- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:清华大学材料学院编
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:2015
- ISBN:9787030440464
- 页数:578 页
第一篇 柳百新传略 1
第二篇 柳百新研究组发表的500篇SCI论文目录(1982—2015年) 13
第三篇 35篇代表性论文 57
1.Structural Difference Rule for Amorphous Alloy Formation by Ion Mixing 59
2.Ion Mixing and Metallic Alloy Phase Formation 62
3.Different Behaviours of Amorphization Induced by Ion Mixing 86
4.Observations of Fractal Patterns Induced in Thin Solid Films by Ion Irradiation 95
5.Linear Correlation of Fractal Dimension versus Atomic Magneton in Magnetic-Particle Aggregation 99
6.Thermodynamics and Growth Kinetical Consideration of Metal-Nitride Formation by Nitrogen Implantation 104
7.Void Swelling Induced by 1 MeV Electron Irradiation in Ti- and Nb-Modifiied 316 Stainless Steels 116
8.Disclination Loops in Ni-Mo Amorphous Alloy Films Induced by Ion Irradiation 122
9.C54-TiSi2 Formed by Direct High Current Ti-Ion Implantation 135
10.Anomalous Alloying Behavior Induced by Ion Irradiation in a System with a Large Positive Heat of Mixing 138
11.Spontaneous Vitrifiication in the Au-Ta System with a Small Size Difference 152
12.Formation and Theoretical Modeling of Non-Equilibrium Alloy Phases by Ion Mixing 155
13.Influence of Interfacial Texture and Asymmetric Growth in Diffusion-Limited Amorphization in Ni-Zr Multilayers upon Medium-Temperature Annealing 186
14.Interface-Driven Alloying and Metallic Glass Formation in Nano-Multilayers in an Immiscible Y-Nb System 197
15.Glass-Forming Ability Determined by the Atomic Interaction Potential for the Ni-Mo System 206
16.Metastable Rhombohedral Fe Phase Formed in Fe/Sb Multilayers and Its Magnetic Properties 210
17.Prediction of Solid-State Amorphization in Binary Metal Systems 217
18.Irradiation Induced Amorphization in Metallic Multilayers and Calculation of Glass-Forming Ability from Atomistic Potential in the Binary Metal Systems 221
19.Stability of a Nonequilibrium Phase in an Immiscible Ag-Ni System Studied by Ab initio Calculations and Ion-Beam-Mixing Experiment 269
20.Solid-State Crystal-to-Amorphous Transition in Metal-Metal Multilayers and Its Thermodynamic and Atomistic Modelling 273
21.Metastable Phase Formation in an Immiscible Cu-Ta System Studied by Ion-Beam Mixing,Ab initio Calculation, and Molecular Dynamics Simulation 336
22.Correlation of Magnetic Moment versus Spacing Distance of Metastable fcc Structured Iron 345
23.Crystallographic and Lattice Point Correlations of a New hcp-to fco Martensitic Transformation Observed in the Ni-Hf System 348
24.Atomistic Modeling of Crystal-to-Amorphous Transition and Associated Kinetics in the Ni-Nb System by Molecular Dynamics Simulations 354
25.Formation of Amorphous Alloys by Ion Beam Mixing and Its Multiscale Theoretical Modeling in the Equilibrium Immiscible Sc-W System 363
26.Icositetrahedral and Icosahedral Atomic Configurations Observed in the Nb-Ag Metallic Glasses Synthesized by Ion Beam Mixing 370
27.Nonequilibrium Solid Phases Studied by Thermodynamic Calculation, Molecular Dynamics Simulation, Ab initio Calculation and Ion-Beam Manipulation in an Immiscible Au-Co System at Equilibrium 373
28.Atomistic Mechanism of Interfacial Reaction and Asymmetric Growth Kinetics in an Immiscible Cu-Ru System at Equilibrium 385
29.Molecular Statics Calculation of the Formation Enthalpy for Ternary Metal Systems Based on the Long-Range Empirical Interatomic Potentials 395
30.Interatomic Potentials of the Binary Transition Metal Systems and Some Applications in Materials Physics 398
31.Atomistic Theory for Predicting the Binary Metallic Glass Formation 400
32.Interatomic Potential to Calculate the Driving Force, Optimized Composition, and Atomic Structure of the Cu-Hf-A1 Metallic Glasses 428
33.First-Principles Molecular Dynamics Simulations to Study the Crystal-to-Amorphous Transition in the Mg-Zn System 431
34.Atomic Modeling to Design Favored Compositions for the Ternary Ni-Nb-Zr Metallic Glass Formation 436
35.Structural Skeleton of Preferentially Interpenetrated Clusters and Correlation with Shear Localization in Mg-Cu-Ni Ternary Metallic Glasses 447
第四篇 培养的研究生名单 459
第五篇 主要获奖项目 463
第六篇 同学、同事和学生的回忆文章 469
散落的珍珠&(邓柯) 471
回忆童年的友情&(曹旭沧) 476
我的挚友柳百新&(张乃光) 478
金秋忆旧&(赵汉钧) 481
忆柳百新&(何宇忠,何宇信) 485
良师益友,莫逆于心&(李冠兴) 487
亦师亦友亦兄长,风雨同舟一甲子&(邱学良) 489
柳百新院士八十寿诞感言&(周克崧) 491
How did the “structural difference rule” help shape my career?&(Yang-Tse Cheng) 493
来自约翰·霍普金斯的贺信&(马恩) 495
栉风沐雨80载&(王曦) 498
出成果 育人才 展人生&(朱慧珑) 499
A tribute to the contributions of Professor Baixin Liu&(Julio A.Alonso) 504
学贯中西,儒雅人生&(魏炳波) 507
睿智勤奋的良师益友&(潘峰) 510
在柳先生组里读研究生的那些日子&(张政军) 513
学高为师,身正为范&(陈益钢) 516
师恩伴我前行&(赖文生) 519
越来越高大的身影&(蓝爱东) 528
和柳百新先生的师生缘&(杨涛) 531
回忆与柳先生在清华园的时光&(高坤元) 533
我的老师柳先生&(杨国伟) 535
贺恩师柳百新先生八十大寿&(刘剑波) 537
先生言传身教,促我学术成长&(李正操) 539
难忘师恩情&(龚浩然) 541
五载师生情,一世不了缘&(孔令体) 542
师恩无私深似海&(张瑞丰) 544
兹兹师恩,悠悠情深&(李家好) 547
师恩绵长&(郭海波) 549
我心目中的柳先生&(孔毅) 551
记师从柳百新先生的那些年&(何翔) 553
跟随授业恩师“闻道”十载的珍贵点滴&(邰凯平) 557
回忆和柳先生共同的日子&(梁苏会) 559
柳先生与我的三层关系&(王同乐) 561
日记里的柳先生&(崔苑苑) 564
问道五载,受用一生&(李楠) 566
先生之风,山高水长&(罗诗瑶) 568
师恩如山&(李洋) 571
春风化雨,德艺双馨&(王琦) 573
我读柳先生&(牛晓彦) 576
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