中医舌诊图谱 中英文对照PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:丁成华,孙晓刚主编
- 出 版 社:北京:人民卫生出版社
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:711705767X
- 页数:120 页
1.中医舌诊源流 1
1.The origin of the tongue irspection 1
绪论 Introduction 1
2.古今舌诊著作简介 5
2.Brief introduction of tongue inspection monograph in ancient and modern times 5
(1)舌与脏腑经络的关系 1 8
1.舌的形态结构和生理功能 14
(1)形态结构 14
1.Structures and Physiological Function of Tongue 14
(1)Structures 14
Section 1 The Mechanism of Tongue Inspection 14
第一节 舌诊原理 14
Chapter one Abstract 14
第一章 舌诊概要 14
(2)生理功能 17
(2)Function 17
2.舌与脏腑经络、气血津液的关系 18
2.The Relationship Between Tongue and Viscera,Meridians Qi-Blood,and Body Fluid 18
(1)Tongue,Viscera and Meridians 18
(2)舌与气血津液的关系 20
(2)The connection of tongue with,Qi,Blood and Body Fluid 20
第二节 舌诊的方法与注意事项 22
Section 2 Method and Special attention on Observing Tongue 22
(1)Posture 23
(1)望舌的基本姿势 23
1.The Method of Tcngue-Examination 23
1.舌诊的基本操作 23
(2)望舌的基本顺序 25
(2)The Basic Procedure of Tongue-Observing 25
(3)舌诊的辅助手法 25
(3)Aiding Method of Tongue-observing 25
①扪舌、摸舌 25
①Toughing and Feeling 25
②揩舌、刮舌 26
②Scrubbing and Scraping 26
2.舌诊的注意事项 28
2.Special Attentions on observing Tongue 28
(2)食物或药品影响 29
(2)Diet and Drugs 29
(1)光线条件 29
(1)Light 29
(3)口腔对舌象的影响 31
(3)Effect of Buccal Cavity 31
第三节 舌诊的基本内容和正常舌象 32
Section 3 Content of Tongue Inspection and Normal Tongue 32
1.舌诊的基本内容 32
1.Contents of Tongue Inspection 32
2.正常舌象 33
2.The Nomal Tongue Picture 33
(1)Age and Sex 34
(1)年龄、性别因素 34
3.舌象的生理变异 34
3.Physiological change of Tongue 34
(2)体质禀赋因素 36
(2)Constitution and Congenital Disposition 36
(3)气候环境因素 37
(3)Climate and Environment 37
(4)生活起居习性因素 38
(4)Habits and Customs 38
Section 1 Observations of the tongue vitality 42
1.Full vitality 42
1.有神 42
第一节 诊舌神 42
Chapter Two Observation of the tongue texture 42
第二章 诊舌质 42
2.无神 43
2.Lacking of vitality(out of vitality) 43
第二节 诊舌色 44
Section Two Observations of The Tongue Color 44
1.淡红舌 44
1.The Pink Tongue 44
2.淡白舌 44
2.The Pale Tongue 44
3.红舌 46
3.The Red Tongue 46
4.The Crimson Tongue 49
4.绛舌 49
5.The Purple Tongue 50
5.紫舌 50
6.青舌 52
6.The Blue Tongue 52
第三节 诊舌形 53
Section 3 Observation of the Tongue Shape 53
1.苍老舌 53
1.The Tough Tongue 53
2.娇嫩舌 53
2.The Tender Tongue 53
3.The Swelling Tongue 54
3.胖大舌 54
4.瘦薄舌 56
4.The Thin Tongue 56
5.点、刺舌 57
5.The Spotted or Prickled Tongue 57
6.裂纹舌 59
6.The Fissured Tongue 59
7.齿痕舌 61
7.The Teeth Printed Tongue 61
1.The Flaccid Tongue 62
1.痿软舌 62
Section 4 Obsevation of The Moving State of The Tongue 62
第四节 诊舌态 62
2.强硬舌 63
2.The Stiff Tongue 63
3.歪斜舌 65
3.The Wry Tongue 65
4.颤动舌 66
4.The Trembling Tongue 66
5.吐弄舌 67
5.The Protruding And Licking Tongue 67
6.The Shortened Tongue 68
6.短缩舌 68
第五节 诊舌下络脉 69
Section 5 Observations of The Vessels Below Tongue 69
1.舌下络脉的观察方法 70
1.Methods of Observing The Vessels Below Tongue 70
2.舌下络脉异常及其临床意义 70
2.The Clinical Significance of Abnormal Hypoglossal Vessels 70
第三章 诊舌苔 72
Chapter 3 Observations ofThe Tongue Coating 72
1.薄苔、厚苔 73
1.Thickness and Thinness 73
第一节 诊苔质 73
Section 1 Observations of The Texture of Tongue Coating 73
2.润苔、燥苔 77
2.Moistness and Dryness 77
3.腻苔、腐苔 81
3.Putrid and Greasiness 81
4.剥苔 84
4.Exfoliation 84
5.偏苔、全苔 87
5.Evenness and Unevenness 87
6.真苔、假苔 89
6.The True and False Coating 89
Section 2 Color of Tongue Coating 90
第二节 诊苔色 90
1.白苔 91
1.White Coating 91
2.黄苔 93
2.The Yellow Coating 93
3.灰苔、黑苔 97
3.The Gray and Black Coating 97
第四章 舌诊的临床意义及应用 100
Chapter 4 The Usage and Significance of Tongue Inspection 100
第一节 舌诊的临床意义 100
Section 1 Significance of Tongue Inspection 100
2.区别病邪性质 101
2.To distinguish the nature of disease 101
1.判断邪正盛衰 101
1.To judge the exuberance or decline of the vital-qi and the pathogenic-qi 101
3.判别病位浅深 102
3.To detect the shallow or deep location of disease 102
4.推断病势进退 103
4.To infer the Tendency of disease 103
5.估计病情预后 103
5.To Estimate the Prognosis of Disease 103
1.Application of tongue inspection in diagnosing and treating febrile disease 104
(1)To judge the nature of disease and to detect the location of disease 104
(1)辨舌苔探病邪性质、病位浅深 104
1.舌诊在温病诊治中的应用 104
Section 2 Clinical Application of Tongue Inspection 104
第二节 舌诊的临床应用 104
(2)辨舌色定卫气营血、病情轻重 105
(2)To judge Wei-qi-yin-xue and the condition of disease 105
2.舌诊在心血管疾病诊治中的应用 106
2.Application of tongue inspection in diagnosing and treating cardiovascular disease 106
(1)心肌梗死 106
(1)Myocardial infarction 106
(2)冠心病心绞痛 108
(2)Angina pectoris 108
(3)房颤 108
(3)Atrial fibrillation 108
(1)Chronic bronchitis,pulmonary heart disease 109
(1)慢性支气管炎、肺心病 109
3.舌诊在肺系疾病诊治中的应用 109
3.Application of tongue inspection in diagnosing and treating lung disease 109
(2)肺癌 110
(2)Lung cancer 110
4.舌诊在脾胃疾病诊治中的应用 110
4.Application of tongue inspection in diagnosing and treating spleen and stomach disease 110
(1)慢性胃炎 111
(1)Chronic gastritis 111
(2)胃及十二指肠溃疡 111
(2)Gastric ulcer and duodenalulcer 111
(3)急性阑尾炎 112
(3)Acute appendicitis 112
(1)乙型肝炎及肝癌 113
(1)B hepatitis and liver cancer 113
5.舌诊在肝胆疾病诊治中的应用 113
5.Application of tongue inspection in diagnosing and treating liver and gallbladder disease 113
(2)胆囊炎、胆结石 114
(2)Cholecystitis,Cholelithiasis 114
6.舌诊在肾脏疾病诊治中的应用 115
6.Application of tongue inspection in diagnosing and treating kidney disease 115
7.舌诊在内分泌疾病诊治中的应用 116
7.Application of tongue in diagnosing and treating endocrinopathy 116
参考文献 118
Reference documents 118
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