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轻松英语会话  联想2000词
轻松英语会话  联想2000词

轻松英语会话 联想2000词PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:李明亚主编
  • 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:7561125283
  • 页数:363 页
《轻松英语会话 联想2000词》目录

问候篇 2

1 How is everything? 2

2 Look forward to seeing you 4

3 Nice to meet you 6

4 I have often wanted to meet you 8

5 How's the weather today? 10

问候类词汇 12

交际篇 16

6 How to get to this address? 16

7I'd like to make an appointment 18

8 What's the trouble? 20

9 Air mail or ordinary mail? 22

10 Is anybody sitting here? 24

11 Excuse me 26

12 IfIcould just come in here 28

13 Are you positive about that? 30

14 Ok so far? 32

15I'm sorry 34

16 Do I have your permission? 36

17 I wonder if you could 38

18 We have to split the difference 40

19 Let me top you up 42

20 Here is a little something for you 44

21 What time is it now? 46

22 What's the date of 48

23 Could you speak slovver? 50

24 As far as I know 52

25 Where are you located? 54

交际类词汇 56

休闲篇 60

26 Let's go out for some exercise 60

27 I have a preference 62

28 MayIhave the pleasure of 64

29 I want to take you out 66

30 What do you often do in 68

31 What's your favorite sport? 70

32 Would you care for a cigarette? 72

33I'd like a haircut 74

34 I'll get right onit 76

35 Dinner is on me 78

休闲类词汇 80

学习篇 84

36 I'm not sure if I agree 84

37 I have to cancel the appointment 86

38 I can't accept your argument 88

39 I don't believe that 90

40 You're not supposed to 92

41 I don't have great belief in 94

42 I'm not at all interested init 96

43 I wish I could agree with you 98

44 I'm really not happy aboutit 100

45 I can't helpit 102

学习类词汇 104

情感篇 108

46 What do you mean to do? 108

47 WhatI'd really like to 110

48 What do you think of...? 112

49 It's very kind of you 114

50 Please do take care of yourself 116

51 I beg your pardon? 118

52 Let the cat out of the bag 120

53 There is nothina I can do 122

54 I wasn't aware of that 124

55 You Det 126

56 You know what? 128

57 You can say that again 130

58 There is a call for you 132

情感类词汇 134

快乐篇 140

59 I think...was(is) excellent 140

60 It's great to hear about 142

61 Happy birthday! 144

62 My best wishes to 146

63 Merry Christmas! 148

64 Happy New Year! 150

65 You've got a nice car 152

快乐类词汇 154

伤心篇 158

66 You looked worried 158

67 Everything will be fine 160

68 It is actually not the case 162

69 That's really too bad 164

70I'd expected it to be 166

伤心类词汇 168

求职(一)篇 172

71 Have you done anything like 172

72 Are you hiring now? 174

73 I saw your ad in the paper 176

74I'd like to set up an interview 178

75Iwas referred to your company 180

76I'm calling about your ad 182

77 What is your background? 184

78 What was your favorite subject? 186

79 What is your G.P.A.? 188

80 How do you spell your name? 190

81 Where are you living now? 192

82 What university did you graduate from? 194

83 Do you have experience? 196

84 Were you involved in... 198

求职(一)类词汇 200

求职(二)篇 206

85 Why did you pick... 206

86 Do you speak English fluently? 208

87 Why did you leave your last job? 210

88 What section would you... 212

89 What are your strengths? 214

90 Are you introverted or extroverted? 216

91 What is your expected salary? 218

92 When can you start to work? 220

93 How much do you make now? 222

94 Do you have any questions? 224

95 What type of people do you...? 226

96 Who are your references? 228

97 What would your colleagues say about you? 230

98 What would your former boss say about you? 232

99 How long should I wait? 234

求职(二)类词汇 236

海关篇 240

100 I want to leam something about... 240

101 May I see your passport? 242

102 Do you have anything to declare? 244

103 Anything else besides these? 246

104 Would you show me 248

105 What's your trip for? 250

海关类词汇 252

交通篇 256

106I'd like to make a reservation 256

107 What time does the plane leave? 258

108I'd like to travel economy 260

109 Do you fly to Dallas on Sunday? 262

110 I wonder if I could cancel... 264

111 May I see your ticket? 266

112 Would you mind if we... 268

113 Have you fastened your seat belt? 270

114 When will we land in London? 272

115Can you take me to... 274

116 I'd like to rent a car 276

117...if this bus goes to Xidan 278

118 How much is the fare? 280

119 We go by subway 282

120 Is this the train to New York? 284

交通类词汇 286

住宿篇 294

121Do you have room for rent? 294

122 Do you have a vacant room? 296

123I'd like to book a room 298

124 I'd like to check in 300

125 I'm checking out today 302

126 Can I change some money here? 304

住宿类词汇 306

餐饮篇 312

127Iwant to reserve a table 312

128 Would you care to order now? 314

129 MayIhave your order? 316

130 Help yourself to some more fish 318

131 What's the special for today? 320

132 Could I have the bill,please? 322

133 Could I be excused? 324

134 Where is the rest room? 326

餐饮类词汇 328

购物篇 334

135 What canIdo for you? 334

136 Anything I can do for you? 336

137 Would you show me... 338

138 Is there a price reduction? 340

139 May I pay by credit card? 342

140 It's just what I had in mind 344

购物类词汇 346

旅游篇 350

141 Could you take a photo of... 350

142 I want to have my film developed 352

143 Have you ever been to America? 354

144 Did you have a nice journey? 356

145 Did you have fun? 358

旅游类词汇 360
