- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:赵巍编
- 出 版 社:济南:山东大学出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787560751757
- 页数:174 页
Chapter One Cultural Transmissions in Ancient Times 1
1.1 Earliest Translations in Ancient Times 1
1.1.1 Socio-cultural Background 1
1.1.2 The Septuagint and the Letter of Aristeas 2
1.1.3 The Rosetta Stone 6
Further Readings 6
Topics for Discussion 6
1.2 Secular Translators in Ancient Rome 7
1.2.1 Socio-cultural Background 7
1.2.2 Roman Translation of Greek Secular Culture 7
1.2.3 Andronicus,Naevius,Ennius and Plautus 8
1.2.4 Cicero 12
1.2.5 Horace,Pliny the Younger and Quintilian 13
Further Readings 14
Topics for Discussion 15
1.3 Bible Translators in Late Ancient Rome 15
1.3.1 Socio-cultural Background 16
1.3.2 Philo 17
1.3.3 Jerome 18
1.3.4 Augustine 21
Further Readings 25
Topics for Discussion 25
1.4 Chapter Summary 25
Chapter Two Cultural Dissemination during the Middle Ages 27
2.1 Translators in Early Middle Ages 27
2.1.1 Socio-cultural Background 27
2.1.2 Boethius 30
2.1.3 Translations into Visigoth(Bishop Ulfila) 32
2.1.4 Translations into the Old English Language(Alfred the Great and Aelfric) 33
Further Readings 37
Topics for Discussion 38
2.2 Schools of Translation in High Middle Ages 38
2.2.1 Socio-cultural Background 38
2.2.2 Arabization at the School of Translation ofBagdad 39
2.2.3 Christianization at the School of Translation of Toledo 43
Further Readings 49
Topics for Discussion 50
2.3 Translators in Late Middle Ages 50
2.3.1 Socio-cultural Background 50
2.3.2 Italian Translation Tradition(Dante and Bruni) 51
2.3.3 Translations into Middle English(Chaucer,Caxton and Wycliffe) 56
Further Readings 67
Topics for Discussion 68
2.4 Chapter Summary 68
Chapter Three Translations during the Renaissance 70
3.1 Socio-cultural Background 70
3.2 Translations in German Language Area 72
3.2.1 Socio-cultural Background 72
3.2.2 Humanist Bible translator Erasmus 73
3.2.3 Germanization in Luther's Bible 78
Further Readings 81
Topics for Discussion 81
3.3 Translations in French Language Area 82
3.3.1 Socio-cultural Background 82
3.3.2 The Pléiade and Du Bellay 83
3.3.3 Dolet,Amyot and Pasquier 87
Further Readings 91
Topics for Discussion 91
3.4 Translations in Renaissance England 92
3.4.1 Socio-cultural Background 92
3.4.2 Secular Translations(North,Cheke,Chapman) 94
3.4.3 Bible Translations(Tyndale and Fulke) 103
3.4.4 The Authorized Version of the Bible 109
Further Readings 111
Topics for Discussion 112
3.5 Chapter Summary 112
Chapter Four Cultural Dissemination in the Modern Era 115
4.1 Socio-cultural Background 115
4.2 Translations in Modern France 117
4.2.1 Socio-cultural Background 117
4.2.2 D'Ablancout and the Belles Infideles 118
4.2.3 The Quarrels of the Ancients and the Moderns 121
4.2.4 Madame Dacier 125
4.2.5 Batteux 127
4.2.6 France's Infatuation with the Gothic Novels 129
4.2.7 French Translation of Shakespeare 131
4.2.8 Translations in the 19th-Century France 134
Further Readings 136
Topics for Discussion 136
4.3 Translations in Modern Germany 137
4.3.1 Socio-cultural Background 137
4.3.2 Herder,Goethe and Schleiermacher 139
4.3.3 Humboldt,Schlegel and Holderlin 145
Further Readings 149
Topics for Discussion 150
4.4 Translations in Modern England 150
4.4.1 Translations in Modern England:Socio-cultural Background 151
4.4.2 Cowley and Dryden 151
4.4.3 Pope,Johnson,Tytler and FitzGerald 154
4.4.4 Debate over the Translating of Homer 162
Further Readings 165
Topics for Discussion 166
4.5 Chapter Summary 166
Afterword:Major Findings and Limitations 169
Acknowledgements 171
Bibliography 172
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- 《东北民歌文化研究及艺术探析》(中国)杨清波 2019
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- 《花样民游 幼儿园民间传统游戏的创新与指导》刘娟 2019
- 《东方杂志 第110册 第25卷 第一至四号 1928年1月-1928年2月》上海书店出版社编 2012
- 《清明 我们的节日》冯骥才编 2017
- 《现代水泥技术发展与应用论文集》天津水泥工业设计研究院有限公司编 2019
- 《甘肃省档案馆指南》甘肃省档案馆编 2018
- 《莼江曲谱 2 中国昆曲博物馆藏稀见昆剧手抄曲谱汇编之一》郭腊梅主编;孙伊婷副主编;孙文明,孙伊婷编委;中国昆曲博物馆编 2018
- 《花时间 我的第一堂花艺课 插花基础技法篇》(日)花时间编辑部编;陈洁责编;冯莹莹译 2020
- 《中央财政支持提升专业服务产业发展能力项目水利工程专业课程建设成果 设施农业工程技术》赵英编 2018
- 《东方杂志 第94册 第22卷 第四至七号 1925年2月-1925年4月》上海书店出版社编 2012
- 《远去的老调》经典文库编委会编 2019
- 《东方杂志 第13册 第四年 第一至三期 1907年3月-1907年5月》上海书店出版社编 2012