永明诗律研究 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:宋晨清,张洪明著
- 出 版 社:天津:南开大学出版社
- 出版年份:2015
- ISBN:9787310047420
- 页数:225 页
Chapter 1 Introduction to the Puzzle 1
1.1 Tonal prosody in Tang Regulated Style verses 1
1.2 The legendary origin and the outstanding issues 6
1.3 The objectives and the arrangement of this book 26
Chapter 2 Methodology 29
2.1 Major approaches in the research of versification 29
2.2 Our approach 46
Chapter 3 Construction of the Baseline 75
3.1 Areference point for comparison 75
3.2 Baselines used in previous studies 76
3.3 Constructing a better baseline 81
Chapter 4 Pair-Wise Contrasts in Yongming Style 98
4.1 Previous quantitative findings from Yongming poem data 98
4.2 Our discoveries—tonal rules in the Yongming poems 103
4.3 Statistical tests 108
4.4 Summary of the test results and conclusion 125
Chapter 5 Patterns in XXXXP Lines 129
5.1 Tonal patterns 129
5.2 The patterns found in lines where T5A is ping 131
5.3 Statistical testing of the pattern types found in PL2 142
5.4 Discussion of the tonal patterns found in PL2 161
5.5 Patterns in XXXXP lines in ZL1 162
Chapter 6 Patterns in XXXXZ Lines 168
6.1 The frequencies of all possible patterns of ping and ze combinations in XXXXZ lines in the Yongming collections 168
6.2 The frequencies of all possible patterns of ping and ze combinations in XXXXZ lines in the pre-Yongming collections 173
6.3 Major pattern types in ZL2 in the Yongming collections 175
6.4 Discussion of the tonal patterns found in ZL2 178
6.5 Pattern types in XXXXZ lines in ZL1 and PL1 181
6.6 The relationship between pair-wise contrast rules and patterns 185
6.7 Summary 188
Chapter 7 Conclusion 192
Bibliography 196
Appendix 207
Subject Index 219
Name Index 223
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