1分钟英语 英美文化ABCPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:管晓霞编著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国水利水电出版社
- 出版年份:2016
- ISBN:9787517040927
- 页数:367 页
第一章 神话伊甸园与节日揭秘 2
The Creation of Universe 2
The Garden of Eden 6
Figures in Greek Mythology 8
The Origin of Christmas 11
The History of Halloween 14
The History of Thanksgiving Day 17
The History of Valentine's Day 20
The History of Easter 23
The History of Father's Day 27
The History of Mother's Day 28
The Origin of April Fools'Day 32
第二章 西方地理民族政法拾贝 36
Hawaii 36
An Outline of Australia 38
Connecticut 40
The Oldest Citizens of North America 42
The Chained Immigrants 45
American Fever 47
10 Downing Street 50
Birth of the Red Cross 53
Lincoln's Death 55
The Death of John F.Kennedy 58
How to Elect a US President 60
Small Claims Court in America 63
Green Cards and International Students in Job-Hunting 66
第三章 美术摄影建筑天地 69
Leonardo da Vinci 69
An Impressionist—Vincent Van Gogh 71
The Interesting Life of Pablo Picasso 75
Grandma Moses 77
Sam Higgins—An Excellent Photographer 80
New York Institute of Photography 82
The National Gallery 85
The Brooklyn Bridge 87
Sydney Opera House 89
Golden Gate Bridge 92
Sears Tower 94
Eiffel is an Eyeful 97
第四章 文化名人 101
Firm Helen Keller 101
The Mask Forever—Jim Carrey 104
Once Upon a Time in Denmark 109
For Blooming in Wards—Nightingale 113
Magical Mum 117
The Ups and Downs of Katherine Graham 122
The Edison Effect 126
Andrew Carnegie 131
Diana Spencer:Whatever Love Means 134
Sean Connery:How to Act 007 139
The Life for Equality—Martin Luther King 144
An Unusual Architect—leoh Ming Pei 149
第五章 人文典籍 154
Essays 154
Hamlet 156
Ode to the West Wind 158
Jane Eyre 161
Tess of the D'Urbervilles 163
Leaves of Grass 165
The Scarlet Letter 167
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 170
In a Station of the Metro 172
The Old Man and the Sea 174
The Republic 177
Metaphysica 179
The Birth of Tragedy 181
The World as Will and Representation 184
第六章 服饰与饮食 187
The Wedding Tradition 187
Charms and Symbols—Bead 190
Clothing Etiquette 191
Pizza:The Soul of Italy 194
French Cheese 196
Fried Chicken 198
Western Vegetarians 200
American Food 203
Eating Custom and Practice 206
Eating in America(Ⅰ) 209
Eating in America(Ⅱ) 212
Eating in America(Ⅲ) 214
Eating in America(Ⅳ) 216
第七章 时尚名品和企业家一瞥 220
Louis Vuitton 220
Burberry 223
Chanel 227
Prada 230
Hermès 232
Gucci 235
Steve Jobs 238
Rupert Murdoch 241
Jack Welch 244
Bill Gates 247
Warren Buffett 250
Ingvar Kamprad 253
Gordon Moore 256
第八章 电影流派与表演之花 261
American Black Comedy 261
The Monsters of Hollywood's Films 263
American War Motion Picture 265
"Godfather"is Top Film Character 268
The Effect of Charlie Chaplin's Comedy on Movie 271
William S.Hart and the Early"Western"Film 273
Audrey Hepburn 276
Johnny Depp 280
Avatar 283
Forrest Gump 287
The Pursuit of Happiness 289
Star Wars Returns to the Screens 292
Film Festival 294
第九章 音乐与体育的殿堂 299
Classical Music 299
Country Western Music 301
Jazz Musician:Louis Armstrong 304
I Live Entirely in My Music—Beethoven 307
Gift for Music—Leonard Bernstein 310
Elvis Presley 314
The Ancient Olympic Games 318
The Modern Olympic Games 320
Big Sporting Events in the UK 322
The Commonwealth Games Council 325
The History of Volleyball 327
Barcelona—Olympic City 330
David Beckham 332
第十章 轰轰烈烈的网络文化 336
The Internet,Still a Work in Progress 336
Internet Shopping 338
The Internet Age Has Effects on Our Work-and-Rest Timetable 340
What is the Electronic Mail 342
Facebook:the Second Largest Social Network 345
Web Browser 347
The Rules for On-Line Dating 351
Two Difficulties the Internet Faces:Bandwidth and Censorship 353
Macromedia and Its Software 356
Wilfers Lost on the Internet 358
Five Points on Online Etiquette 360
The Influence of Violence in Online Games on Children 363
E-commerce 365
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