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  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:潘宝艳主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京工业大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7563911383
  • 页数:390 页

目录 1

生活体验 1

McDonald s and Broccoli(麦当劳和绿花菜) 1

My Teacher s Wedding(参加老师的婚礼) 4

My Most Unforgettable Day(最难忘的一天) 8

“Suan Le,Suan Le!”(“算了,算了”) 10

My Summer Vacation in China(暑假回国小记) 13

So Long,Chicago!(再见,芝加哥) 16

The Sleepover(到朋友家玩) 19

Don t Laugh at Me(不要笑话我) 22

A Friend s Birthday(朋友的生日) 24

My Cute Baby Sister(可爱的小妹妹) 25

Autumn Is Great(秋天真好) 27

It s a Great World(世界亮堂堂) 30

First Time on an Airplane(第一次坐飞机) 32

Trying Japanese Sushi(品尝日本寿司) 34

Ghosts(鬼) 36

Talking about My Last Name(谈谈我的姓) 39

Needle Shot(打针) 41

New Computer(新电脑) 43

911(911) 45

The Late Return(晚归) 48

The Cave s Treasure Chest(山洞里的“百宝箱”) 51

MP3 Player(MP3播放机) 54

The Gold Bean(金豆) 56

The Hot Pot Feast(火锅宴) 60

Treasure House Restaurant(富贵轩饭馆) 62

My Fish(我的鱼) 64

Flies(苍蝇) 67

学校生活 70

A One-of-a-kind Class(一堂特别的课) 70

The Chinese Heritage Day(中国文化日) 74

My School Healy(我的学校希利) 77

Problem Solving at the Summer Camp(夏令营的动脑筋活动) 80

The Science Fair(参加科学竞赛) 83

Blowing Ping-Pong Balls(吹乒乓球) 87

My Experiences with American Schools 90

(说说我的美国学校) 90

An Extraordinary Awards Ceremony 94

(别开生面的颁奖活动) 94

My Plan(我的打算) 97

Blue-eye Ted(蓝眼睛的特德) 100

My Four Best Teachers(四位好老师) 102

My French Teacher,Mr.Cook(法语老师库克) 104

My First Day at School(上学第一天) 107

Teacher s Red Pen(老师的红笔) 109

I Received an“F”(我得了一个“F”) 111

New Goals for a New School Year(新学年,新打算) 115

Awards Day(颁奖之日) 117

Who Will Finish Last(看谁最后完蛋) 120

Observing Nature(自然观察课) 123

Sleeping with the Whales(我和鲸鱼一起睡觉) 126

(定向创意比赛) 128

Destination Imagination Competition 128

The“Frightful”Mr.Gorman(“可怕”的戈曼老师) 130

Volleyball(打排球) 133

My Teacher Is Always Late(老师老迟到) 135

A Pointless Marketing Class(无聊的销售课) 137

学习中文 140

I Make Jokes while I m Learning Chinese 140

(学中文的笑话) 140

Misunderstandings(误解) 142

Little Brother Learning Chinese(弟弟学中文) 143

We Make a Mistake(阴错阳差) 146

(学方块字的酸甜苦辣) 148

The Bittersweet Learning of Chinese Characters 148

Talking about My Fears(谈“怕”) 151

Racking One s Brain(绞尽脑汁) 154

Chinese Is the Hardest Language to Learn 155

(中文最难学) 155

One Heart,One Mind(一心一意) 158

Prankster Idioms(捉弄人的成语) 160

I Like to Learn Chineae(我喜欢学中文) 162

A Mute Teacher(不说话的老师) 165

课余生活 167

The Swimming Competition(参加游泳比赛) 167

Shellfish(小海贝) 169

Going out on a Picnic(野餐) 172

At the Summer Camp(夏令营) 174

Flying a Kite at the Beach(海边放风筝) 177

My Good Friend(我的好朋友) 180

My Rabbit(养兔子) 182

Our Pigeons(我家的鸽子) 185

I Enjoy Collecting Basketball Cards 187

(我爱收集篮球卡) 187

Picking Oysters and Clams(拾牡蛎、抓蛤蜊) 190

Summer Camp(夏令营) 193

An Adventure(一次惊心动魄的经历) 196

New Pocket“Gameboy”(新的迷你游戏机) 198

Tiger,Beast of Prey(猛兽老虎) 200

Little Bird(小鸟) 202

The Giraffe(长颈鹿) 204

Pinky the Little Dog(小狗平基) 207

First Time Camping(第一次露营) 209

A Couple of Clowns(一对小活宝) 211

Mystery of the Picture Scroll(画卷的秘密) 213

Long Live Freedom(自由万岁) 216

Japanese Camp(日语夏令营) 219

Should We Have Laughed?(我们会笑吗?) 221

A Brilliant Celestial Body(精彩的星球) 225

The Little Monk s Story(小和尚的故事) 227

A Crystal Dragon and a Stone Tiger 229

(水晶龙和石头虎) 229

Mealworms(饭虫) 231

Isn t It Annoying?(它讨厌吗?) 234

Clever Xiaohua(乖巧的小花) 237

Pitiful Pets(可怜的宠物) 240

Dolphins(海豚) 243

Intelligent Computer(聪明的电脑) 245

Welcome to My Web Site(我的网站欢迎你) 247

I Am Naming a New Planet(我为新行星命名) 249

感受思考 251

Peaches or Bananas(桃和香蕉) 251

Accept the Rules(接受万岁) 253

Hope for More Understanding(渴望了解) 255

The Terrible Violence—A Diary Entry 258

(可怕的暴力) 258

I m Really Lucky(我真幸福) 260

My Classmate,Saul(同学索尔) 262

I Love Trees(我爱树) 265

(曾经惊天动地的圣海伦山) 267

The Earthshaking Mount St.Helens 267

Poking the Hornet s Nest(捅马蜂窝) 270

Whose Fault(谁的错) 273

Wish Iron Could Turn into Steel at Once 276

(恨铁不成钢) 276

The Happiness of Reading(读书乐) 278

The Joy of Life(人生乐陶陶) 279

The Lesson(教训) 282

Chinese Hero(华人英雄) 284

亲情友情 286

The Mountain(山) 286

(给爷爷奶奶的信) 288

A Letterto Grandpa and Grandma 288

The Story about Me(我的故事) 290

My Father(我的爸爸) 293

Rememberance of My Shanghai Friends 296

(我想念上海的朋友) 296

I Have a Good Friend(我有一个好朋友) 298

I ll always Be a Chinese(我永远是中国人) 300

My Hometown Harbin(我的故乡哈尔滨) 303

Moving(搬家) 305

He s Better than My Brother 308

(他胜过我的亲兄弟) 308

(说说我的“老”朋友) 311

Let s Talk about My OLDEST Friend 311

My Second Hometown(我的第二故乡) 313

Cute Little Gray Cat(可爱的小灰猫) 316

My Friend“Boar”(我的“猪”朋友) 318

Lovely Baby(可爱的宝贝儿) 321

My Father,My Teacher(爸爸,我的老师) 324

I Love My Mom(我爱妈妈) 327

Mom(母亲) 329

My Angry Father(爸爸生气了) 333

I Am Adopted(我是领养的) 335

A Day on the Beach(迷人的海滩) 338

游览见闻 338

Touring the Pentagon(参观五角大楼) 340

The Sears Tower(参观高塔) 344

The Niagara Falls(尼亚加拉大瀑布) 347

Butchart Gardens(布查特花园) 350

Light Blue Ice(浅蓝色的冰) 353

The World s Marvelous Spectacle(世界奇观) 356

The Early Evening Seashore(傍晚的海边) 359

节日假日 362

Mother s Day(母亲节) 362

Christmas(圣诞节) 363

An Enjoyable Hallowe en(欢天喜地过鬼节) 365

Halloween Adventure(万圣节记趣) 368

The Parade in Cambridge City(难忘的游行) 371

Parade in Washington D.C.(华府游行) 374

Christmas(圣诞节) 376

My Tenth Birthday(我的十岁生日) 379

A Christmas Card(圣诞卡) 381

Dream(梦) 383

Santa Claus Gift(圣诞老人的礼物) 385

Celebrating Chinese New Year(庆祝中国新年) 387
