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  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:夏铁华,周洁主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:商务印书馆
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:7100037328
  • 页数:351 页

目录 1

前言 1

Unit 1 Personal Identification,People(个人情况,人物) 1

Text My Mother 1

New Words Expressions 2

Translation of the Text 我的母亲 3

Grammar 名词和冠词 3

Exercises 7

Unit 2 Home and Family,Environment(家庭,环境) 17

Text The Concept of Home 17

New Words Expressions 18

Grammar 形容词和副词 19

Translation of the Text 家的概念 19

Writing Skills 如何写日记(一) 24

Exercises 25

Unit 3 Daily Life(日常生活) 34

Text The Art of Remembering Names 34

New Words Expressions 35

Translation of the Text 记名字的艺术 36

Grammar 动词和时态(一) 37

Writing Skills 如何写日记(二) 43

Exercises 44

Unit 4 Food Drink(食物和饮料) 55

Text Americans,Coke and Hamburgers 55

New Words Expressions 56

Translation of the Text 美国人离不开可乐和汉堡包 56

Grammar 动词和时态(二) 57

Exercises 60

Unit 5 Free-time Activities(业余活动) 69

Text Work vs Play 69

New Words Expressions 70

Translation of the Text 工作还是玩耍? 70

Grammar 动词的非谓语形式(一)不定式 71

Writing Skills 如何写便条(一) 76

Exercises 77

Unit 6 Education(教育) 87

Text Lessons from Thomas Jefferson 87

New Words Expressions 88

Translation of the Text 杰斐逊的遗训 90

Grammar 动词的非谓语形式(二)动词的过去分词 91

Writing Skills 如何写便条(二) 93

Exercises 94

Unit 7 Popular Science(科普) 103

Text The Narration of a Computer 103

New Words Expressions 104

Translation of the Text 电脑的自述 104

Grammar 动词的非谓语形式(三)动词的-ing形式 105

Exercises 109

PETS第二级模拟试题(一) 119

Unit 8 Holidays(假日) 135

Text The Origin of Thanksgiving Day 135

New Words Expressions 136

Translation of the Text 感恩节的由来 137

Grammar 句子成分、简单句、并列句 138

Writing Skills 如何写通知(一) 142

Exercises 144

Unit 9 Shopping(购物) 154

Text Behind the Dream for a Car 154

New Words Expressions 155

Translation of the Text 汽车梦的背后 156

Grammar 复合句(一)名词性从句 157

Writing Skills 如何写通知(二) 161

Exercises 163

Unit 10 Health Fitness(健康和保健) 173

Text I Like Walking 173

New Words Expressions 174

Translation of the Text 我喜欢步行 175

Grammar 复合句(二)状语从句 175

Exercises 180

Unit 11 Weather Climate(天气和气候) 189

Text The Beauty of Four Seasons 189

New Words Expressions 190

Translation of the Text 四季之美 191

Grammar 复合句(三)定语从句 192

Writing Skills 如何写信函(一) 195

Exercises 198

Unit 12 Places(地点) 207

Text A Beautiful City—Sydney 207

New Words Expressions 208

Translation of the Text 悉尼——美丽的城市 208

Grammar 倒装句 209

Writing Skills 如何写信函(二) 210

Exercises 212

Text First Time on an Airplane 222

Unit 13 Travel(旅行) 222

New Words Expressions 223

Translation of the Text 第一次坐飞机 224

Grammar 构词法(一)转换法 224

Writing Skills 如何写信函(三) 226

Exercises 227

Unit 14 Services(服务) 234

Text People's View of McDonald's 234

New Words Expressions 235

Translation of the Text 人们眼中的麦当劳 235

Grammar 构词法(二)合成法 236

Exercises 237

Text What Makes a Teacher? 244

Unit 15 Social Relations(社会关系) 244

New Words Expressions 245

Translation of the Text 为师之道 247

Grammar 构词法(三)派生法 248

Exercises 249

PETS第二级模拟试题(二) 257

附录一 练习答案 273

附录二 PETS第二级模拟试题答案 280

附录三 交际话题表 287

附录四 语法项目表 288

附录五 功能意念表 291

附录六 语言技能表 296

附录七 PETS第二级词汇总表 298
