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  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:钱坤强等著
  • 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:756004185X
  • 页数:267 页

目录 1

Contents 1

GRE作文考试流程 1

GRE作文实战全攻略 5

1.“雷同探测器”的杀伤力——一个真实的案例 5

2.从ETS的作文评分标准来定位中国考生的得分目标 7

3.Issue类作文的命题原则及应对策略 20

4.Issue类作文的三种模式 21

5.Affirmative模式和Negative模式的实例 21

6.组织好你的文章 27

7.并非模板的模板 28

8.审题——一次实验 31

9.我是怎样写英语作文的(一)——从文字到内容的精雕细琢 32

10.点评一篇GRE作文习作——我们能从中吸取什么样的教训 38

11.我是如何写英语作文的(二)——从一篇Issue作文谈如何整理清晰严谨的思路 45

12.GRE阅读理解文章是GRE作文的不尽源泉——兼谈英语思维模式的培养 47

13.不要失去实战演练的机会——演变出你自己的个性模板 51

Issue范文50篇 53

1.The reputation of anyone who is subjected to media scrutiny will eventually be diminished任何一个受到媒体关注的人,其名声终将受损 53

2.Productivity of team work and individual competition 57

团队合作与个人竞争的成效 57

3.Contemporary culture vs.arts and literature of the past 61

当代文化与过去的文学艺术 61

4.The study of history and our daily liras 65

史学研究与日常生活 65

5.The benefits of televised government proceedings 68

电视转播政府运作的好处 68

广告的作用 72

6.The function of advertisements 72

7.History study is a creative enterprise 76

历史研究是一项创造性的事业 76

8.Students would benefit more from an education of emotions 80

情感教育对学生更有益 80

9.It is primarily through identification through social groups that we define ourselves我们主要通过与社会群体的认同来界定我们自身 83

10.Technology progress cannot change the condition of humanity 86

技术进步无法改善人类的生存状况 86

11.Globalization and social development 89

全球化与社会发展 89

12.The most important question to consider when priorities are being set 93

确定优先权时需要考虑的最重要的问题 93

13.There is no justification for human to make efforts to save endangered species人类没有必要努力去拯救濒危物种 96

14.The well-being of a society is enhanced when many of its people question authority民众对当权者的质询能使整个社会的福祉得以提高 100

15.Television and the Internet will make tourism obsolete 104

电视和互联网会使旅游业萧条 104

16.Electronic communications media tend to prevent communication 107

电子传媒妨碍交流 107

17.The responsibility of corporate executives 111

公司决策者的职责 111

18.Students should bring a certain skepticism to whatever they study 115

学生应该对所学的一切持怀疑态度 115

19.Both parents and communities must be involved in the local school education家长和社区都必须参与到地方学校对青少年的教育中去 118

20.Media and hero 120

媒体与英雄 120

21.The most essential quality of an effective leader 125

卓有成效的领导人最根本的品质 125

想像力有时比经验更为可贵 129

22.Sometimes imagination is a more valuable asset than experience 129

23.Human nature is really a reflection of the human condition 133

人性是人类生存条件的真实反映 133

24.A person from one culture has no right to judge the actions or values ofa person from a differentculture来自一种文化的人,没有权力来评判来自另一种文化的人的行为和价值观 136

25.People who pursue their own interests are more likely to benefit the society追求个人兴趣的人更能造福社会 140

26.What is originality? 143

何谓原创性? 143

27.Laws should be more flexible 146

法律应更加灵活 146

28.The influence of knowledge on the way we perceive the world 149

知识对世界观的影响 149

29.Personality decides viewpoint 152

性格决定观点 152

在获得数据之前就进行理论阐述是一个严重的错误 155

30.It is a grave mistake to theorize before one has data 155

31.Scandals can be useful 158

丑闻的作用 158

32.Practicality and value 162

实用性与价值 162

33.The way that innovations are put in practice 165

创新被付诸实践的方式 165

34.The function of art 168

艺术的功能 168

35.One country is necessarily tied to the progress of other countries 171

单个国家与其他国家的进步密切相关 171

36.People choose career on the basis of pragmatic considerations 174

人们选择职业是出于实用主义的考虑 174

为达目标可不择手段 177

37.Any means taken to attain a goal are justifiable 177

38.Child prodigies should be found and trained at an early age 180

天才儿童应早日被发现并得到培养 180

39.New technology and existing technology 183

新技术与现有技术 183

40.Most important discoveries are accidental 186

多数重大发现都是偶然的 186

41.A work of art must be understandable to most people to have merit 190

艺术品需被多数人理解才具价值 190

42.The increase of knowledge and experience will dispel more complex problems知识与阅历的增加会解决更为复杂的问题 193

43.The best way to teach 196

最好的教育方法 196

44.College should offer students clear direction 199

大学应提供给学生清晰的指令 199

看电视与看书 202

45.Watching television and reading books 202

46.Just laws and unjust laws 205

正义的法律和非正义的法律 205

47.How to study the facts 208

如何学习事实 208

48.The impact of new technologies on learning 211

新技术对学习的影响 211

49.Image and the reality or truth behind that image 214

形象与形象背后的真实 214

50.Scholars and researchers should pursue their individual interests 217

学者与研究人员应追求个人兴趣 217

Issue题库及翻译 221

附:本书所用注音符号 251

留学申请个人陈述写作范例 253

后记 267
