- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陈式正,陈月卿编著
- 出 版 社:海口:三环出版社
- 出版年份:1991
- ISBN:7805643369
- 页数:292 页
目录 5
(Senior 1)Lesson 1-Lesson 5
问题解答 1
1.怎样提高英语的阅读理解能力? 1
2.to be born是被动语态还是系表结构? 2
3.为什和German(德国人)的复数是Germans,但是Englishman的复数是Englishmen? 5
4.need do sth,must do sth,have to do sth,beobliged to do sth,be forced to do sth,有什么区别? 5
5.before long和long before有什么区别? 6
6.so...that...和such...that...有什么区别? 7
7....and made London the base for hisrevolutionary work.是什么结构? 9
8.以x,s,ss,结尾的专有名词,它们的所有格怎样构成? 9
9.go on to do sth,和go on doing sth,有什么区别? 10
10.keep on doing,和keep doing sth有什么区别? 11
11.be able to...和can有什么区别? 11
12.at the end of...,by the end of...和inthe end有什么不同? 12
13.In the 1870's,when Marx was alreadyin his fifties,.......he began to learnRussian.对这样的长句子,应如何阅读理解? 13
14.enough有哪些主要用法? 15
15.如何理解:some advice on...,和how tolearn a foreign language? 17
16.如何理解下列句子:He said when aperson is learning a foreign language,he must not always be translatingeverything into his own language 19
17.在If he does this,it shows he has notmaster it.句子的does this,和it指的是什么? 20
18.totake place和to take the place有什么区别? 20
19.in front of...,和in the front of...有什么区别? 21
20.在interest的后面通常接什么词语? 22
21.a great(good)deal of…,a great(good)many...,a number of..., a great(large)number of...,a lot of...,plenty of...,等,怎么用法? 23
22. speak,speak about,speak of,speak 24
to,speak with,等,怎么用? 24
23.Let us suppose we can visit a homeat the end of this century.是什么句子? 25
24.well和good有什么区别? 26
25.在These wires are called sensors.句中的sensors是什么成分? 27
26.动词put,place,set,lay作“放”讲时,有什么区别? 27
27.I wonder if you can examine him now这个句子是什么意思? 28
28.Charlie does so.中的does so表示什么? 28
29.little,a little,和few,a few有哪些区别? 29
30.had better有没有人称、数和时态变化? 30
31.The phone call and examination arefinished.中的are finished是被动语态还是系表结构? 31
32.since,as,because,和for有什么区别? 32
33.to do some shopping中的shopping是什么词? 33
34.after all和at last一样吗? 33
35.house,home,family作“家”讲时,有什么区别? 34
36.什么场合用May we help you? 35
37.什么场合用I'd like to...,Would you like to.. 35
38.为什么要把动词区分为终止性动词和持续性动词? 36
39.each和every有什么区别? 40
40.close和shut有区别吗? 42
41.spend和take作“花费”讲时,在用法上有区别吗? 42
42.to lend,to borrow有什么区别? 43
43.join,take part in和attend有什么区别? 44
44.作“穿戴”讲时put on,dress,have on,wear,有区别吗? 45
45.请分析这个句子:Once upon atime therewere six blind men who lived in a villageindia 47
46.什么从句是定语从句? 47
47.关连词有几种?起什么作用?在定语从句中用作什么成分? 47
48.关系代词有哪些主要用法? 48
49.关系副词有哪些主要用法? 49
50.定语从句是否一定紧接在先行词之后? 51
51.限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句有什么区别? 52
52.关系代词whom,which,在定语从句中作介词宾语的结构和用法有什么特点? 53
53.如何理解由as引导的定语从句? 54
54.hear,hear of,hear from,有什么区别? 57
55.hear和listen有什么区别? 58
56.怎样辩别so that引导的是什么从句? 59
57.see,look,watch,observe,notice,有什么 61
区别? 61
58.动词touch和feel有什么区别? 63
59.to do sth with sth和to do sth by sth有什么不同? 64
60.very,much,和very much在用法上有什么不同? 64
61.very用作形容词时是什么意思?怎么用? 65
62.happen和take place有什么区别? 65
63.怎样辩别like是形容词还是介词? 67
64.动词grasp和size有什么区别? 67
65.为什么有的句子要倒装? 68
66.如何理解He's more like a spearthananything else.这个句子? 71
67.both,either,neither有什么区别? 72
68.不定代词all和none有什么区别? 73
69.some time,sometime,sometimes有什么区别? 74
70.stupid,silly,foolish有什么区别? 75
71.agree with,agree to agree on,有什么区别? 76
72.怎样区别句子是强调句型或是主从复合句? 77
73.如何理解People who can see sometimesact just as foolishly…这个句子? 78
74.如何理解He observedthat feathers fell to the ground slowly, while stones fell much faster.这个句子? 78
75.conclude,end,finish有什么区别? 78
76.think about,think of,think out,think over有什么区别? 80
77.once,as soon as引导时间状语从句时,有什么区别? 82
78.make up one's mind中的mind有单复数形式吗? 82
79.如何理解这个长句子:Once Aristotle hadmade up his mind that...he taught it as a truth to his students 83
80.动词ask,question有什么区别? 84
81.副词ago,before有什么不同? 85
82....the air holds the feather back more than it does the stone.中的it does是什么意思? 85
83.accept,receive有什么区别? 86
84.介词besides,except有什么区别? 86
85.I don't think I know you...应如何翻译? 87
86.have been to,have gone to,have been in,有什么区别? 87
87.现在完成时态和一般过去时态有什么区别? 88
88.Can hard work change a person that much.中的that是什么词?什么意思? 90
89.动词cost怎么用法? 90
90.to be sure...是什么意思?怎么用? 91
91.find,find out,look for,seek有什么区别? 92
92.as...as...,so...as...,怎么用? 92
93.be made of,be made up of,be made from,有什么区别?怎么用? 93
94.worth,worthy在用法上有何不同? 94
单元知识训练 96
参考答案 106
Lesson 6-Lesson 9
问题解答 110
95.hard work和work hard有什么不同? 110
96.on their small farm...中farm之前,是否一定要用介词? 110
97.add up to...如何用? 110
98.no more than...和not more than...有区别吗? 110
99.As a young man,he was a...中的as是什么词? 111
100.as,when,while,引导时间状语从句时,有什么区别? 112
101.be active in sth怎么用? 113
102.against是什么词?如何用? 113
103.state,nation,country都可作“国家”讲,有什么区别? 114
104.elect,select,choose,pick有哪些区别? 114
105.请分析:...they set up a state......to 116
keep Negroes as slaves..这个句子。 116
106.Lincoln said that it was not right...from the union.是什么句子? 117
107.什么叫不定式复合结构?能作句子什么成分? 117
108.Fighting broke out...中to break out是什么意思? 118
109.This war lasted…中的last是什么词?作什么讲? 118
110.如何理解:reunite和set free? 119
111.the slave owner中的slave是什么词?作什么成分? 120
112.如何理解这个句子:But his enemies,...continue his work. 120
113.shoot sb or sth,和shoot at sb or sth有什么区别? 121
114.Washington,D.C.是什么意思? 122
115.如何理解这个句子:The whole nation...honest man. 122
116.Wise,和clever,bright有什么区别? 124
117.如何理解这个句子:About seventeen months before….for the people 124
118.to regard sb or sth as sb or sth作什么讲?怎么用? 127
119.clothes和clothing,cloth的区别是什么? 128
120.如何理解这个句子:They also said...for his office 129
121.连词either...or...怎么用?……………? 131
122.“Ah,what splended clothes!中,为什么没有动词? 131
123.in order that是什么词? 132
124.pretend to be working是什么结构?什么意思? 133
125.This thcy keep for themselves,是什么结构的句子? 134
126.go on with sth如何用? 134
127.late into the night和late at night意思相同吗? 135
128....said to himself是“自言自语”吗? 135
129.“I wonder...are getting along with...”中的wonder和get along是什么意思? 135
130.请分析:Though he believe that...lookat the cloth first 136
131.请分析:He thought the PrimeMinister...anyone else 138
132.“God save me!”是什么意思? 138
133....not to say so.中的so是什么词?什么意思? 138
134....opened his eyes wider and wider中,两个比较级连用,表示什么意思 139
135.“Dear me!”是什么意思? 139
136.It's most beautiful!是什么句子? 139
137.How soon...?和How long...?提问, 139
有何不同? 139
138....he sang high praise for the cloth.中的sang是什么意思? 140
139....which the Emperor had ordered to be woven中,用to be woven表示什么意思? 140
140.Everyone was afraid of him.中be afraid有别的用法吗? 141
141.They did not dare to tell the king...中dare是什么动词? 141
142.什么叫名词性从句? 142
143.主语从句有哪些特点? 143
144.表语从句有哪些特点? 145
145.宾语从句有哪些特点? 145
146.同位语从句有哪些特点? 147
147.如何理解:As soon as the weavers...the empty looms.Isn't the cloth magnificent?这个句子? 148
148.They said while point to...中的while是什么词? 149
149.What on earth can this mean?中on earth是什么意思 150
150.splendid,和magnificent,grand有什么区别? 150
151.horrible,和terrible,fearful有差别吗? 151
152.aloud,loud,loudly有什么区别? 151
153.cry,weep,sob有什么区别? 152
154.作为adj.pleased和pleasant有什么区别? 153
155....that he shouldhave new clothes made of...是什么意思? 154
156.to share in the pleasure的share怎么用法? 155
157....the two men had their lights burning all night loog...是什么意思? 156
158.work on sth和work at sth有无区别? 156
159....if you will take off your clothes是什么从句?will是什么词? 157
160....are now ready是什么意思?怎么用? 157
161.We will fit the clothes on...中的fit作什么讲? 158
162.The Emperor was then undressed...中undressed是什么词? 158
163.How splendid…in his new clothes!中in作么讲? 158
164.in order to make other think...是什么结构? 159
165.All the people standing by and those at the windows...中的standing by和those是什么成分? 159
166.“But he was nothing on!”是什么结构? 160
167.whisper怎么用? 160
168.one(one's),that(those)的用法有什么不同? 161
169.The cry was taken up.中的take up作什么讲? 162
170.请分析:And the two officials......at all这个句子。 162
171.to take great trouble是什么意思? 162
172......with a basket on her back,是什么结构? 163
173.face作动词时,怎么用? 163
174.As she walk along 中的along是什么词? 164
175....she noticed an old pine tree ahead at the entrance to a valley.中的ahead 164
是什么成分,在the entrance之后,为什么用to a valley)? 164
176.She saw a brook with red flowers...on both sides中的with red flowers...on both sides是什么成分? 165
177.to her suprise...是句子的什么成分? 165
178....She found herself in a differentworld中的to find herself是什么意思? 165
179.together with怎么用? 165
180.to feed sth to sb or sth是什么意思? 166
181....and spit out silk to form snow-white cocooms中的spit和form是什么词? 167
182....how to reel...,how to dye是什么结 167
构? 167
183.It had been fifteen years since she left!是什么类型的句子? 168
184.She must have met a fairy…是什么意思? 168
185.All the seeds she had dropped had grown into trees.是什么句子? 169
186.如何理解:She walked along the trail of mulberry trees 169
187....she could no longer find a way...中的no longer是什么意思? 170
188....get into the valley中的to get into是什么意思? 170
189.It was said that that was how...中,为什么要有两个that? 170
190.在The lady in white whom Aqiao met in the vally was Lady Silkworm,the fairy in charge of the harvesting of silk中...the fairy in charge of...silk是句子的什么成分? 171
单元知识训练 171
参考答案 179
Lesson 10-Lesson 14
问题解答 182
191.It winds its way from west to east,across deserts,over mountains,through valleys,till at last it reached the sea.对这个句子,应如何阅读理解。 182
192.如何理解:Thus the Great Wall came into being. 183
193.used to do sth,be used to do sth,be used to sth用法上有什么不同? 183
194.thousands of...中的thousand能用单数形式吗? 185
195.not only...dbut also...怎么用? 186
196.动词found,establish,set up,build有什么区别? 186
197.speak,say,talk,tell有什么区别? 187
198.情态动词有哪些特点? 188
199.can,could,和be able to怎么用? 189
200.may和might,在什么情况下使用? 191
201.如何使用:must,ought to,should,have to? 192
202.情态动词:shall,will的意义和用法有何不同? 194
203.如何使用:would,used to? 195
204.dare,need有什么特点?怎么用? 196
205.when能作并列连词吗? 197
206.have nothing but...中的but是什么词?怎么用? 197
207.anxious,eager有什么区别? 198
208.在The owner of the shop came up to see what was the matter...中宾语从句为什么用what was the matter而不用what the matter was? 199
209....he stood there dumbfounded是什么结构的句子? 199
210.population是什么意思?怎么用? 200
211.fast,rapid,swift,quick,有什么区别? 200
212.如何理解:But where there is too much of it,the poisonous waste may do great harm to the things around us.这个句子 201
213.如何理解:…have their windows broken这种结构? 203
214.such as是什么词?怎么用? 203
215.some of...rots away...中,为什么用单数谓动语词? 203
216.get rid of...是什么意思?怎么用? 204
217.problem,puestion有什么区别? 204
218.prevent...from...是什么意思?怎么用? 204
219.Man is fighting a battle against...中man前面为什么没有冠词?fight a battle against...是什么意思? 205
220.look round怎么用? 206
221.lonely和alone有什么区别? 207
222.glare,stare有什么区别? 208
223.full of fear怎么用? 209
224.如何理解:So there must be someone else on the island.这个句子? 210
225.outwards是怎样构成的? 210
226.step是什么意思?怎么用? 211
227.动词gather,collect有什么区别? 211
228.请分析这个句子:Nearby were two canoes in which they had come to the island 212
229....he made his way是什么意思? 212
230.分词有哪些特性? 213
231.分词有几种?有哪些形式? 214
232.分词在句子中的功用之一:和助动词一起构成进行时态,完成时态和被动语态。 215
233.怎样区别被动语态和系表结构? 215
234.分词在句中的功用之二:作表语 217
235.分词在句中的功用之三:作宾语或主语的补足语 217
236.分词在句中的功用之四:作定语 218
237.分词在句中的功用之五:作状语 219
238.动名词有哪些特性? 221
239.动名词有几种形式? 221
240.动名词在句中的功用之一:作主语 221
241.动名词在句中的功用之二:作宾语 222
242.动名词在句中的功用之三:作定语 225
243.动名词在句中的功用之四:作表语 226
244.uncover,discover有什么区别? 226
245.the others和others有什么区别? 226
246.stomach这个词怎么读?复数形式怎样构成? 227
247.folk是什么意思?怎么用? 227
单元知识训练 228
参考答案 236
Lesson 15-Lesson 18
问题解答 239
248.请分析:A story is told about a Swede who want to join Napoleon's srand Army,这个句子 239
249.Swede,Swedish,和Sweden的区别是什么? 239
250.admire怎么用? 239
251.broad和wide有什么区别? 240
252.sort和kind有什么区别? 241
253.smooth away如何用? 242
254.gain如何用? 242
255.remain怎么用? 242
256.请分析:...word came that Napoleon 243
himself was coming to inspect them....这个句子。 243
257.动词warn怎么用? 244
258.difficulty作为可数和不可数名词有何区别? 245
259.动词serve如何用? 246
260.when possible是什么结构? 246
261.demand如何用? 247
262.The swede would walk about,saying to himself...是什么意思? 247
263.satisfy和satisfaction如何用? 247
264.请分析:The swede stood quite still...的句子结构。 248
265.surprise和astonished有什么区别? 248
266.declare如何用? 249
267.请分析:From space the earth looks...the water.这个句子 249
268.已学过的复合形容词有哪几种?是怎样构成的? 250
269.above和over有什么区别? 251
270.“with+复合宾语”结构,有哪些特点和主要用法 251
271.请分析:As you study a globe,...almost so.这个句子。 252
272.join...to...和separate...from...怎样用? 252
273.divide,separate有什么区别? 254
274.to the east和in the east有何区别? 255
275.请分析:Asia is the largest continent,...of the earth's land area.这个句子。 255
276.join,combine,unite,connect,link,有什么区别? 256
277.如何理解:For centuries,...and deep snow.这个句子。 257
278.请分析:You may think it strange...there.这个句子的结构。 257
279.请分析:Actually a very small number of people do.这个句子。 259
280.请分析:A lot of research work...lying under the ice这个句子 259
281.请分析:As we have seen...of the earth.这个句子。 260
282.extend如何用? 260
283.请分析:The Arctic Ocean is...of the Atlantic Ocean. 261
284.total如何用? 261
285.请分析:But the Swiss...lyingdown.这个句子。 261
286.请分析:...and the Austrian soldiers...hurrying...的结构。 262
287.to teach the Swiss a lesson是什么意思? 262
288....who would rule with a firm hand.是什么意思? 262
289.to require 和demand有什么区别? 263
290.to throw sb into prison如何用? 264
291.to get even tougher是什么意思? 264
292.to know sb or sth和to know about sb or sth有何不同? 265
293....but he would have none of it.是什么意思? 266
294.to break the law如何用? 266
295.raise和rise有什么区别? 266
296.aim如何用? 267
297....let the arrow fly.是什么意思? 268
298....It split the apple in half!是什么意思? 268
299.congratulation如何用? 269
300.“Now tell rme why you took a second arrow.”句子中,在second之前,为什么不用“the”? 269
301.bravery和courage有无区别? 269
302.brave,courageous.heroic有什么区别? 270
303.请分析:They were expeeting to see...signs of the enemy.这个句子。 271
304.请分析:...in front of which sat asmall boy.这个句子是什么从句? 272
305.handsome和fair如何用? 272
306.“Not within the last three days.”是什么意思? 273
307.请分析:In front of the house...,itstop well abive the tops of the other trees.这个句子。 273
308.“Me”asked the boy...句中,为什么用“me” 274
309.请分析:“Do you think....distance?”这个句子 275
310.请分析:“Sure”said t he boy eage rly....throwing aside his cap.这个句子 275
311.at the top(of)和 on the top(of)有什么区别? 276
312.looking straight ahead....是什么意思? 276
313.between 和among有何区别? 277
314.请分析:...and at almost the same moment...from the tree.这个句子 278
315.The captain...tore open the boy's shirt.句中的open是什么词?如何用? 278
316. over and over如何用? 278
317.请分析:Heordered a soldier...his face exposed.这个句子。 278
31 8.请分析:…and the branch...had been cutting.这个句子 279
319.“We,ll send someone to pick himup,”…句中to pick sb up是什么意思?如何用? 279
320.salute如何用? 280
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