梦想与挑战:低碳发展在中国 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:FU JING著
- 出 版 社:北京:新世界出版社
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:9787510414138
- 页数:207 页
Chapter One Toward Cancún:Mounting uncertainties and efforts 1
Coming closer to Cancún 2
Tianjin talks may pave way for climate negotiations 9
Active public climate diplomacy gathers steam 12
Better communication,better image of China's climate position 18
Chapter Two Looking back:China's arduous efforts around Copenhagen talks 21
Wen dialing diplomatic buttons to call for climate change 22
What would YOU say to world leaders now? 25
Wen in Copenhagen with"sincerity and determination" 28
Actions meet words 33
Wen says nation will strive for goals 36
Preserve the progress:Wen 39
China played an active role:Wen says 42
China seeks to clear up summit deal 45
Leadership's collective climate learning 48
Chinese rise to the climate challenge 51
Chapter Three China's firm positions in global climate politics 53
Green Asia 54
Carbon-reduction target a"milestone" 57
The price of green revolution 59
China,US and EU to fight climate woes 65
Big task 69
Climate talks offer hope 71
Emission targets set for govt schemes 74
"Speed of essence"for stimulus plan 76
Green effort key to future of officials 81
Green axe hangs over local officials 84
Chapter Four Green souls speak 89
Gore urges US and China to"go together quickly" 90
Reform pioneers:CO2 target"opens door for reform" 94
Chi Fulin:A visionary reformist 99
Energy chief also conservationist,poet 103
Pensioners campaign for environment 107
China impresses the world with environmental achievements 113
China shines in green project spending 117
Chapter Five Climate woes,witnesses and solutions 119
Thirsting for a solution 120
Newly industrialized cities battle pollution 125
Light at the end of the tunnel 129
Welcome to the Green Hall of the People 141
Climate change hits China's poor hardest 145
More cash,fewer gas emissions 152
Crisis control 154
Fuel tax reform an energy milestone 158
Energy security 160
Chapter Six Bigger pictures:A deep explanation of China's stances 163
Improving governance key to green campaign 164
Tough road ahead of national energy guiding body 167
China's overlooked rural building opportunities 170
China calls for responsible investment 173
New policy needed to boost rural economy 178
Vital element in the China model 182
New roles for emerging powers 185
Green road does not mean stunted growth 189
Time to invest in human resources 193
Climate change pushes new urbanization model for China 201
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