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  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:张玛丽编著
  • 出 版 社:广东世界图书出版公司
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:750625509X
  • 页数:204 页

1.Ace a test (考得很好) 1

2.All right (好的) 3

3.Anytime (不用客气) 5

4.Ask someone out (跟某人约会) 7

5.Back to square one (回到原出发点) 9

6.Beat (累坏了) 11

7.Boloney (胡说八道) 13

8.Beats me (我不知道) 16

9.Big deal! (有什么大不了) 18

10.Big spender (乱花钱的人) 21

11.Big mouth (大嘴巴) 24

12.Bingo! (答对了!) 26

13.Blast (狂欢会:欢乐) 28

14.Blow a test (考试考砸了) 30

15.Blow a fuse (大发雷霆) 32

16.Blue (忧郁;闷闷不乐) 34

17.Bomb (很烂的演出;搞砸了) 36

18.Blow the whistle on someone (告发某人) 38

19.Break up (男女朋友关系吹了) 41

20.A breeze (一件很简单的事) 43

21.Broke (没有钱) 45

22.Buck (一元;一块钱) 48

23.Bug (烦) 50

24.Bummed (失望) 52

25.Buy you a drink (请你喝杯饮料) 55

26.I don't buy it. (我不相信) 57

27.The judge was bought. (法官被收买了) 59

28.Carry weight (有影响力) 62

29.Catch someone red handed. (当场抓到某人) 64

30.Chew out (责骂) 67

31.Chick (女孩) 70

32.Chicken out (临阵脱逃) 73

33.Chill out (冷静点) 75

34.Chitchat (聊天) 77

35.Clean up one's act (检点一点) 79

36.Come on (来吧) 82

37.Come to (苏醒) 84

38.Cool (很棒) 86

39.Cool it (冷静下来) 88

40.Cop (警察) 90

41.Cost an arm and a leg (很贵) 92

42.Count on (信赖) 94

43.Cut class (旷课) 96

44.Cut it (做得到) 98

45.Cut out for something (做某事情的料子) 100

46.Cut that out! (不要再做) 103

47.Down to earth (平易近人) 105

48.Dough (钱) 108

49.Dude (一个人) 110

50.Dump (甩掉某人) 113

51.Fall for (被骗) 115

52.Fed up (受不了) 117

53.Get a clue (搞清楚状况) 120

54.Get bent out of shape (大发脾气) 123

55.Get out of here! (别开玩笑) 125

56.Get real! (实际一点) 127

57.Get a life. (别那么无聊) 129

58.Give someone a hand (帮助某人) 131

59.Gross (恶心) 133

60.Guts (勇气) 135

61.Guy (一个人) 137

62.Have a cow (生气) 139

63.Have a crush on someone (爱上某人) 141

64.Holy cow! (天啊) 143

65.Hot (受欢迎) 145

66.Kiss up to someone (拍某人马屁) 147

67.Knock it off (别这么做) 149

68.Lemon (蹩脚货) 151

69.Make up for someone (补偿某人) 154

70.Not to have the foggiest idea (一点都不知道) 157

71.Now you're talking (你这句话最中听) 159

72.Nuts (傻子;疯子) 161

73.Off the top of one's head (马上回答) 163

74.Tick off (生气) 165

75.Put someone up (供某人留宿) 167

76.Rain cats and dogs (下着倾盆大雨) 169

77.Rip off (敲竹杠) 171

78.Screw up (搞砸) 174

79.Sleep in (晚一点起床) 177

80.So what? (那又怎么样?) 179

81.Stand someone up (对某人失约) 181

82.It stinks (那真糟) 183

83.Stuff (东西) 185

84.Total (车子全撞?) 187

85.It's not my day. (我的倒霉日) 189

86.What do you say? (你怎么说?) 192

87.What on earth? (究竟怎样?) 194

88.Drop the ball(to fail at something) (搞砸) 196

89.Down (沮丧) 199

90.What do you go by? (你要别人叫你什么?) 201

91.What I had in mind. (我心里所期待的) 203
