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媒介的现实与超越  胡正荣自选集
媒介的现实与超越  胡正荣自选集

媒介的现实与超越 胡正荣自选集PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:胡正荣著
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京广播学院出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:7810853910
  • 页数:244 页
《媒介的现实与超越 胡正荣自选集》目录

目录 3

受众群:从混沌到有序——受众商品与中国电视经营策略 The Group of Audience:from Chaos to Order 3

传播学与学术研究 Communication and Academic Research 3

21世纪的广播电视发展与新闻传播教育 The Development of Radio Television in the 21st Century Mass Communication Education 10

从经验到科学的飞跃——我国传媒学术界与实践界面临的共同命题 From Experience to Science:The Proposition Confronted by the Media Academe and the Practice 15

产业整合与跨世纪变革——美国广播电视业的发展走向 The Industry Convergence and the Cross-Century Change 21

国外媒介研究 International Media 21

美国广播电视市场的细分与走势 The Segmentation of Radio and Television Market and It s Trend in the USA 34

国外媒介集团竞争战略分析 The Competition Strategy of the Transnational Media Conglomerates 40

结构·组织·供应链·制度安排——对当前西方媒介产业的经济学分析 Structure,Organization,Supply Chain and Institutional Arrangement 58

欧美主要电视新闻频道解析 Exploring the Main TV News Channel in the Euro-American Countries 84

电视产业再造——西方数字电视产业分析 Re-Shaping the TV Industry—on the Digital Television in the West Country 99

广播电视节目创新战略分析 The Innovative Strategy of Radio and Television Programs 109

国内广播电视研究 Radio and Television in China 109

全球化与市场化双重冲击下大陆广播电视的发展选择 The Options for Radio and Television Industry in China under the Impact of the Globalization and Commercialization 116

我们需要补课——有关电视的基本概念的澄清与引领 Keyword for Understanding Globalizing and Commercilizing TV 128

《每周质量报告》的成功与启示——从产品质量、舆论质量及制度质量谈起 The Interplay of Quality of Products,Quality of Public Opinions and Quality of Institution 135

媒介制度与规制研究 Media Institution and Regulation 147

瓶颈与出路——我国广播电视集团化进程分析与对策研究 The Bottleneck and The Way Out:The Process of Conglomeration of Broad-casting Media in China 147

广播电视媒介政府规制的制度化研究——中外广播电视媒介规制比较分析 Institutionalization of Government Regulation of Broadcasting Media:A Comparative Perspective 154

市场规则建立过程中的内地媒介生态变动研究——以电视媒介为例 Media Ecological Change in the Process of Marketization of Media in China:TV Industry as An Example 167

后WTO时代我国媒介产业重组及其资本化结果——对我国媒介发展的政治经济学分析 The Post-WTO Restructuring of the Chinese Media Industries and the Consequences of Capitalization 185

媒介寻租、产业整合与媒介资本化过程——对我国媒介制度变迁的分析 Rent-seeking,Consolidation and Capitalization of Chinese Media——An Institutional Analysis of Chinese Media Institutional Transition 200

我国媒介规制变迁的制度困境及其意识形态根源 Institutional Dilemma and It s Ideological Origin in the Transition of China s Media Regulation 208

Chinese Contents Industry:Transitions and Issues 228
