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语类关系与文映射  英文
语类关系与文映射  英文

语类关系与文映射 英文PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(澳)马丁(Martin,J.R.),(澳)罗斯(Rose,D.)著
  • 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
  • 出版年份:2014
  • ISBN:9787513551236
  • 页数:289 页
图书介绍:《语类关系与文化映射》一书由悉尼学派的领头人J. R. Martin 教授和其弟子David Rose博士合著,可谓悉尼学派语类理论的集大成之作。本书阐述了悉尼学派语类研究的出发点、理论框架、分析工具等理论问题,着重介绍了故事语类、历史语类、报告与解释语类、程序与程序讲述语类,并对相关的语类拓扑、语类学习路线设计、多模态语类等问题作了阐释。
《语类关系与文映射 英文》目录
标签:映射 关系

1 Getting going with genre 1

1.1 Back to school 1

1.2 Where did we turn? 8

1.3 Modelling context 9

1.4 Systemic functional linguistics 21

1.5 Tools for analysis:discourse semantics 30

1.6 Grammatical metaphor 38

1.7 A note on multimodality 44

1.8 This book 47

2 Stories 49

2.0 Variation in stories 49

2.1 Recount:recording personal experience 53

2.2 Anecdotes-reacting to events 56

2.3 Exemplum-interpreting incidents 62

2.4 Observations-commenting on events 65

2.5 Narratives-resolving complications 67

2.6 News stories-new kinds of stories 74

2.7 A system of story genres 81

2.8 Story phases-another perspective 82

2.9 Response genres-evaluating stories 93

3 Histories 99

3.0 From stories to histories 99

3.1 Biographical recounts-telling life histories 100

3.2 Historical recounts-recording public histories 105

3.3 Historical accounts and explanations-explaining the past 114

3.4 Expositions,discussions and challenges-debating the past 118

3.5 Packaging value-what history means 125

3.6 Typology-classifying difference 131

3.7 Topology-proximating likeness 132

4 Reports and explanations 141

4.0 Classifying and explaining 141

4.1 Reports:dassifying and describing things 142

4.2 Explanations:how processes happen 150

4.3 Genres in science 166

4.4 Multimodal reports and explanations 167

5 Procedures and procedural recounts 181

5.1 Procedures:directing specialised activities 182

5.2 Procedural recounts 198

5.3 Protocol 213

5.4 Procedural systems 217

5.5 Macrogenres 218

5.6 Education and production 226

6 Keeping going with genre 231

6.1 Is genre everything? 231

6.2 Relations among genres-paradigmatic relations 235

6.3 Relations between genres-syntagmatic relations 250

6.4 Dialogue 260

Notes 262

References 267

Index 286
