出口商填制商业汇票 133
4.托收业务中所需的其他票证样本 134
Task Two: Reading Passages about Collection 140
1. The Clean Collection 140
2. Cheques and Bank Drafts Applied in Collection 142
3. Bank Collection Service 145
4. Collection Instruction (URC522 Article 4 ) 148
5. D/P and D/A Transaction Procedures 152
Item Six Remittance 156
Task One:汇付的业务知识 156
1.汇付的概念 156
2.汇付的流程图及当事人 156
3.汇付方式的种类及其业务程序 157
4.汇付的应用 158
5.汇付的特点 159
6.跨境汇款申请书的填写 160
7.相关票证样本 160
Task Two: Reading Passages about Remittance 166
1. International Remittance 166
2. Remittance Route 170
3. A Method of Money Transfer 175
4. Information about Remittance 178
5. Telegraphic Transfer (T/T) 182
Comprehensive Exercise 185
Item Seven Credit Card 188
Task One:信用卡业务知识 188
1.信用卡的概念 188
2.信用卡的种类 188
3.银行卡的申领 190
4.银行卡的使用 190
5.银行卡的计息和收费 190
6.银行卡的挂失 191
7.银行卡联网通用 191
Task Two: Reading Passages about Credit Card 191
1. Credit Card 191
2. History of Credit Card 195
3. Credit Card Economy 198
4. Uses of Credit Card 202
5. Advantages and Disadvantages of Credit Card 206
Item Eight Growth of E-bank Services 210
TaskOne:电子银行的发展 210
1.电子银行的概念 210
2.网络银行形式划分 211
3.我国网络银行内部发展中的问题 211
Task Two: Reading Passages about E-bank 212
1. E-bank Service 212
2. Advantages of the Internet Bank 215
3. Online Payment 220
4. A Service of Deutsche Telekom 223
5. The Interaet Banking—Scene of Last Decade and Some Learning 227
Item Nine The Development of Insurance in China 231
Task One:保险业务 231
1.保险种类 231
2.投保程序 233
3.保险人应承担的义务 233
4.中国十大保险公司排名及简要介绍 234
Task Two: Reading Passages about Insurance Business 237
1. The History of Insurance 237
2. Private Health Insurance 240
3. Promoting Co-operation with Foreign Insurance Firms 244
4. Guarding Against Financial Uncertainty 248
5. Property Insurance 252
Comprehensive Exercise 255
附录《金融英语》课程标准 259
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