纳米结构中的输运 第2版 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:19 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)费里著
- 出 版 社:北京:世界图书北京出版公司
- 出版年份:2015
- ISBN:9787510087769
- 页数:659 页
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Nanostructures:the impact 2
1.2 Mesoscopic observables in nanostructures 9
1.3 Space and time scales 17
1.4 Nanostructures and nanodevices 19
1.5 An introduction to the subsequent chapters 23
1.6 What is omitted 25
2 Quantum confined systems 28
2.1 Nanostructure materials 29
2.2 Quantization in heterojunction systems 35
2.3 Lateral confinement:quantum wires and quantum dots 52
2.4 Electronic states in quantum wires and dots 58
2.5 Magnetic field effects in quantum confined systems 66
2.6 Screening and collective excitations in low-dimensional systems 76
2.7 Homogeneous transport in low-dimensional systems 83
3 Transmission in nanostructures 116
3.1 Tunneling in planar barrier structures 117
3.2 Current in resonant tunneling diodes 123
3.3 Landauer formula 136
3.4 The multi-channel case 140
3.5 Transport in quantum waveguide structures 155
4 The quantum Hall effects 193
4.1 The integer quantum Hall effect in two-dimensional electron systems 194
4.2 Edge-state propagation in nanostructures 210
4.3 The fractional quantum Hall effect 220
4.4 The many-body picture 235
5 Ballistic transport in quantum wires 248
5.1 Conductance quantization in quantum point contacts 249
5.2 Non-integer conductance quantization in quantum point contacts 271
5.3 Some ballistic device concepts 290
6 Quantum dots 299
6.1 Fundamentals of single-electron tunneling 300
6.2 Single-electron tunneling in semiconductor quantum dots 338
6.3 Coupled quantum dots as artificial molecules 361
6.4 Quantum interference due to spatial wave function coherence in quantum dots 388
7 Weakly disordered systems 413
7.1 Disordered semiconductors 414
7.2 Conductivity 427
7.3 Weak localization 439
7.4 Universal conductance fluctuations 459
7.5 Green's functions in disordered materials 467
8 Temperature decay of fluctuations 491
8.1 Temperature decay of coherence 493
8.2 The role of temperature on the fluctuations 503
8.3 Electron-electron interaction effects 511
8.4 Conductivity 554
9 Nonequilibrium transport and nanodevices 563
9.1 Nonequilibrium transport in mesoscopic structures 566
9.2 Semiconductor nanodevices in the real world 593
9.3 Quantum simulations via the scattering matrix 610
9.4 Real-time Green's functions 620
Index 653
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