DNA纳米技术 方法与操作 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Giampaolo Zuccheri,Bruno Samori,白春礼主编
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787030414298
- 页数:361 页
1 Synthesis and Characterization of Self-Assembled DNA Nanostructures&Chenxiang Lin,Yonggang Ke,Rahul Chhabra,Jaswinder Sharma,Yan Liu,and Hao Yan 1
2 Protocols for Self-Assembly and Imaging of DNA Nanostructures&Thomas L.Sobey and Friedrich C.Simmel 13
3 Self-Assembly of Metal-DNA Triangles and DNA Nanotubes with Synthetic Junctions&Hua Yang,Pik Kwan Lo,Christopher K.McLaughlin,Graham D.Hamblin,Faisal A.Aldaye,and Hanadi F.Sleiman 33
4 DNA-Templated Pd Conductive Metallic Nanowires&Khoa Nguyen,Stephane Campidelli,and Arianna Filoramo 49
5 A Method to Map Spatiotemporal pH Changes Inside Living Cells Using a pH-Triggered DNA Nanoswitch&Souvik Modi and Yamuna Krishnan 61
6 Control of Helical Handedness in DNA and PNA Nanostructures&Roberto Corradini,Tullia Tedeschi,Stefano Sforza,Mark M.Green,and Rosangela Marchelli 79
7 G-Quartet,G-Quadruplex,and G-Wire Regulated by Chemical Stimuli&Daisuke Miyoshi and Naoki Sugimoto 93
8 Preparation and Atomic Force Microscopy of Quadruplex DNA&James Vesenka 105
9 Synthesis of Long DNA-Based Nanowires&Alexander Kotlyar 115
10 G-Wire Synthesis and Modification with Gold Nanoparticle&Christian Leiterer,Andrea Csaki,and Wolfgang Fritzsche 141
11 Preparation of DNA Nanostructures with Repetitive Binding Motifs by Rolling Circle Amplification&Edda Reiβ,Ralph H?lzel,and Frank F.Bier 151
12 Controlled Confinement of DNA at the Nanoscale:Nanofabrication and Surface Bio-Functionalization&Matteo Palma,Justin J.Abramson,Alon A.Gorodetsky,Colin Nuckolls,Michael P.Sheetz,Shalom J.Wind,and James Hone 169
13 Templated Assembly of DNA Origami Gold Nanoparticle Arrays on Lithographically Patterned Surfaces&Albert M.Hung and Jennifer N.Cha 187
14 DNA-Modified Single Crystal and Nanoporous Silicon&Andrew Houlton,Bernard A.Connolly,Andrew R.Pike,and Benjamin R.Horrocks 199
15 The Atomic Force Microscopy as a Lithographic Tool:Nanografting of DNA Nanostructures for Biosensing Applications&Matteo Castronovo and Denis Scaini 209
16 Trapping and Immobilization of DNA Molecules Between Nanoelectrodes&Anton Kuzyk,J.Jussi Toppari,and P?ivi T?rm? 223
17 DNA Contour Length Measurements as a Tool for the Structural Analysis of DNA and Nucleoprotein Complexes&Claudio Rivetti 235
18 DNA Molecular Handles for Single-Molecule Protein-Folding Studies by Optical Tweezers&Ciro Cecconi,Elizabeth A.Shank,Susan Marqusee,and Carlos Bustamante 255
19 Optimal Practices for Surface-Tethered Single Molecule Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer Analysis&Matt V.Fagerburg and Sanford H.Leuba 273
20 Engineering Mononucleosomes for Single-Pair FRET Experiments&Wiepke J.A.Koopmans,Ruth Buning,and John van Noort 291
21 Measuring DNA-Protein Binding Affinity on a Single Molecule Using Optical Tweezers&Micah J.McCauley and Mark C.Williams 305
22 Modeling Nanopores for Sequencing DNA&Jeffrey R.Comer,David B.Wells,and Aleksei Aksimentiev 317
Index 359
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