人文中国学报 第21期PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:18 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:香港浸会大学《人文中国学报》编辑委员会编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海古籍出版社
- 出版年份:2015
- ISBN:9787532577347
- 页数:620 页
经学研究新视域:从“知识转型”开展“经学学术史”的研究——从历代经数与经目的变化谈起&张寿安 1
From Six to Twenty-one Classics—The Expansion and Paradigmatic Shift of Classical Knowledge in the Nineteenth Century&Chang So-an 44
论经学的消解与必然回归&钱宗武 47
The Disintegration of the Study of Confucian Classics and the Corollary of Its Restoration&Qian Zongwu 77
从出土文物看《仪礼》内容的时代&叶国良 79
An Inspection on the Period of Time of Materials of Yili from Archaeological Cultural Relics&Kuo-liang Yeh 94
孔子应对“君不君”的双原则——正当性的质性与量性&周国正 97
Confucius’ Dual-Principle in Dealing with Unrighteous Governors—Rightfulness in Terms of Quality and Quantity&Chow Kwok-ching 121
孔子“祖述尧舜”探微&孔祥来 123
An Examination of Confucius“Transmitting the Ancient Traditions of Yao and Shun”&Kong Xianglai 145
《左传》“请安”及相关纪事释义辨疑——《左传》与《仪礼》互证之一例&许子滨 147
An Interpretation of the Word“Qingan”and Related Matters as Recorded in Zuozhuan:An Evidence of Agreements between Zuozhuan and Yili&Hsu Tzu-Pin 174
朱熹、吕祖谦“三衢之会”若干问题考辨&周纪焕 童献纲 177
On the Symposium at San Qu Hosted by Zhu Xi and Lu Zuqian&Zhou Jihuan Tong Xian-gang 201
缘情说礼 ——论孙希旦礼学思想的形成&卢鸣东 203
Expounding the Rites through Sentiment: the Formation of Sun Xidan’s Philosophy of His Study of the Rites&Lu Mingdong 227
钱宾四《庄子纂笺》学术精神探微&黄彦伟 229
An Examination of the Scholarly Spirit in Qian Binsi’s Collected Commentaries on the Zhuangzi&Huang Yanwei 262
论唐代“大手笔”作家之声名消解与历史遮蔽&曲景毅 265
Research on Dispelling Literary Reputation and Historical Concealment of Tang “Dashoubi” Writers&Qu Jingyi 289
苏天爵的《元文类》与元代中后期的大都文坛&陈汉文 291
Su Tianjue’s Yuan Literature Arranged by Genre and the Literary Field of Dadu in the Mid and Late Yuan Dynasty&Chan Honman 329
翁方纲在诗歌批评方面对金正喜的影响&何继文 331
The Influence of Weng Fanggang’s Poetry Criticism on Kim Jeong-hui&Ho Kai Man 361
伦理叙事学的方法论思考 ——以刘恒《连环套》为例&龚刚 363
On the Methodology of Ethical Narratology: Liu Heng’s Swindles of the Coal Mine as an Example&Gong Gang 384
时间的“围困”与历史的“灭绝” ——穆旦诗歌中的时间、历史意识&李章斌 385
The “Besiegement” of Time and“Eradication” of History: Time Consciousness and Historical Consciousness in the Poetry of Mudan&Li Zhangbin 408
当代台湾女诗人作品的颠覆风格&锺玲 411
Subversive Style in the Writing of Contemporary Taiwan Women Poets&Chung Ling 431
对消费文化的“模拟”、呈现与反思 ——论董启章《The Catalog》的城市书写&邹文律 433
The Imitation, Reveals and Reflections of Consumer Culture—An inquisition of the City writing in Dong Qizhang’s The Catalog&Chau Man Lut 461
从马克思到史密斯:《黄金路》的当代中国想像&王德威 463
From Karl Marx to Adam Smith:Reading Zhang Dapeng’s Golden Path.&Wang Dewei 473
专栏 477
有虫还是无虫? ——中国上古医疗史中的“蛊”&陈嘉礼 477
Visible or Invisible? Gu in Early Chinese Medical History&Chan Ka-lai 494
韩愈、孟郊的汴州记忆 ——《城南联句》“惟昔集嘉咏”章笺证&孙羽津 495
Han Yu and Meng Jiao’s Memory of Bianzhou:Critical Commentaries on the Chapter on“Fine Verses Written at a Gathering in the Past”in Linked Verses of South of the City-walls&Sun Yujin 514
“何论”考&李成晴 517
On “He lun”&Li Chengqing 529
文道与文法:汪琬古文理论再探&李向升 531
Dao and Wen: Further Discussion of Wang Wan’s Theory on Classical Prose&Lee Heung Sing 563
技艺性文本:“才学小说”的概念匡补与价值重估&朱锐泉 565
Texts of Art and Craft:Redefining the Concept of “Fiction of Talent and Learnedness”and Re-evaluating its Value&Zhu Ruiquan 600
书评 603
《攀龙附凤:北宋潞州上党李氏外戚将门研究》&乔东山 603
《民国福建协和大学之研究:以师资和财务为例(1916—1949)》&区志坚 611
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